Americans and moderation

Why do people in the US struggle so much with the concept of moderation ? Why do most of them always push everything to the extreme ?

In america you're either a bleeding hearth commie or a nazi white supremacist
You're either a full-fledged atheist bent on the destruction of all religious concepts, or a fanatic, bible-thumping fundamentalist
You're either a morbidly obese tub of lard or a cardio bunny.
You either support anything the governement says or a treacherous terrorist who swore death to murrica
You're either a productive, functionning member of society or a welfare-grabbing leech
They either see immigrants as hard-working, honest folks or drugged up rapists looking to violate the purity of their white daughters

It's like they systematically refuse any sort of compromise. Is it too hard for them to understand the intricate, complex mechanisms of society ?

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That's what not having foreskin does to your brain

That's what internet makes think. Real life Americans I've met aren't like you describe.

Americans are far less extreme than Europeans where there literally have to be laws banning Nazi/commie organizations in some cunts.

The psychosexual trauma and brain damage caused by infant circumcision reduces our empathy. This is why we're so violent and given to extremism.

Exposure bias because only the extremes actually reach you in documentation. Average America is pretty average (but still a bit weird, it's like half of all Americans are acting their life and pretending it's a movie or sitcom).

you browse too much Sup Forums

there was a nice interview with a fake news creator at npr:

it started as a fun game to trick rightwingers and developed into a business. my favorite tidbit

>We've tried to do similar things to liberals. It just has never worked, it never takes off. You'll get debunked within the first two comments and then the whole thing just kind of fizzles out.

That's a whole different issue. Is this a new meme ?

Americans are a broken people, all of them are mentally ill and brain-washed beyond repair. The best sensible solution to the American problem would be to bomb the entire continent. Colonialism was a mistake.

dont be a communist, communism is bad.

>a registered democrat

>finding a way to extract money over the backs of poor right wingers

of course its a democrat.

I mean, the shit is banned in your very cunt.

So this exposure bias might be one reason. Is it also because american information tends to simplify everything ?
Because they boil down complex issues into something easier to understand for dumb joe ?

I was trying to point out how ridiculous his statement about trying to troll up the liberals (in americans meaning of the world was) and how he was called out in every bullshit. Wonder what his fake articles looked like. "Donald Drumpf literally Hitler: Video evidence"?

cuz their brain looks as boxing glove

You don't think getting the most sensitive tissue of your body involuntarily amputated as an infant leaves a permanent scar on someone's mind?

A specter is haunting the USA: the specter of circumcision.

>tfw I'm literally none of what you just listed

No. it's proven that circumcision on an infant subjects them to a deep psychological and neurological trauma.

What if you're trying to find some short, direct and single explanation for this phenomenon like

Your argument only holds up if red = insane.

2 parties system is a mistake

These dubs speak the truth

The obsession that Europeans have with Americans' penises is quite interesting, almost Freudian.

>Americans' penises
more like Americans gentials mutilation

Or maybe it's just the ability to put a few words into Google Images.

that's step two. we need to take their money first


I have to deal with this constantly. They have no understanding of a compromise. Whenever I meet an American who doesn't froth at the mouth when I play devil's advocate, I'm surprised as fuck.

It's not entirely true though.

Liberals are no strangers to confirmation bias after all
Touting slogans such as “Facts have a well-known liberal bias”, people on the Left have made clear they see themselves as the true heirs and defenders of the Enlightenment. New research, however, shows that they’re just as deluded as everybody else.
One study, published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, concluded that conservatives and liberals were equally averse to listening to opposing viewpoints on hot-button issues, such as same-sex marriage. In fact, they were willing to give up the chance to win money just to avoid the unpleasantness of hearing an opinion they disliked.
A meta-analysis of 41 studies recently published on the Social Science Research Network reached a similar conclusion: there was no difference in partisanship between liberals and conservatives. As it turns out, “open-minded” liberals are plagued by confirmation bias to the same extent as “closed-minded” conservatives.
Consider Seattle, a city that voted 87 per cent for Hillary Clinton and is proudly one of the most progressive – and well educated – in the US. A warm embrace of scientific reality doesn’t come with the territory: Seattle isn’t terribly fond of biotechnology, rejecting GMOs and even vaccines. Rwanda’s childhood polio vaccination rate is higher than Seattle’s. As for other vaccines, including MMR, only five US states have higher exemption rates than Washington State. If liberalism translated into embracing science, we would expect places like Seattle to have vaccination rates of 100 per cent. Blame for “alternative facts” and “fake news” therefore, can’t be pinned solely on the Left or Right. Both are culpable.

Alternative realities
This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has followed politics in recent years. Society, fuelled by hyperpartisan news outlets and social media echo chambers, has created alternative realities for us to inhabit, full of self-reinforcing platitudes and free of any pesky information that might upset fragile world views.
That may explain the current US phenomenon of the “Regressive Left”, as University of Chicago evolutionary biologist Jerry Coyne called them, believing that – as he put it – “some positions aren’t just wrong, but [are] taboo to mention”.
The resulting absence of intellectual diversity has contributed to a toxic and intolerant American university culture. Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist at New York University, has documented how few conservatives there are in academia. In 1990, liberal academic psychologists outnumbered conservatives 4 to 1; today, the ratio is roughly 14 to 1.
Similar ideological exclusion was on display during the recent March for Science. Some protesters held signs that read, “Science is not a liberal conspiracy.”
That’s absolutely true. It is equally true, however, that science is for everybody – liberals and conservatives, atheists and believers. Twisting science into a bludgeon for political opponents is a gross perversion of humanity’s best attempt at secular knowledge. Worse, it does grievous damage to the institution of science. Trust in science has been falling among conservatives for decades.
As it turns out, turning science into a political weapon has backfired spectacularly. The good news is that the first step toward solving any problem is to admit that we have one. These new studies are a good first step.

now, let's not make this an israel/palestine thread

>banning extreme idiotic radical ideologies that have nothing good is bad

the only fault those cunts did is not banning Islam or fascism too, YET

I'm afraid it's not limited to Americans. I'm watching polish tv now and they cynically and deliberately promote divisions along political lines to consolidate their support.

Our politicians also make such efforts although usually not quite so brazenly.

those fucked up violent people you see in the news are real life americans; a small percentage of them, still americans. Kinda like muslims and isis

it's the american society that is fucked up, and the few mentally weak get their mind broken
