When i hear the seismic charge sound effect

when i hear the seismic charge sound effect
my dick becomes fully erect

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AOTC was the best prequel and 3rd best SW movie after ESB and ANH

The "AOTC is the worst" meme is so cringy


Care to explain why you think that? Not necessarily disagreeing with you, but I'd like to hear why you think that.


That sound alone made me buy a Slave 1 toy asa kid. It didn't make the noise


The Jango+Obi scenes first and foremost

Kamino itself was cool as fuck

The Coruscant scenes were awesome

Jango being the coolest character sine the OT, including the new stuff

Christopher Lee was awesome, way better than anything we've seen in the new ones

Really, everything was fun except for the love scenes... which were fun in their own goofy Star Wars/Lucas way

Clones felt the most og "Star Wars" to me out of everything since Jedi

ZA WARUDO > this

wow user, that really makes me think

never saw that before

Agreed. It contains all the elements people hate about the other film, but the story is far more compelling, and the last act is thrilling from beginning to end.

It seems like Obi Wan gets more screentime flying and pulls off arguably more impossibly complex maneuvers than Anakin but Anakin is the better pilot?

obi is one of the greatest jedis of all time

sith showed what a better pilot anakin was by that point

did anakin even fly anything in clones aside from the speeder thing in the beginning and his speeder bike on tatooine?

I wished they would've stayed with Obi's detective hunt plot as the main focus. It was actually compelling and fresh for the series. The PT wasn't bad desu. Spotty execution yes, but still alright.

>inb4 rlm shills come in and shit up the thread.

I know that feel bro.

I went to theatres 5 times to watch AOTC.

for me, it's the wacky adventure, which surprised me at EVERY FUCKING TURN.

it was entirely unpredictable.

and yeah, start from the scene with Anakin and Padme rolling out to that colloseum - it's tightest paced shit ever.

the buildup is just too perfect, you start with your regular Jedi vs Beast thing, then droids roll out, then more Jedi appear, more droids roll out, the fucking clones appear, it escalates into a massive battle.

I dunno, how can people hate this?

>I went to theatres 5 times to watch AOTC

Not sure if I fully agree with you but thank you for explaining your reasoning! It's been so long since I've seen the movie so I guess I should rewatch it sometime and decide for myself.

This word is so cringe

Jango is stupid as fuck. Was getting tracked part of his plan? Both to Kamino and then to Geonosis? Why would he continue to take bounty missions if his pay is considerable and he just stays on Kamino? Why would he hire another bounty hunter to kill Padme? Why would he use his shot to kill that bounty hunter instead of Anakin or Obi Wan? Why didn't he just use one of those darts to kill him on Kamino?

>Seismic charges
>Coruscant speeder
>Geonosian blasters
>Wat tambor
>Jango's blaster
>Dooku's ship
AotC had the best sound fx, prove me wrong

Why do their smiles look so forced

>rattles tits

better question is why have you typed all your stupid questions out instead of posting that pic

I saw TFA in theaters 4 times, twice alone, and I saw Rogue One 4 times, once alone

get out of this thread

I'll just post this here

also seeing the clone army, not-star destroyers, and sheev on that balcony tuned to imperial march

don't tell me that wasn't cool as fuck

oddly amusing

Who paid for the Clones and the massive ships they bring with them to Geonosis? My understanding is that Count Dooku paid for all of it but then how would Yoda not find out that he's playing both sides?

>He goes to the movies alone!

None of the Jedi realize Dooku (and Palpatine by extension) are playing both sides until after Order 66.

So they did just never look into who placed the order for the Clones?

They're too busy actually fighting in the war to do it.

There were only 10,000 Jedi at a time, most of which weren't battle ready (pre-padawan or youngling age) who couldn't investigate their way out of the Temple, let alone who placed the order for the clone army. The rest had to lead clone into battle, guard things and watch over the clones on Kamino.

The Clone Wars actually had them investigate it.

I mean all it would take is a look at their records, doesn't Jango even mention Tyranus?

>"Wow, all the money paid for the clones came from some company I've never heard of. How kind."

How many characters actually learn the name Tyranus and that it's Dooku's "Sith name" and not just some other person entirely?

it is... it's like POTERY

Even that it's a complete unknown is suspicious as fuck, I wouldn't trust continued use of Clones that may have ulterior motives and not assume it was just some benevolent benefactor.

In The Clone Wars, they actually do find out that it was Dooku that made the order for the Clones.

They decide not to do anything about the whole situation for pretty much 3 reasons.
1. Letting the public know that the enemy pretty much made their army for them was too much of a risk for loss of public confidence.
2. They had faith in the Clones because of how they've fought alongside them for so long and they trust them with their lives.
3. They wanted to end the war as fast as they can and they still need the Clones for that.


It's impossible to have heard of every single company in SW as a random character in the universe. Most people barely even know a quarter of the known planets, whereas any regular person could set up a ton of companies on their own, multiplied by all the trillions of trillions of trillions of living people in the universe.

It's possible so I won't deny it.

Obi Wan was the main hero of the prequels.

AotC - right down to the title - is the best exemplar of 'Star Wars as B-Movie' of all, tbqhimo.

>Why would he hire another bounty hunter to kill Padme?

Because his pay is considerable ?

"I wanted to write a love story in a style that was extremely old-fashioned, and frankly I didn't know if I was going to pull it off. In many ways this was much more like a movie that from the 1930s than any of the others had been, with a slightly over-the-top, poetic style - and they just don't do that in movies anymore. I was very happy with the way it turned out in the script and in the performances, but I knew people might not buy it."

"A lot of guys were going to see this movie, and most guys think that kind of flowery, poetic talk is stupid--'Come on, give me a break.' More sophisticated, cynical types also don't buy that stuff. So I didn't know if people would laugh at it and throw things at the screen or they would accept it. Let's face it, their dialogue in that (couch) scene is pretty corny."

"It is presented very honestly, it isn't tongue-in-cheek at all, and it's really played to the hilt. But it is consistent with the over all Star Wars style. Most people don't understand the style of SW. They don't get that there is an underlying motif that is very much like a 1930s western or Saturday matinee serial. It's in that more romantic period of making movies and adventure films. And this film is even more of a melodrama then the others."

I feel the same way about the sound effect they use for Jean going Phoenix mode in X-Men Apocalypse


shit, i'd love to hear that sound in movie theater
foken disney with their cancelling of 3d re-releases