Melian full power vs Sauron full power, one on one combat, which Maiar would wind?

Melian full power vs Sauron full power, one on one combat, which Maiar would wind?

Sauron. Assuming melian doesn't have her barrier up

>full power
>barrier is down

Sauron's a big guy.

The shield is down, commence attack on Melian's main reactor.

Where is that located?



Why does he wear the mask?

We're on our way

We have a new enemy. The young Maiar who destroyed the Balrog of Moria. He could destroy us.

On my way.

I'll deal with this myself.

For some reason I thought that the plot of Shadow of Mordor would concern Morgoth attempting to return to Middle Earth. Decent story anyway but I was a little disappointed.

Red group, Gold group, all fighting Uruk Hai come with me.

Told you they'd do it!

Hu hu hu


Her biggest feat was cucking her Maiar lovers with an elf-boi.

Sauron's taking this easily.

Lore was surprisingly accurate (which is not to say completely accurate) for a game.

That is a legit scary orc

It doesn't work like that.
This is not a dbz-power-level world.