we post interesting maps

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>Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the UAE, Qatar, and Yemen have taken in almost no refugees
>those countries are Arab-speaking and Sunni-majority
>those countries are all within the top 25 richest countries as measured by GDP per capita

Holy shit I hate the Gulf States.




>africans commit less crime than burgers and ivans


FBI you have no power here!!




Yemen is a failed state with an ongoing civil war wtf makes you think they should be taking in refugees
>those countries are all within the top 25 richest countries as measured by GDP per capita
holy shit


Forgot to add: percentage of Males in Europe Who are Smokers





>yfw this isnt edited



Btw... we are not soothsayers.

Is it so difficult to write "Belarusian"

этo yжe пepeхoднaя фopмa, я дyмaю

Whats that about?

We have aound 60k-90k refugees here. 250k is too much for us.
Nontheless, we have the highest number refugees on the hole continent, and almost all of them are colombians.


Hy,мoжнo и Бeлopyccия, и Бeлapycь,пpaвилaми oбe фopмы paзpeшeны

How Sup Forums react to know that Brazil has the biggest "arab" Diaspora in the world (outside ME*), and still no Muslims?

>go to caipirinhabundaland
>drop islam
gee I wonder why

в aнглийcкoм нeт бeлopyccии

we have dozens of thousands of Venezuelan refugees.

It seems to me kind of doubtful that the only country where the indigenous people are a majority (Bolivia) has still a relatively high percentage of european ancestry.

You retard the only Arabs that went to south america are christian arabs, they were never Muslim
Life expectancy or something, cant remember

>имплaинг я знaю aнглийcкий

We do get a bunch of minority Muslims back when the ottoman when full genocide mode. Most of them chose the secular path for a giant number of reasons (too many sources that disagree with each other).

austria confirmed for monaco

we should invade south america some time

Yeah, try.
Last time (and only time) that a country invade Brazil, lost 80% of his population and half his county.
Be my guess.


we're nothing like mestizo sissies

>is not a bunch of mestizos

Sure thing.
Do you think that your shitty country can wage a war against the giant Brazil?
We never being defeated in our entire history. We could burn your entire country, rewrite your history, destroy your society, with just a single division of monkey eaters.

We are fucking Brazil. The world don't pick on us, because they fear and respect us.

shit joao, you genocided paraguay by surrounding it in three fronts

there's not a single drop of military skill in your "victory" againt paraguay

you're just a bunch of monkeys with guns
rio de janeiro, best display of brazilean military

No matter how we won. A victory is a victory.
You just mad because your country is just the second in military power in South America.

>Wallonia is completely distinguishable from Flanders
classic Wallooncuck




>French Guyana

Excellent map




Explanation incoming for saudi arabia and egypt (can't speak for other states)
Most syrians who fled their country fled at the very beginning,so they could still sell their homes and take their money and belongings with most can't even be considered refugees.around 560k refugees here who are truly refugees with no belongings

>saudi arabia
They don't consider their syrians as refugees but as " brothers and sisters in distress " .legally there are no refugees ther;although the number of " our brothers in distress " has exceeded 1.2 milion

Got one for 2015?

IQ maps are extremey inaccurate



>there are still baltic and slavic posters without a gf


China's countryside has a low intelligence quotient





This one is old I believe

why so few jews in central europe? did something happen?

yes, they flew to Israel

Although Indonesia was originally a Buddhist country, it is wonder why it became a Muslim country.

I've read something about Muslim merchants spreading the word of Muhammed (pbuh)

So we are the jews of Central America. hmmm

It was a dutch colony

>Costa Rica
S-should I move?

generalmente en las constituciones hay mas leyes y enmiendas etc que respaldan a otras, por ej aca un tipo de 35 años no puede tener
relaciones con una mina de 13, es un crímen
por eso estos mapas son muy engañosos

Seems unbelivably old.

y- y si tengo 20?

no soy un experto en ley pero me parece que vas en cana

Argentina has 13 y/o, but the age difference can't be greater than 6 years (might be 5, I can't remember clearly) if one of them is under 18

Literally skynet

Look at the map again. Only Yemen took in refugees.

Is Norway actually safer than most countries? I just kinda suspect everyone says their country is safe, but I couldn't say it's not safe.

uh china? refugee's?

(((most recent data)))

I got Yemen and Oman (which isn't Sunni, it's Ibadi) confused. Otherwise everything else I said was correct.