How the fuck does this alien race work?

How the fuck does this alien race work?

they were like this at first

Even back then they look out of place.
The heads were real but the rest was cgi, lucas said it was not realistic so they made it all cgi

I have so many sex questions.


Progression of JUST

Leave Abby and Brittany alone

lmao he looks like a two headed benedict cumberbatch

>Dwuirsintabb requested head-separation surgery, but Troig technology was unable to accommodate the request.
>"We can't just separate and kill Tabb, but leaving them together puts both of them at risk."
>Doctor Senya Velop of Rhire Medical >Academy, on Dwuir's request to separate from his other head, Tabb
>In 22 BBY, a Troig named Dwuirsintabb on Pollillus made a public plea to be allowed to have his heads, Dwuir and Tabb, separated; >Dwuir claimed that Tabb was "mentally disturbed and suicidal." A poll conducted by HoloNet News, a galactic media outlet, found that sixty-one percent of respondents supported Dwuir's wish to undergo head-separation surgery.[7]
>The matter remained unresolved after the Galactic Republic was replaced by the Galactic Empire[1] in 19 BBY.Z [28]
>By this point, the Troig government asked for outside help, as Troig technology remained incapable of providing a safe separation. No record of the outcome of Dwuirsintabb's saga survived, and his name fell out of galactic records[1] by the time of the retirement of Senior Anthropologist Mammon Hoole[29] in the days of the New Republic.[30]



you're assuming that there's an entire planet of these things somewhere. what if they had been in a speeder accident and had to be surgically welded together in order to survive?

unless you can show me another two-headed alien in star wars, anywhere, i'm going to assume they're a one-off.

movies or EU?

Imagine one of these creatures.

One half is dark side.
One half is light side.

The pottery George. The pottery!

So conjoined twins of this alien race could then potentially have 4 independent heads and personalities?


Obviously the one that is canon

I asked Scott Capuro once and he quickly molested a small boy saying "do you want the answer or do you want me to let this little boy go?"

So the answer is he actually didn't know it was going to be a two headed alien.

Do you think they ever kiss?

what if one head became a with and the other head became a jedi


how does this alien race work?

:( leave abby and brittany out of this

leave maggie gyllenhaal out of this

Hmm.. would it be gay if you kissed your other head?
I mean, it's a part of your body, even if it has a separate mind. Like, you can't call jerking off gay because you're grabbing a dick and rubbing it up and down.

Now I have questions.

does EU include all the retarded mary sue fanfic where teenaged boys ejaculate when they activate their lightsabres?