Anakin turned to the dark side because he wanted to prevent Padme from dying

Anakin turned to the dark side because he wanted to prevent Padme from dying

Padme died and he was told

From that point on, what was his motivation for staying a Sith and not just murdering Palpatine for playing him?

Also have this video

Other urls found in this thread: to google "star wars canon" for babbies



And he was a good friend.

Oh fuck off, Obi-Wan made all that shit up thinking it's what Anakin would have wanted if he hadn't turned.

Your liver is failing.

He blamed himself rather than Sheev, was filled with hate and despair and from that point on just basically resigned himself to being Sheev's tool.

There was no turning back. What were Anakin's options at this point? He was reliant on the Empire to keep his suit working. The Jedi were all gone. The galaxy hated and feared him, Padme was dead, his unborn child was dead (as far as he knew), Obi-Wan had betrayed him (in his mind).....Palpatine was all he had left.

The "official" episode iii novelization actually addresses this. Anakin is so angry at everyone, at himself, at Palpatine, but he lacks the power to just destroy Palpatine, and in the end he doesn't even truly want to. Palpatine is his only remaining way to achieve his dreams, bring order/peace to the galaxy, and make all his horrible crimes at least somewhat worth it in the end.

A better question is "why didn't Anakin just kill himself?".

His motivation was that he didn't have anywhere else to go, or anyone else who would trust him

Of course it could've been handled better, but did you even try to come up with an answer, OP?

>Obi-Wan made all that shit up thinking it's what Anakin would have wanted if he hadn't turned.
Luke, have I ever told you that your father was, just like me, a celibate space monk who is forbidden to give in to emotions and have normal relationships and family. So you were born only because he was a shitty jedi who neglected our rules. You're a good friend.

At that point he was already too twisted by his own rage.

>at Palpatine, but he lacks the power to just destroy Palpatine, and in the end he doesn't even truly want to.

I'm trying to remember the exact lines from the book, it's something like

"You had the chance to go with her, to be with her, to run away with her, but you only thought of yourself, and now you realize the cruelest truth about being a Sith, because now yourself is all you have."


"You want to crush him, to murder him, but you are so much less than what you were, you're like a painter gone blind, you remember where the power was and what it felt like but you can't bring it back, and you can't destroy him. In the end you don't even want to."

I don't think I'm really doing Stover's writing justice, but you get the idea. Wish I had the actual book with me still, it's sitting in a box back at my parent's house. I think this is one of the few things in the prequels that Lucas truly got right, even if it's mostly through implication. Watch that scene again, where Vader reacts to being told that Padme is dead, for the love of god try to ignore the cringeworthy "NOOOO". Vader is in a full-blown psychotic rage, smashing everything around him, but Palpatine is not only unaffected, he's fucking smiling. Because he knows that now, no matter what, even if Padme is still alive (remember that Sheev doesn't even know if she's dead or not kek), that Anakin is now fully broken mentally, and will serve him without question forever.

>a celibate space monk

Just nitpicking, but nobody ever said the Jedi had to be celibate. They just couldn't perform attachments. It's kind of like being in an American university, meaningless sex is encouraged and long-lasting relationships are frowned upon.

And of course Obi-Wan didn't really have time to explain all the intricacies of the old Jedi Order to Luke. IMO he wouldn't even have wanted to, because after all, the rules of the old Jedi resulted in their annihilation.

So fucking what? What's the big deal about that? Jedi are basically space monks, is this news to you?

Are you dense or trolling? Read this post again.

Initially Revenge of the Sith had a lot more focus on Anakin's concern over an actual coup by the Jedi Council to overthrow the Republic. Mace Windu does state that if Palpatine doesn't step down then the Jedi Council would need to fill the power vacuum left by the deposed Chancellor. There were reshoots and cuts that changed Anakin's motivation to be more focused on saving Padme's life.
After murdering children and all of the Separatist leaders he probably thought he was far too invested in the cause to just back out. He also harbored the hope he would eventually overthrow the Emperor pretty early on, though I'm not sure if that really can explain his willingness to hunt down the surviving Jedi.

Maybe Obi-Wan didn't want Luke to repeat his mistakes? In the EU, Luke marries a smoking hot redhead and has a son who is kind of whiny bitch at first but becomes a decent Jedi, and it all works out pretty well. Maybe the Jedi "no attachments" rule was misguided, because ultimately the Sith Lord who nearly destroys the galaxy (Han & Leia's son) was motivated by a complete lack of attachments.

But that's all old EU so it doesn't matter.

star wars fans have to be the most autistic fucks ever. you make up whatever you want to fucking gloss over the absolute fucking shit writing, motivations, plot and just about every other fucking thing in your little fantasy worlds.

Even the novelization of EP7 is better than the flick. God these people should know what to put into the film

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I don't really understand. What's the big deal about the Jedi being monks, and Obi-Wan not sharing this bit of information with Luke? Unless it's just the "he was a good friend" meme/

Fun Fact: Episode III was originally 100% centered on Anakin's suspicions of the Jedi Order and "traitorous" elements in the Senate (led, unfortunately, by Padme). But shortly before the movie was released, Lucas decided that this wasn't the right way to go, so he reshot many scenes and inserted new scenes in order to make the main focus Anakin's fear of Padme's death.

It's pretty interesting actually, because there are a lot of deleted scenes focusing on this first idea that are unironically great. You can see the first seeds of the Rebel Alliance being planted even before the Empire begins, as Padme, Bail Organa, and several other Senators discuss how the Chancellor is basically destroying the Republic.. You also see Palpatine successfully beginning to split Anakin and Padme by "casually" mentioning to Anakin that Padme is a key figure in this "potentially traitorous" group of Senators.

It's made clear in ROTJ that Vader is basically a slave to the Emperor. He is incapable of leaving Palpatine, until Luke gives him the strength.

>You don't know the power of the dark side. I must obey my master.
>It is too late for me, son

That should have been the way to go since more Anakin and Padme scenes are generally not good.

>What's the big deal about the Jedi being monks, and Obi-Wan not sharing this bit of information with Luke? Unless it's just the "he was a good friend" meme/
The prequels retconned the Jedi in such a way that now Luke is walking mistake who wasn't supposed to be born if his father was all good and nice.

Agreed. Lucas really frustrates me, because he had some very good ideas but either later erased them or failed to develop them. He's an excellent "big picture" type of guy, but when it comes to execution he should have left it to people smarter than him. I'm sure there were a lot of genuinely talented writers who would have been happy to help out with Star Wars, if only Lucas had been willing to ask.

Well, what do you expect? We're either oldfags who loved the originals and want to make the prequels better, or young people blinded by our childhood love of the prequels and are willing to grab onto anything that makes them make sense. It's an incredibly flawed, not very good universe, but it's *our* not very good universe.

How exactly is keeping someone alive evil?

The weird celibacy rules of the Jedi and "love leads to the dark side" were caused by George being sterile and getting cucked by his wife, giving an autistic manchild's view of sex and relationships

The only thing I can think is he had no way back at that point. He'd turned his back on the Jedi who were destroyed now anyway thanks in part to him, he'd also done some really fucked up shit like slaughter defenceless children. He was a broken man which is what Sheev probably wanted anyway, he hadn't been seduced more he was tricked. This is also Sheev's mistake In the end he could never be fully committed to the Sith which is why he couldn't let Luke be killed, his loyalty to the Emporer was never as strong as to his own son.

its like Voldemort form harry potter; if you value your own life above everything else you will turn to evil to secure your own power

I think he accepted that killing people and destroying things was all he was really good at. So he really did belong in the Empire

How the fuck did Anakin knew Luke was his son?

>Luke is a walking mistake

Or a walking success. The Jedi were clearly flawed, their rules were outdated and failing.

But he valued Padme's life, not his own.

I always saw there was no motivation after that, but more like "Well, I'm already waist deep in the pool, might as well swim." sort of thing. That and he genuinely believed the Jedi were evil.

Because there was a war hero named "Luke Skywalker" running around who was strong in the force, and Palpatine literally told him "the son of Skywalker is alive".

its a deal with the devil thing. His original intention isnt evil, but they way he went about it was

Simple. He killed everyone but Palp. No one wanted to be around him but Palp. Maybe he could choose exile and be a hermit, but why? Shame never bothered him.

It does seem very silly that Luke would be going by his actual last name when hes supposed to be a secret

But Luke doesn't know that he's supposed to be a secret. And I doubt Obi-Wan gave much of a shit, he knew that eventually Luke would need to face Vader anyway.

I meant its silly that his aunt and uncle didnt treat him like a son and give him the last name of Lars

I have a feeling Obi Wan revealed at some point that he was adopted.

Leia after all didn't know she was a Skywalker.

Oh yeah. Maybe they didn't fully understand the danger? The fact that Anakin Skywalker was Darth Vader wasn't public knowledge at all, and if Obi-Wan didn't tell them they wouldn't have understood.

no, luke already knew his parents were dead

But we don't know how long he had known that. Maybe Lars tried to keep it a secret but eventually he found out.

Maybe "Skywalker" is the "Smith" of the galaxy.

>Plagueis influenced midichlorians to create Anakin, wanting him to become his new apprentice
>Sheev bided his time until Anakin was found
>boy conceived from midichlorians is found in Phantom Menace
>Sheev learns of it
>Sheev kills Plagueis and makes Anakin his apprentice instead
>Plagueis returns as Snoke in episode 7

It's like poetry sort of they rhyme

The Dark Side of the Force alters a person's personality, as they lean on negative emotions like fear and anger too much, and the power they gain from it is addictive and seductive. People who turn to the Dark Side stop caring about their original intentions and motivations and just crave more power and control.

That was what Lucas was trying to show, but thanks to poor scripting and exposition, and thanks to the EU, people think the Dark Side just makes you shoot lightning and choke people and it's a separate type of Force that can be used in Tandem with "the Light Side" which prior to JewJew Abrams the hack making "the Light Side" canon, the Light Side was just some trash turbonerd thing in the EU, it didn't exist in canon. There was the Force, and there was the Dark Side of the Force. The Force wasn't necessarily good or "light" it was just the natural balanced state of life, the Dark Side, was just using negative emotions to do things with the Force easier, though being angry or hating people all the time changes you for the worse.

The EU will try to tell you that "Force Choke" is some dark side power, but it's not, it's just Telekinesis, the same type that allows a Jedi to grab his lightsaber from across the room, and Luke wasn't "using the Dark Side" he choked those Gammoreans while completely calm and in control, he choked them, they passed out, he let them go and they slept it off.

The EU fucks up a lot, and now Disney is fucking up even more.

>implying Disney will acknowledge the existence of the prequels
You need to grow up user.

Windu is Snoke, friend.

After Padme died Sheev got Anakin to dissociate the identities of Anakin and Vader in his mind, and so got Vader to hate and fear Anakin, whose bad decisions he blamed for all the pain Vader had inherited. Vader grew to hate Padme's, Obi-Wan's, Ahsoka's, etc memory because they reminded him of the "weakness" of Anakin that landed him in the suit. You see this in his total disregard for the lives of the men under his command (something that Anakin would never approve of), his 0 fucks given about slavery, among other things. But since Anakin and Vader ARE the same person, the resulting self-loathing was used to fuel the rage that got Anakin to ~80% of Sheev's power in the Dark Side.

In addition, Sheev radicalized Anakin's "peace and order at all costs" attitude that he had displayed in the prequels, turning him into Vader who believed in the Sith philosophy that might makes right, that the weak deserve everything thar happens to them, and that only with the threat of extreme disproportionate retaliation can enforce lasting peace. You see the initial stages of this in RotS but Sheev goes all-out in between RotS and the book Lords of the Sith to hammer this lesson home.

Anakin doesn't even have any grand designs to overthrow his master until he finds out that Luke survived, he's too depressed and broken inside to care about anything but serving his master and enforcing the rule of his Empire. Sheev was actually quite dissapointed in him because of it.

All in all, 10/10 mindbreaking.

Snoke is not human

What else did he have at that point other than Palpatine? He had nothing, he might as well have learned from the Sith and kept furthering his advance in the Force.

When he crushes the lab after being put in the suit, he's trying to kill Palpatine, but ultimately he realizes that he is at fault for everything, he is the one that followed Palpatine and now its all he has left.
They already did with TFA, R1, Rebels, a plethora of novels and comics.

What did they reference from the prequels in TFA and RO?

I'm going to have to ask you all to retract your statements until such time as you have consumed all Vader affiliated canon.

The head-canon in this thread is appalling.

The only Vader canon is the movies faggot.

EU is not canon.

>The only Vader canon is the movies faggot.
>EU is not canon.

EU isn't canon, so all your turbonerd books and comics can be completely disregarded as fan fiction trash.

Uh you don't get to bring friends

">EU is not canon.

comprehension problems?

comic books made after the disney takeover are considered canon tbqh senpai

Then what else are you referring to because as far as I'm aware the only canon is the films and the stupid cartoons.

> was motivated by a complete lack of attachments.

he was motivated by his vision of the future i thought? that series was so bad... fuck

thankyou for further validating my original point lmao, you're commenting on stuff you aren't even aware of.

Let's post shit that triggers EU/Nu-EU/cartoonfags/prequelfags

>Old EU was never canon
>NuEU canon is just pointless filler
>Kyle is not canon
>Revan is not canon
>Probably never will be and will never be brought up in a movie anyway if he was
>Nothing from Rebels, Clone Wars, comics or books will be anything more than background filler that has no affect on the plot
>Darth Maul is dead and will never be brought up in the movies
>Ashoka will never get a movie
>Rebel cartoon fags will never get a movie
>Obi-Wan is not getting a movie
>The Mortis arc is shit and will never be brought up in a movie
>Snoke is not Plagueis and Plagueis is even more irrelevant and obscure and Revan, thus will also never be brought up again aside some shitty novel/comic books
>No one cares about the prequels but people that saw them as kids and Disney won't waste time making any prequel centric spin offs
>No one cares about the NuEU but autists and Disney won't waste time making any NuEU centric spin offs
>Only spin offs are going to be centered on OT concepts or iconic OT characters
>All of these are undeniable facts but manchildren can't deal with their favorite fan fiction being too stupid for movies

Based Disney, saving kino from neckbeards while OT master race wins again.

I'm going to need a sauce on where Disney has said anything outside the films and cartoons is canon.

It's true, everything outside the movies is now "canon," but you can just pretend it does not exist. Non movie canon doesn't really mesh with movies and can be safely ignored anyway.

It's really same as old EU, pointless. to google "star wars canon" for babbies

Not exactly. Think about Jacen's (admittedly terrible, but that's not the point) fall to the dark side. It was based entirely on a larger view of the galaxy as a whole. Other characters even criticize it as an "ill-defined war on chaos". Every horrible act he commits is based on the mentality of "kill a few, save billions". He's essentially applying Jedi logic to the dark side.

But yes, the series was so bad.

desu i didn't read past a little bit of the third book
so if they go more into his motivations, i missed it

HE was always weak to the dark side. He always showed signs of unlawful and emotional responses to stimuli. He ignored ALL of his teachings when he disagreed with them. Never give a slave unlimited power, they will bind the world.

Your mum gave me HEAD and I shot cum in her mouth like a CANON

>From that point on, what was his motivation for staying a Sith and not just murdering Palpatine for playing him?
Because he'd already pledged himself to Sheev after helping kill Windu. The Jedi were genocided and the Empire already in place. What was he going to do, kill Sheev and declare himself Emperor with no political experience?

It's obvious the two remained on good terms. Vader continued to call Sheev master and Sheev called Vader "my friend".




to bring his mother back you fucking retard

Aren't Rebels and the Clone Wars animated series/movie also considered canon?

He had nowhere else to go.
Once you become a Sith you can't go back, you literally die and become another person.

That's why even in RTJ when he "redeems" himself he appears as the younger version of himself before turning.