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Cya later cucksuckers


>implying you won't get cucked too

So did Britain. Too bad democracy doesn't work

Why don't Fucking Greece and Romania want to leave?



If the Spaniards were next to leave, would they call it a Sexit?

good job, Käsköppe

Euroscepticism is growing n Germany as well but it's not at that level.
Germany and the Netherlands are quite similar. Why is it that the Dutch want out? What do people that want to leave dislike most about the EU?

They're paving the way for world govt by destroying Europian Union.

Make it happen.

Didnt they already have a referendum? Or am I thinking Ireland/France?

Reminder that all succesful anti-EU referendums to this point had ZERO effect on EU membership. In France they simply repeated the referendum until they got the result they wanted.

Fuck, I was about to post that m8, then I scrolled down.


i always pictured the dutch as very pro eu, seriously before this whole brexit thing i thought the dutch would be the last to leave the eu...







>by far the biggest reason to leave EU is because it's undemocratic

>democracy doesn't work
So remain is fine?

>tfw half Dutch half British
Make me proud of my blood, Mom and Dad. Pls

nexit is very good

poetic even


Implying we will ever leave:

>In Deutschland dagegen dürfte die Bundesregierung eine entsprechende Volksabstimmung nicht durchführen - selbst wenn sie es wollte. Der Grundgesetzgeber war eindeutig: In Deutschland sind Volksabstimmungen zu Einzelfragen der Politik auf Bundesebene nicht zulässig. Denn das Grundgesetz hat sich in Deutschland eindeutig für eine repräsentative Demokratie entschieden. Danach wählen Bürger ihre Vertreter, die dann für eine begrenzte Zeit das Mandat haben, die wichtigen politischen Entscheidungen zu treffen.

>Grundsätzlich werden in der repräsentativen Demokratie der Bundesrepublik Gesetze nicht in Rahmen von Volksabstimmungen beschlossen. Die Erfahrungen der Weimarer Republik waren für die Verfasser des Grundgesetzes ein wichtiger Grund für ihre Ablehnung von Volksabstimmungen auf Bundesebene. Nur bei Fragen der geographischen Neugliederung des Bundesgebietes oder einzelner Bundesländer ist eine Volksabstimmung im Grundgesetz vorgesehen (Artikel 29 GG). Dagegen erlauben einige Länderparlamente, beispielsweise Bayern, Volksentscheide.

Good to see my home country waking up though. Go oranje!



Best of luck to them!

I can understand brits leaving because american backup. But netherland is a tiny country in the middle of Europe and one of the original members. Not a chance they are leaving.


It's a proud American tradition to flip flop between heritage being important or not at all.

> UK remains
> Netherlands leaves
> Italy leaves
> France leaves
UK left with Germans :D

Migrants and Brussels meddling are the two driving forces behind it.

Also the two anti-EU referendums we had were completely ignored. That caused some bad blood as well.

There's a difference between being controlled by a foreign entity that doesn't have your nation's interests at heart compared to having a ruler from your nation that cares about your nation.

What you're saying is reductio ad absurdum. It's like looking at the great turkish war where the ottomans were invading austria, and saying "hurr why do you care if you're ruled by the local austrians or the foreign muslim turks! It's an autocracy either way!"

The Eternal Kraut is finally getting his revenge on the British...

lol fag

Nationalist Union of Common Interests when?

US-Dutch-UK-Rus united against globalism manipulations & jihadis

To cut the subvention ? Hell no.
They are like our algerians and morocans, they love to talk shit about France but welfare is too good to go back to the bled.

As much as I want Brexit and Nexit and Spexit and Grexit and all of them to fucking happen, remember that the corruption the EU has spread to your countries is deep.

Daily reminder that the EU is a Jewish American conspiracy.

Its begun

the dutch are more based than that i think
which is why it would be good to do it before its too late for them too

I wonder what the percentage will be after 2 years of massive indoctrination from every media source plus the government and maybe some sensational attacks done by le evil right

No it would be the second inquisition, its all antisemetic of course!

>to be clear Im not antisemetic its just crazy hearing this crap

There is hope for our civilization yet

>27 people
>major poll

what's their population? 30 people?

Lad no believes what they see on TV anymore.

but seriously, kill yourself

Pim Fortuyn among other reasons

>pay in eu
>get shit in return

we dont even get 30% of what we pay in

We are a small country, but pretty proud. It is just that the left is really vocal, especially in fucking leftist slums like Amsterdam.

If you go into the smaller cities or the rural areas -we have a lot of those- you'll find a lot of people willing to reinstall pic related.

Same could be said in almost any Western country, but they still turn it on and hear of only one side of the story.

They don't trust the media, but the reason half of them think they don't trust the media is because they think it's owned by the Christian right wing.

so racist, dude

Calm your tits faggots. Nothing will happen.

Only thing remotely possible is Trump getting elected. No one will leave EU, perhaps greece kick out.


Are right wing Christians a problem in your country?

It's objectively a better flag than the red one. Muh NSB though

fug :DDD :DD

lol is your shit getting fucked up?

Netherlands won't do anything Germany won't do. Germany stays in Holland stays in. Germany leaves Holland leaves and start a different union with Germany.

We don't have a single party in our country that gets more than 2% of the vote that doesn't want gays married

I wouldn't even mind this one.

>whaaa only we are allowed to leave the EU and save the world

Well, the referendum in the UK isn't binding either. It wouldn't have to be a Volksabstimmung, but a Volksbefragung and then the government would pledge to follow the decision taken by voters.

To have a binding plebiscite element we would of course need to change the Grundgesetz, but we should have a new (real) constitution anyway after reunification.

Ok. So normal stuff, mostly. Is EU-migration the problem or non-EU migration?

your an white male


Also the Dutch aren't very pro EU at all. We have had multiple referendums against EU policies in the past (which did jack shit but still).

I don't really like that one, think it's because of the top right white bar

but then this looks even worse

they don't let you escape, remain is inevitable.

Probably because in the foreign media the Netherlands = Amsterdam and the rest of the Cuckstad.

Greece won't get kicked out, the threat will just remain.
Even a country that's bankrupt is appealing to EU exceptionalism. It will be used as "another reason why Brussels should be in control of national budgets".

Don't give me the feels, user. Most of us are either bluepilled SJW-tier or bluepilled republicunt-tier. No matter who wins next July, we'll proudly keep sucking EU dick.

What makes you think so? We are pretty close to our German friends but not THAT close.
A lot of people still salty over stolen bikes etc.

We are not leaving the EU. Neither are you.

If France leaves EU does not exist at all.
EU is based on two countries: France and Germany, the rest are satellites states.

Dutch bros, make the British dream come true. Pick up the torch we drop and run far far away from the EU.

I believe you can do it.

So why isn't there a movement to reform the EU on the issues that are causing EU-exist movements in member states?

im now #theredtothenether

Its more that I like what it stood for than what it looks like. But je, Prinsenvlag is god tier.

>things that will never happen

I think maybe the free money has something to do with it but I'm not sure. I'll have to do more research and get back to you on that one.

If England votes to remain; think any of these countries will vote to exit?

is this cunt the most useless politician in the world

i have yet to see him do anything

Would make no sense to use as the flag of our country, though, even though we helped design it

>reform the EU

Good joke mate.

I'm sure the SGP and CU would in a hearthbeat if they knew 100% for sure they wouldn;t lose votes over it.

The SGP-Youths are shockingly radical Christians though, I looked through their site and it seriously shocked me. Not because muh feels but that a part of the SGP actually has balls.

I'm sorry to hear that amigo. You guys need to shake up your sleeping populace somehow, show them that being ruled by Brussels really isn't in their interests.

Ain't the chances for a Brexit actually pretty good? Or did you give up all hope old chap? Rule, Britannia!

Belgium next...

Your economies are basically intertwined. You share a currency. You share protestant culture. Most people have moved beyond >muh grebbeberg

>reform the EU
Yeah right, that'll never happen. Reform needs approval of all 28 states. Try convincing the pro-EU states that the EU needs less power. It won't work, ever.

It's all or nothing, there is no in-between.

not happening lids

Democracy doesn't work, AUS shitposter.

No, Germany lost a lot of popularity everywhere over migrant crisis. Anti-EU crowd, who is likely anti-migrant too, they will not look at Germany and see a good friend.

Have we started the fire?

The war crime and paedophilia Labour party sacrificed on of their own to a hired crazy old white man to sway the vote to the Remain group.

Not a joke either unfortunately. The sacrificial pawn was Joe Cox.

SGP probably would and I said above 2%
They got 1.7%

>yfw Brexit fails and the UK is the last country left in the EU after everyone else leaves

It'll never happen.
There's no judicial apparatus that will allow The Netherlands to leave the EU.

They actually state clearly that they think democracy sucks. If the PVV or some local muslim party did that everyone would lose their shit.

shut the fuck up

the dutch aren't going anywhere, and neither are the brits

>Move in Netherlands 4 years ago to study
> Now starting my BV with two dutch partners in agrotechnology while working as a consultant

>mfw I see riots and shitstorm in France while I am comfy in Utrecht waiting for NL to leave EU

Dutchies are really a master race, aside from their women that goes from 1-3/10 then there is a gap and then 8,5-10-10

ps : I pay 52% taxes

Yea he is.

What about 40% of your population which is non-white, are they going anywhere?

If a fucking tiny country like the Dutch could free themselves from the Spanish I am sure the British are able to get out of the EU.. and help liberate us Dutch afterwards.

Also, if the murder really was planned by team remain that was fucking cold.
