So what is the future of this country?

So what is the future of this country?

Civil war?

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>So what is the future of this country?
>Civil war?

Not likely. Social unrest at best.

Or a "France Spring" in a Ukraine fashion maybe.

We're doomed in any case.

>Civil war
>Sharia land

hopefully civil war, some heads need to be on pikes

Frexit when?

French Revolution 2: Electric Boogaloo

Complete with guillotine

Fortunately there's a lot of guillotines in the museums ready to be used again

I personally like "Fruck Off"

Kek is a frog and he's on our side

Economic decline. Brain drain. Periodic chimpouts. Wash, rince repeat until there's only half-retarded mongrel shitting in the streets left.

>refreshing the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants

Decent idea tbqh.

Gonna turn into South Africa.

Renamed North Algeria

'ethnic' war.
We will win against shitskins, we'll be exhausted and weakened.
Then NATO comes along, and kills what's left of us using air strikes.
Then, it's Germany turn followed by Great Britain's turn.

1 more year of total chaos, then some """hope""" then it will go straight back to shit because of the lack of good leaders in this muslim and refugees infested shithole.

I can't wait to gtfo once my finances (crippled because of muh socialism) allow me to.

>Civil war?


>leaving when the ship is sinking

good France wasnt made by cowards like you, fuck off

Brain Drain. Rich, smart people want safety and they'll go elsewhere if France can't provide it.

Source: I hear french regularly nowadays and I spend most of my time in the rich and high-tech industry areas.

>Civil war?
not a chance.

We'll slowly be dissolved in the mess that is brussel's federalist europe, where the french people no longer have a say in how their country should be governed

there is literally no hope vote for marine do whatever you want france is a vassal of germany which is is a vassal of the USA.

France is done, only muslim people still make children and the youth is more retarded than it ever was

The right is as bad as the current government and marine will never get the throne. The country is as good as dead.

The people are so dumb if we had to vote for a frexit I am sure out wouldn't get more than 20%.

So what happens in a civil war when both sides surrender?

all is going according to plan, and as soon as the frogs fight each other, Elsass will belong to the Kaiserreich again

You hear it all over London too, it's getting a little annoying tbqh.

Smart kids are GTFO wherever they can find opportunities : mostly to the US, UK and Germany at the moment.

Those that stay are either the well connected that can get one of the few good jobs left or the dumb, low energy ones.

This is truly depressing.

Into the trash it goes

What are they going to do if civil war happens?
Surrender to each other?

What happens when both sides of a civil war surrender?

Fucking quality

I wonder, of who USA is the vassal...

>france is a vassal of Germany which is a vassal of the USA
You forgot
>which is a vassal of Israel

Did I really need to state the obvious?

Even if we get a Frexit the people are so fucking dumb and uneducated that at least 90% would vote remain

This country is a lost cause, it's not even worth fighting for anymore, there's absolutely no chance to win or even change things at all.

Just fuck off to a better place and let it go.

>Republic N+1

You really like to increase the number, so problably that.


At least you got a pretty sick nuclear power program which as an Australian who's government and people scream "FUCKARESHIBA" every time nuclear power or uranium mining is mentioned, I'm jealous.

>the french people no longer have a say in how their country should be governed
Good. Because when you look out at how french vote then they're pretty much retarded. Half of this country vote for parties like it's a football clib without looking at their program or anything.
We got what we deserve for being that dumb.

nuclear program that the successive governments are trying to dismantle.

Nuclear energy is one of the few sectors France is good at and goddamn hippies want to close nuclear power plants.

Did I mention how they plan to cut research funds and shit too?

>civil war
>half of the population is over 50 and don't make babies

Zero chance at all
France is dead anyway. The whole western Europe is becoming USA. Same obesity rate, same multi racial rate. First thing EU did once the market was unified was to sell us to TTIP. Our remaining army was dismantled by Sarkojew and Algeria will explode once Hillary will win. We're fucked

Be careful what you wish for. Your average French white male is a trendy nu-male that doesn't lift and never shot a firearm. The muzzies are more aggressive and have weapon stashed in many projects.

We ended mandatory military service 20 years ago. Even then, every cuck avoided it by shitting their pants during orientation rather than doing their bit.

>posts the picture of a genocidal leftist dictator

uh uh

I can totally picture that:
>that hipster faggot
>his hand up his head
>yelling "I'm with you! I'm peaceful!"
>getting shot and rip off by a mob of shitskins
>chanting about the great Muhammad bringing peace upon the muslims of France

>never shot a firearm
It's not like I don't want to, but it's hard as fuck to get a gun in France.

But yeah people are weak as fuck here.

Fuck France then.

My generation here seems to obsessed with your nu-'progressive-culture

Civil war or submission.

what was that?

Les français sont toujours un coup en avance sur le monde en ce qui concerne les révolutions. Si ça ne se passe pas en 2017 ce sera en 2022, quand 5 ans de Juppé les aura enfoncé bien au fond du trou.

This, but fuck Robespierre all day every day

D'ailleurs Ro baise qui il veut, tant que Pierre est d'accord.

nu-progressive 'culture' comes from the jews, from their safe-heaven: the States.

My dream.

pls no, j'ai pas envie d'avoir le choix entre la gauche et la gauche lite.
On sait très bien que Marine n'a pas une chance.

Ce n'est pas parce que c'est "dur" que cela devrais te stopper. Tu manques juste de motivation. Cherche un club de tir ou même un club de ball trap et tu auras accès à la catégorie C. Oui il faut allonger du fric, oui il faut aller se faire tamponner la licence par un médecin et ça fait chier. Fais-le et c'est tout.

Build an army before, Hans.

Bah je suis désolé ... je ne sais pas qui est ton candidat préféré mais au final ce sera MLP contre quelqu'un, et tous les débiles vont voter pour l'autre parce que vos médias corrompus vont dire de le faire.

> It's not like I don't want to, but it's hard as fuck to get a gun in France.

Not at all, there are shooting ranges all over where you can rent a firearm. Look up the "ANTP : Association Nationale de Tir de la Police" for details.

You just need to register with one of them and presumably pass background check.

Not the one you're responding to, but did you even tried?

I've did each and every shooting range in my region and all I was answered is "sorry we're full".

Now I know that since i'm young peoples can think I'm a COD kid.
But i'm not. I lurk /k/ since forever, i've a BP revolver that I learned to master, and in the meantime i've already shot a bunch of firearms.

So if you ave any tips for a shooting/skeet rang in Britanny that accepts new members please let me know.

Otherwise, be advised that it may not be as easy for everyone as it was for you.

How does Varg have 3 rifles then, rural area has different rules?

I don't know exactly, probably a business school student.

it's already been decided a while ago that he is going to be our next president and that's why I am so pessimistic.
I mean he attended Bilderberg last year (the only one french politician allowed)

The only hope to have is being able to get the fuck out. I plan to try my luck in Norway asap.


None. At least not a French one.
Two most probable scenarios.

1 - No civil war , bankruptcy , islam the norm. (it's very likely because the majority are socialists/egalitarians so they see indigenous Europeans as the problem.)

2 - Civil War +Bankruptcy + Balkanisation.

PS: the Bankruptcy in both scenarios would be innevitable because of massive white flight + unlimited 3rd world immigration + Socialism. Which is a deadly combo.

I personally don't see a future in my country. Maybe an Islamic one. Or , one similar to Syria or the Balkans. a country where you'd have high racial & religious tensions. Where the remaining whites would live à la "south africa" , with mini-Orania like parts of the country.

Will this happen in my lifetime ? I don't know. Maybe i'm being too pessimistic.
But i sincerely fail to see any positive outcome when we're not only stuck in the EU + 3rd world invasion + socialism.
Europeans will be gone. Either by ethnic cleansing or white flight. They'll leave Western Europe behind , and live in some other part of the globe.
The only thing that could change this scenario would be for the EU to die. (and it will , but if it takes as long as the soviet union , it'll be too late)....Or a new Hitler in power.

The problem is the european population itself. Subverted , brainwashed...
I feel like Neo out of the Matrix.
I don't know why the brainwashing works on 80% of the european population. I'll never understand it.

>5 ans de Juppé les aura enfoncé bien au fond du trou.
Le pire qui puisse arriver avec Juppé c'est la stagnation. Il foutra pas trop la merde, pas comme ceux qui l'auront précédé en tout cas. C'est déjà ça

Tu as tout compris. Bienvenue dans la médiacratie française. Enfin on partage ça avec les américains qui vont voter Clinton parce que Trump n'est pas l'ami des grandes chaines.

Connaissant le système français, vous allez stagner pendant 5 ans puis réélire un LR. Ça ne vous suffira même pas, même si vous vous prenez une dizaine d'attentats sur la gueule d'ici 2022 ! Vos médias continueront de traiter le FN de nazis et ils ne vous sauveront toujours pas ...

A race war won't solve anything because the majority of whites in France are commies. They're doomed.

>It's hard as fuck
It isn't you fuck tard. If your idea of a gun is a fully auto m16 or ak47 ,yeah sure you'll have problem.
But getting a shot gun or a semi auto rifle ? Long but not hard. The only real problem is that carry is impossible

they were confiscated and they're only allowed in rural areas for hunting, in spain its the same.
You literally go to prison if you use them in self defense

>expecting sebastiens to fight back against the ahmads

To me, it seems the French police are pretty based and may eventually get sick of the Islamist bullshit and take matters into their own hands. The French population seems cucked and leftie as fuck otherwise.

People like to moan but they are just hypocrites happy with the status quo..

>want to get licence for a gun for plinking
>has to apply to civilian range
>Hello, I'm your instructor! I will teach you how to handle a gun!
>mfw I'm a fucking qualified military instructor, qualified to handle and train people on shit ranging from handguns to handgrenades to assault rifles to HMG's, I've shot fucking mortars and am qualified to handle explosives and carry out destructions, but I have to sit through a shit-tier training with a dickface yabbing about the "4 safety rules" that I TEACH MYSELF
Fuck that noise. Seriously.

That can't last indefinitely

>carry is impossible
Then what's the fucking point?
Oui, je sais. Mais Juppé c'est encore le moins pire des candidats qui ont une chance de passer, il a pas que des idées de merde.

Le FN passera jamais malheureusement.

(((Democracy))) was a mistake

Pour que le FN puisse nous sauver il faudrait qu'ils soient entouré de gens compétents, et je n'en suis pas sûr.

Il faudrait aussi qu'il est une majorité large, pour truster aisément les élections législatives, or ça ne sera pas le cas, déjà si il passe à la présidentielle ce serait un miracle, et la propagande gauchiste des médias, les grèves etc feront écrouler sa côte de popularité avant les élections législatives. J'imagine déjà un nouveau Malik Oussekine dans les cartons d'urgence des libéraux "de gauche".

Clairement la solution n'est pas "démocratique" vu que nous ne vivons pas vraiment en démocratie dans ce pays.

>civil war

It's the fate of every diverse multicultural society free of hate.

Jupé le repris de justice. Et peut-être futur président. La honte...

It's what I'm expecting, going to a shooting range.
I guess if you're not a kid with his dad or a girl, they just assume you're here because you play too much cod.

as long as they have paper to print banknotes on, it can

Les révolutions. Y'a que ça qui vous a fait avancer dans l'histoire à chaque fois.

T'es sérieux ? Juppé ? Le type est un libéral pro-européen, atlantiste à fond, pro-immigration. Certes lui sais plus ou moins ce qu'il fait comparé aux guignols socialistes et encore, il n'y a qu'a voir son bilan en tant que ministre des affaires étrangères, un ministre soumis à l'intervention de BHL en Libye.

Yeah I know this feel, I'm an ex soldier and I wanted to go for a gun licence, it's full plus I have to start with tucking airgun while I used to shoot with a famas ( category a weapon )... I will change region anyway, hope I got better luck.

After that island above us does it
>c'est pas gagné

>french people are peaceful in a peace time
That's precisely why many of us want a civil war, muslims are actually wining the peace with all the institutions on their side.

Don't worry about the nu-males, we also had a lot of them before WWI, as soon as they will need to fight for survive they will do it.

Muslims show a more aggressive behavior in peace time, but that's just what uncivilized people do. Niggers do it as well and that doesn't make them conquerors.

>Juppé who never won a mandate beside mayor of his shitty city.
>le juppé who surrendered and fled to fucking Canada after losing

What can you expect with 5 years with this fucking twat? I wonder how short people's memory is when they unironically plan to vote for him. The guy is the biggest shill the jews can hope for.

Please France get the algerian scum out. i would like to visit my grandad's country before it gets totally ruined by mudslimes

Le problème c'est que ce segment est squatté par les bobos gauchisant de "nuit debout" qui croient refaire mai-68. Ce n'est pas d'une révolution qu'on a besoin mais d'une remise en ordre gaulliste. Ou alors une révolution néo-conservatrice sur la base de la "manif pour tous"

>immediately starts running away

Pic related is a french tank. They built it so it had 5 gears in reverse, so they can flee faster.

Never change. france

Rich sauces

>I don't know why the brainwashing works on 80% of the european population. I'll never understand it.

Public education. I have yet to meet a teacher that wasn't a marxist cuck. Your kids spend years there parroting how stronk womyn and multiculturalism is good, everything else is bad.

Good luck running the academic gauntlet if you don't share their political convictions. If you want to save your kids from indoctrination, you need to send them to a private school which is admittedly expensive.

Maybe some country vocational schools are not as bad, the ones in Paris are utter shitholes though.

The only thing that surprises me is how easily the left turned against the white working class lads. Their contempt runs so deep, they don't even seem to be aware of it.


More niggers, then more muslim, then europan caliphate.

>libéral pro-européen
Le libéralisme économique c'est pas vraiment le problème, c'est surtout le positionnement globaliste pro-Europe.
J'ai jamais dit que Juppé était idéal, juste moins pire que les autres.

L'idéal ce serait d'abolir la "démocratie" "républicaine" qu'on a actuellement et de réellement faire le ménage

C'est vraiment un putain de piège parce que c'est justement mai-68 qui a créé toute cette merde en Occident. Franchement j'ai du mal à voir un espoir ... il faudrait que Trump soit élu et que l'UE s'écroule petit à petit et peut-être que vers 2030 une lueur d'espoir apparaîtra J'ai remarqué que les jeunes français étaient pas débiles ils votent souvent FN ou en tout cas en ont marre..

He has zero chance against Sarkojew

I'm sorry. Why does my country have to be the cause of all libshit and degeneracy in the world?

He was actually arrested for having guns.

They saw his blog, then realized he has guns, and spent 21 years in jail for killing out someone from 40 cuts in the back in self-defense after driving 3 hours to meet them, and they freaked out.

i'm not a world of tanks fag so, its this a bad design for a tank?


>If you want to save your kids from indoctrination, you need to send them to a private school
I went to a catholic private school and the professors were still leftist shills
It was one of the best schools in Paris as well, in terms of ranking. It's all going to shit m8

People don't necessarily forget but media sure as fuck will

See Fabius
Guy killed dozens of people and he's still participating in politics like nothing happened