Why is this allowed in modern society?

And why does it have any rights to healthcare on the state?

I am not super fit myself, but this picture really baffles me.

Other urls found in this thread:


That's a big vagina.

BTW, this is a 9/10 in America

How the fuck do you just keep going like that? I already feel bloated at 10 pounds overweight


The fuck is that?

Looks like her lymphatic system is fucked. or could that be fat?

I have no idea

I just don't get it and I don't get how anyone can argue for fat acceptance with this?

How can you accept that this is alright? How?

how many holes does this semen demon have? dayum son.

this clearly has nothing to do with just weight like there is some kind of disease or genetic defect going on there.

this looks like some kind of nightmare creature from /d/

did she melt? or what's happening to her?

>fat accptance
Is that a new leftist tumber meme?

I remember years ago Bush trying to do something to help fat Americans and make them less fat, I guess it failed


Lies, thats a 6.

Not enough tit hair.

No matter what disease, the body obeys the laws of thermodynamics. It is impossible to get fat unless you are overeating.

Where's it's bellybutton

I wouldn't call it new

People can say genetics all you want, there is no fucking excuse for letting yourself get this obese. Nobody survived like this before our modern society, the problem is these people have no self control and eat 5 Big Macs just because they can and sit in front of the tv all day. If you have a medical condition there are still certain ways you can stay in shape/not be a smelly marshmellow on wheels.

muh genetics

>you will never suck on her penis legs
Why live

Just search google or whatever for "fat acceptance"


4 anyone.
is that a danish woman.

not new

I don't know what nationality it holds, found the pic in a another thread earlier.

/d/eviant here, we like our fatties like this.

jesus christ

kek at the guy trying not to hurl

laughed while vomiting profusely

Nope. It's at the top of the split in her "stomach"

fucking gross, i wanted to see her legs but i would see the whole thing and i just finished eating.

ayy lmao


that bro to the left, so based lol


Yeah says it all really.

My half-sister is kinda disposed to be large genetically, even moreso than me - She just have exercised very hard and kept her daily calories down and have turned into an okay beautiful lady. Not super skinny but not obese either.

I really don't get how these people can live with themselves.

Because we live in a dying civilization, with an abundance of wealth and a system of government with too few safeguards against corruption. We make it easy for people to take the path of least resistance, and these days, we even reward them for it.

I wonder this too whenever I see people who are so obese that they have to get around on motorized scooters. It's enablement, but it's become unacceptable to say so in the public sphere, because far too many people prioritize moral vanity over the well-being of society. It doesn't help anyone to keep enabling someone to be 400+ pounds, but then again, that's where the path of least resistance is. It allows people to avoid a lot of the tough questions and facing anger. But we've become a civilization of short-term band-aid solutions, and we're really starting to pay the price for trying to take the easy way out of everything.

While I hate lards as much as anyone else, this person probably has an actual medical condition. I don't believe that level of selling around the feet is from cheeseburgers.

She may have 'elephantiasis'


also check'd

It's not an excuse to give up like that, then at least give up fully and drown yourself so you won't drag society down.

I mean jesus christ, how often does this person have to see a doctor?

But if we're all going to believe niggers and abbos are dumb and violent because of their genes, at some point we have to accept some fats are unable to help themselves because of their genes. Most abuse the excuse, but legitimate medical conditions exist. These are not about lack of willpower.

No medical condition will make you obese. It's always eating too damn much.

Does it count as a mercy killing to put their vascular systems out of misery?

> rights to healthcare
Now you fucked up

I'm gonna kill the next person who tries to cite healthcare socialism in order to curtail my human rights

legitimate conditions exist, I don't argue against that - But if you have a condition shouldn't you work against it to the best of your ability - This here is just laying back and not doing anything

Solid 7

>Be me
>See this
>Realize how cool I am for being in the exact healthy weight for my height/age
>Also I eat as much as these fatties and won't get fatter. Don't do much sport, either.

Life's good man

Niggers are naturally stupid, but still must be held accountable for their actions.

Do you excuse the actions of niggers because of "muh genetics"? I sure hope not.

So why should we excuse fatties when they use the same excuse?


Your human rights to drag society down and be nothing but an expenditure for the entirety of your life?

She's beautiful you asshole. Fuck your beauty standards! You have no right to judge someone who is large. Everyone has different tastes and yours are no better than anyone elses. She's hot and if you don't like it fuck you!

Maybe this is why I stopped believing in "human rights" if people abuse them like this. To have any rights you have to earn them.

In the past eating everything you could get your hands on was a positive selection trait. It will take time until tendency to overeat selects itself out of the genepool.

> just torture yourself to fit the image I want for you

Kill yourself desu

PCOS, Cushing syndrome, hypothyroidism, diabetes. Please Google them. They exist and just because you and I are normal 6'1 swoll iron pill fitizens doesn't mean some people don't have fucked up genes. If there are superior genes then there are inferior genes. Some people are broken and our willpower to eat baked chicken breast and brown rice isn't affected by broken endocrine systems.

Hello leaf, I expected better retort from you desu

Maybe I need some australians in here.

They are only an 'expenditure' because you made them one

You eurotrash are disgusting sub humans

I made them this obese?

What's he listening to?

Why should anyone have health care offered by the state?

People should be left to their own defenses.

Thin the herd

I don't give a fuck what you want you fucking postage sized stamp of a country! Your views mean shit! Fuck you!


triggered, are you related to Trigglypuff?

I'm not making 'excuses', but their bodies are broken and can be repaired. It's not as simple as you or I choosing not to eat a donut that the office lard brings in every Monday. Nobody is excusing niggers either.

You force them to participate in social healthcare as a means to violate their bodily autonomy

Two pairs of tits, penis-legs and still unattractive

>It's not as simple as you or I choosing not to not rape a white woman

They are to blame for their actions. Stop making excuses for these people.

Why do so many dumb bitches have that lazy eye look?

Metabolism stopping is going to hit you like a brick if you don't shape up now

I'm 50 lbs overweight. :(

what show

Sad panda lied to me about reverse rape I guess

He can probably smell her putrid vag

Citizen put down that glass of wine! You are on government healthcare so we get to control your body and alcohol is bad for you!

Now do 50 pushups or gulag

And don't forget to eat your gmo fortified food paste


Ack, I'm choking from all these words you're putting into my mouth. Just so you know, your argument shows you don't have the logical standing to back what you're saying and you don't have the emotional maturity to admit you could have been wrong. You aren't refuting what I'm saying, you're creating an indefensible position to attack instead of what I've said. I never said niggers get a free pass for crime.

isn't this a batman villain? the one that shapechanges?


Mfw I thought she was wearing moonboots.
Mfw she was not wearing moonboots.

YOU are the one that introduced the analogy between fatties and mentally challenged niggers.

I merely point out that mental incompetence is NOT an excuse to go easy on niggers, so neither is it an excuse to go easy on fatties.

Maybe next time you should THINK before you compare yourself to niggers.

Fuck you Normie. You have no right to judge people you piece of shit.

>And why does it have any rights to healthcare on the state?
Pathological altruism, I guess

So when you punish someone, community service f.instance it is fine but forcing these people to not be a complete waste on healthcare is bad?

Before "but they commited a crime it is reasonable"

Yeah maybe they stole something, taking money from someone - These people here are taking unnecessary funds out of healthcare that could be used to treat a kid with cancer.

I really find no excuse to help these people if they allow it upon themselves.

Double standards much?

>I am a great soft jelly thing. Smoothly rounded, with no mouth, with pulsing white holes filled by fog where my eyes used to be. Rubbery appendages that were once my arms; bulks rounding down into legless humps of soft slippery matter. I leave a moist trail when I move. Blotches of diseased, evil gray come and go on my surface, as though light is being beamed from within.

>Outwardly: dumbly, I shamble about, a thing that could never have been known as human, a thing whose shape is so alien a travesty that humanity becomes more obscene for the vague resemblance.

>I have no mouth. And I must scream.

Why would this literal whale take a nude pic of themself and upload it online?

I am the same way but you still need to be careful. Keep an eye on your cholesterol and glucose.

>These people here are taking unnecessary funds out of healthcare that could be used to treat a kid with cancer.
No the government is doing that, you retarded mongol

Holy fuck, it's got the buddy of a telly-tubby.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes

Body positivity movement.

So if I argue that the gubmint should stop treating these people you would be okay with it?

Im such a piece of shit it would probably take such an intervention to show adequate results. In 6 months i have only lost 17 pounds.


he maybe an idiot but his ideal empire would not allow degeneracy aka the good idiot

That is 17 pounds lost, good on you. Don't say it is only, you're doing something.

She looks so odd, she is not even round, the fat just hangs down. Furthermore, her face looks like one of a obese person, and not from a super obese blob

>he fell for the chicken is good for you

Enjoy your estrogen, just eat lentil rice and bran faggot


I've only lost 6 permanently

9/10 on the Richter scale maybe

No you google them.

"Thyroid hormone is one of a complex assortment of hormones and proteins that help to regulate body weight. In general, hypothyroidism causes the body’s metabolism to slow, resulting in a shift in the balance between calories eaten and energy used. Hypothyroid patients may also experience some fluid retention. The net result may be weight gain, usually of no more than 5-10 lbs. Hypothyroidism alone does not cause severe obesity."

These diseases don't "cause" obesity in and of themselves, though i agree a fucked endocrine system can mess with your willpower. I'm lucky that stress diminishes my appetite instead of increases it for example. Being born with low intelligence wont help either.