KEK has willed LEAVE to win! he hath spoken!

KEK has willed LEAVE to win! he hath spoken!

Other urls found in this thread:

"I had to hide my erection as I left the polling booth" said Rupert Humphreys

A tear dropped down my face, a drip of cum dropped down my leg. I had just voted remain. I had just voted for my country to be subjugated by 27 other countries. Yet I entered the polling booth fully intending to vote leave. Why you ask?

I entered the polling booth, was about to tick leave. Then I looked at the remain option. At first I was angry that such an option existed. Angry that we had to vote on whether to be an independent country. Angry that some people would even consider voting remain.

I asked myself why people would vote no to being a country. I put myself in their shoes. That's when it happened. I noticed myself getting an erection for no reason. The more I imagined myself voting remain, the larger the erection grew. I imagined £350 million a week being transported to Brussels and it grew yet more. I imagined unelected EU bureaucrats deciding British fiscal, social and health policies and my cock began to bulge with one of the firmest erections I've ever had.

I closed my eyes, ticked one of the boxes. Opened my eyes. I had voted remain. I put my voting ballot in the box and walked out, the tears dripping from my face, the cum down my leg.

Later that night when I saw the result of the referendum, I immediately came, then started crying. The day after I bought a chastity cage which I wear to this day.

My name is Rupert Humphreys. I am British-European; I am a cuckold.


hory shet
>lick my ass
And leave pirate


who is kek?

The frog God

The saviour
Our light that shines in the darkness

i thought that was pepe?

Kek wills it we Brexit, Donald Trump becomes US president, Boris becomes PM and England win the Euro 2016 cup.

Not quite, we found out, that pepe is based upon an old egyptian frog god, that is part of the holy trias known as Baal from Mt. Lel, consisting of lol cat, pepe and wojack, it is the questions of mayn discusions what the feets are on which this holy trias is based.

>for comparison

>That giant nose
I know a merchant when i see one

so there is a spider frog cat jew that gives you all the special post numbers?

We are the merchant now, m8

This is what happens if Sup Forums is attacked by shillaries and bernfags because of trumpfags.

Its just a cult at this point, but some that has overcome the usual Sup Forums cults time span and is reproduced very widely over the net.

Better cap

Excuse me autist, at least fucking learn that the Baal you depicted is a Christian demon named after Baal and that the original Ba'al is a humanoid thunder God from the Levant - not Egypt.

I hate kekposters, can't even get their mythos right.


Shut down heretic


Kek knows that the vote is rigged in Remain's favor. Expect Austria 2.0


>2012 + 4
>falling for bots

kek isn't real

But Kek is the god of darkness and chaos.

You've all been kek'd into lending meme magic to a parasite god who only makes bad things happen.

>tfw born just in time to see Sup Forums turn into a cult worshipping an egyptian chaos god
Kek wills it i guess