I fucked an old Roma Gypsy on Saturday night without a condom

I fucked an old Roma Gypsy on Saturday night without a condom.

My dick is itchy and it stings when I pee.

she put a hex on you

How do I undo it?

By going to the doctor and getting diagnosed

rip bro

Congratulations you have a public louse

You'll be fine.


That's what you get for being filthy. Go to the doctor though, it might be something really bad.


Go to doctor, he'll have to chop it off

RIP Bulgadick


first) get to the hospital and make full blood tests for venerial diseases you dense twat

second) never do that again for the ever loving power of fuck

>I fucked an old Roma Gypsy

It sounds safe to know that Slavic people make up 40% of the European population.

Is bestiality legal in Bulgaria?

Be prepared for an amputation


STD's don't work that fast.

i fucked gypsy girl too but like 2 years ago and shes young and kind of hot but crazy

How rare are "hot" ones?

gonorrhea definitely, hope for you it's not antiobiotics-resistant super-gonorrhea which exists now thanks to the faggots

also wtf were you thinking lad? a fucking Roma gypsy??

yeah they do, gonorrhea does

Always go for the virgin ones m8.

that would be pedophilia m8

>I fucked an old Roma Gypsy
just how low can you fall m8


Insert a straw at the entrance of your urethra then slowly pour disinfectant in the straw. It stings but it's the only way to do it.

some of them do pham

if not bait go to the doctor right now and tell him what you did (not necessary to mention the prostitute was a gypsy)

Considering gypsies traditions, that would probably means he has to aim for the under 7 years old ones, you know?

i dont know i dont see many gypsie desu but when i go to some disco there are always few fuckable ones but they prolly took like 15 dicks in last hour so i avoid, 85% of the look like this +-

gypsy don't care
they fuck and marry young
such are their ways

Not bad, I thought they looked like a cross between abo's and Indians. We have little to no contact with them here.

Please die, normalfag scum like you don't deserve to be alive.