If you do use a pencil use a lot of pressure to make sure they cant just erase without it being obvious

If you do use a pencil use a lot of pressure to make sure they cant just erase without it being obvious.

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Why not just put a pen in your pocket?

>He thinks vote scumming actually happens

Explain the Lib Dems getting a crack at power when the government could have just altered votes to get their own party.

why don't bongs use pen

prob some mudslimes counting the votes in major cities.. people from 3rd world corrupt countries in general, its their modus operandi

They'll just check the remain box, too, if you use a pen so your vote won't be counted anyway.

Pen are considered dangerous assault weapons in Bongistan.

I hope you realize that those ballots are going straight to the incinerator

why the fuck would you use a pencil in the first place. In croatia every vote is done with ballpoint pens. wtf brits??

Fear of vanishing ink. No fucking joke.

deadly weapon

Niggers are considered presidents in the USA.

p much


>tfw US voted a nigger muslim into the office

I guess its ture, US citizens are fucking retarded.

You can never leave, don't forget Britain you're in the EU forever.

a more successful nigger than you could ever dream of

>created ISIS
>created more debt than all previous US presidents together


>president of most powerful nation in the world
>not successful

ok then

calling him more successful than you doesn't mean calling him successful

>using a fucking pencil to vote

jesus christ

oh jesus shut the fuck up already you tinfoil hat numpty

If they're going to stoop to modifying ballots, what makes you think they won't just burn them or throw them away?

wait, why would you actually use a pencil?

We do that too.
It works perfectly fine, don't want to risk fraud with risky digital voting systems.

they probably already had boxes of 80/20 remain to leave

then just burn the real ballot boxes

it actually happens all the time.


What the fuck. Don't your election stations place a pen at each voting box?
All our election boxes has pens chained to them.

Nice try dumbass.

Well in live in tooting and everytime i got to vote its full of mudslimes

hi are you the president of Denmark?

I'm calling bullshit on this. He's a useless nigger that fucked this country so very badly.

Using anything other than the supplied pencil is illegal under eu democracy law and your vote will not be counted.

i'm talking about individual success. that's all that obama cares about. he's a beauty queen

Or just don't use a pencil.

>The textbook groomed candidate for appealing to the most degenerate populations of voters.
>Successful on his own right

Yeah you're right. I do think that Obama did get through education on his merit. I was friends with 2 half black guys and both of them were very smart dudes that managed academics and sports well. Muslim students were good too. Way more honest than Indian and Chinese students.

Only compared to 21st century Republicans.

>implying they wouldn't just burn it

Disappearing ink. I'm not joking.


Pen is fine and valid. I voted in pen.

They supply pencils though.

Ask someone for a fucking pen, you asshole

Lol did they do anything with this information ? or just buisnes as usual

>Personal success
>Career success
Pick one

You don't think a few Muslims/eftists will not do stuff?

either one is better than what you have. he has 2 beautiful daughters

That told me, was wrong everyone he's a good president,he has 2 daughters

that's a personal success. to have your blood continue on into the future

Uhhhh... why using pencil? Who allows this? In Poland it's illegal to use pencil for voting. If you are afraid of 'vanishing ink' just apply the pressure with normal pen too. This is just ludicrous.

The fuck you think? Votefraud exist everywhere and it nevers gets anywhere when you try to report them for it. It might catch some media attention but then they will just have a new voting process which they hide their fraud better.

Not long ago some dude from an east block country had rallied his whole village to vote for the right leaning party and when the votes where counted there was not a single right vote in his village census.

>Voting with pencil

> Not voting with stamps that have their own serial number based on region, town, and random numbers making electoral fraud extremely difficult without appearing at least suspicious.

It's over, it's clear there's fraud involved.

Also, make sure to wear a tinfoil hat so psychics can't control your mind and make you vote remain.

better than yanks

I think my voting booth had a pencil too last elections.

It's OK, though, because here the votes are counted twice under impartial supervision.

You know animal sex actually is illegal in Denmark right?

We had a digital system from the netherlands some 15 years ago. Then a hacker demonstrated how you could theoretically alter the votes if you switch an EEPROM under the voting machine. It's not like you could actually do that while the 5 people of the voting committee are sitting right next to you, but since then we've gone back to pen and paper.

Safest thing was to fill out a postal vote yourself and hand it in on polling day. You can mark it with your own pen and they don't have two weeks to throw the letter away.

t. knower

Wait, seriously?

Putin is slav.

AND that there never have existed any brothels in Denmark since that's illegal as well.
AND that Denmark has a much higher percentage of whites than America which would make the lowest Dane much more succesful than any president of America.

No you dumb shit.


Bonglord is wrong.

E.g. in Italy you MUST use supplied pencils.
But supplied pencils are DESIGNED not to be erased easily. You can break one and take a sample home and check how difficult they are to erase.

That wouldn't have been the dumbest of laws they've come up with this year.

They can...

...discard your ballot.
...invalidate your ballot by making a second cross.
...replace your vote with another ballot.
...colour out your vote and tick the other box.

And it all takes less than 2 seconds to do. But no! Oh god no! The *real* danger is someone pulling out an ereaser, painstakingly getting rid of every last trace of your cross and then changing it to the other option. Yeah, that's *definitely* the most likely danger of vote fraud. Better apply a lot of pressure to make their life harder!

Wow, Sup Forums is up early, finding ludicrous excuses for why they lost. 'twas the evil sjw pencils!!!111

the ballot boxes are sealed from when they enter the ballot station to when they arrive at the sorting depot

What's this 'disappearing ink, I'm not joking' meme?

I sure fucking hope so, if the UK wants us to believe they're a first world democracy. Why do you bring it up, though? The sealed ballot boxes apply to every form of manipulation equally... So my point still stands, that erasing pencil marks is among the least likely forms of manipulation.


ISIS has been around since 1999 dumbass

It was Al-Qaeda that was created by a guy that you supported in Afghanistan in 80s.

I'd like to know as well. Are the Bongs worried that the paper might have a chemical in it that would make the pigment in ink disappear?

>Most important vote in a generation.
>Write an x with a pencil on this shitty piece of paper.
>literally pic related.

Do you guys ever get tired of making a joke of yourselves?

I don't know about the UK, but here you get a red pencil, but if you bring your own red pen or marker that's fine as well.

Only the red colour is allowed, don't know why though