Green elephant

You have probably all heard about Russians and their Defenders and Vikings, none of which i can find online and translated for some reason.
Yet nobody ever here talks about the only Russian masterpiece
And its on fucking youtube for fucks sake. The entire movie.
Now i have a question for our russian hackers lurking here, trying to hack US freedom, if anyone knows if there is a sequel coming out? I heard only rumors.

Other urls found in this thread:

This translation is fucking shit, cyka blyad

dude poop lmao

Seriously I'm considering watching it. I really liked Salo or the 120 Days of Sodom. Is it similar?

True КИHO.

based Green Elephant

Its better.

Ублюдoк, мaть твoю, a нy иди cюдa, гoвнo coбaчьe! Чтo, peшил кo мнe лeзть?! Tы, зacpaнeц вoнючий, мaть твoю, a? Hy, иди cюдa, пoпpoбyй мeня тpaхнyть, я тeбя caм тpaхнy, yблюдoк, oнaниcт чepтoв, бyдь ты пpoклят! Иди, идиoт, тpaхaть тeбя и вcю твoю ceмью, гoвнo coбaчьe, жлoб вoнючий, дepьмo, cyкa, пaдлa! Иди cюдa, мepзaвeц, нeгoдяй, гaд, иди cюдa, ты, гoвнo, ЖOПA!

An essential guide to life in Russia

Watching it right now, haven't laughed this hard since last year. Thank you.

Its basically a story of user stuck in a cell with a redditor

Also, there is a janitor and a 9gager or some shit baking everyones life more miserable

But which is the user and which is the redditor? I'd have thought that the user is the one who shits everywhere.

Sequel could never be as good. There's a certain indie vibe here that can never be replicated. It's like Portal 2, you can't force the memes, you need to let the memes flow.

Pahom is the redditor, Epifantsev is user, "Colonel" is the janitor, but who is the based Captain?

based fucking Captain


Rusfag here. You know it's going to be kino when the first frame is a warning to take children, elderly and pregnant women away from the screen.




What the fuck is this shit?

A trailer for the sequel, i hope

Look at itIt isnt the shitty VHS footage anymore, thus it isnt leeching off its old glory. It is for itself.

>Putin bans homos and degeneracy
>whole movie is about gay sex, scat and rape

What did they mean by this?

Mysterious Russian soul.

i guess it has something to do with the russians and what went on in their minds back in the 90s
i heard it was pretty shit to be alive there back then

Fair enough. It was so bad my parents left Russia and settled in fucking Africa, which is why I'm living in a third world country.

Nah guys, you get this КИHO wrong. Pahom is shitposter (literally), and Epifantsev is your average user. They stuck in thread, and shiposter greentext his story from life to average user, until user snaps and beat the shit out of shitposter. The thing is, no matter how you abuse or humiliate shitposter YOU will be one who will lose, cos shitposter have nothing to lost and having giggles from your breakdown. Later come janitor and ban whole thread, and most important what your average user became guilty, and not shitposter. Later comes Mod and starts fiesta where janitor, average user and shitposter get involved into sodom. Your average user snaps last time and here comes the gyro. Only one who left alive is shitposter, so moral of the story, you cant beat r9k

Excellent critique, my Russian friend.

thats fucking deep
how did they predict r9k in 1999?