"I could easily retire right now... but then, all we would be left with is more Grimes, Brockhampton, Death Grips...

>"I could easily retire right now... but then, all we would be left with is more Grimes, Brockhampton, Death Grips... Intelligent people want intelligent music... so I'm not stopping any time soon."

did he actually say that? where?

>all we would be left with is more Grimes
that would be cool desu

No, but Thom probably believes that his angst-ridden lyrics with vaguely anti-authoritarian themes are very intelligent and profound

The amount of platitudes Thom spouts is mindnumbing

>"You will become a hypocrite. You'll become a liar. You'll try and paper-up your own cracks and... you know. And everybody does it. And that's what being an adult is. And then you have babies and... that's it."

-thm yrk 1998

>inventing a quote and then basing a strawman off it


you have to appreciate them contextually

fitter happier may be considered a platitude today, but that's not the case; at the time, it was fresh and new. that's why okc was such a success

....Do you honestly believe that the singer of an alternative rock band was the first person to entertain these thoughts? To voice them out loud?

>listening to lyrics

Radiohead gay lol

Anyone who listens to this band is a soyboy low test faggot with gentle, soft emotions like a girl

It's objective fact, not an opinion

Look at his face. Look at his fucking physiognomy

There is no argument. This is beta music for beta males

If you listen to this, you will always be the guy whose girlfriend subtly looks at more masculine men in public and you both never acknowledge it verbally

t. projecting soiboi

This is the standard beta response

Whenever someone describes your effeminacy? Just use the word "projecting"

It's a magical bandaid that suddenly makes all your effeminate traits masculine m, and all your weak traits strong ones, and only the person calling you out is the REAL beta

Just a weak, pathetic, tearfully sentimental bag of shit

I don't have to shit on you though. Life already shits on you, because it's Nature's divine law and intention that weaklings suffer

Why the homophobia?

You actually took the time to solve a capcha because you thought that would be a funny response

I'll just let that stand for itself

>You actually took the time to solve a capcha

Bad look

lol internet tough guy

Can you fix your Reddit spacing?


This is your brain on "redpills"

It is an intentional exploration of language; the loss of meaning and breakdown of communication through repetition of phrases that have become ingrained in the public consciousness

Metalfag detected

thom looks like maddy rose lmao

masterful bait

play creep again lmao

Thom played Death Grips when he was on some BBC radio show though
