This is pure garbage, one of the worst thing I have ever heard

This is pure garbage, one of the worst thing I have ever heard.

This is the last time I trust you Sup Forums. Go fuck yourselves.

Other urls found in this thread:

there are another grimes threads already, kys


It's not as good as her other stuff.
Couple great tracks though.

Talks like a gay guy

I'm pretty sure it's the same two people making posts about her

I post about her too in 2018

oh fug


Pleb status: filtered.

gay guys talk like women retard

yeah I saw that

>lumping Grimes, Lynch, Miyazaki, DFW, and Kanye West in with Warhol, Cage, Basinski, Leo, Corgan, and Paul Schrader
Whoever made this image macro deserves a fate worse than death.

To clarify, I'm talking about David Cage, not John Cage, who is an alright guy. The fact that Kojima and Cage are seen as equals in the gaming industry by anybody reveals a distinct lack of knowledge about writing, development, production design, and vision.

>a fate worse than death.
What, exactly, does this entail?

If there's an afterlife, then literally hell or purgatory.



Hell would involve being trapped listening to Grimes for eternity.

No, you're confusing that with St. Peter's pad at the Pearly Gates, but that's beside the point.