É sério que os gringos pensam isso de nós? Eu me sinto bastante ofendido. Nunca pensei q fossemos tão odiados

É sério que os gringos pensam isso de nós? Eu me sinto bastante ofendido. Nunca pensei q fossemos tão odiados.

>os gringos

todo o mundo ten tírria aos brasileiros, non importa se eles son alemáns ou non.

>They say Brazil is better
They should be sent them to a mental hospital.

What? So now Euros and Mexicans are to be judged on how Americans turn out? This is bs

Every non brazilian is called gringo in Brazil, even bolivians or haitians. Gringo means todos os forasteiros here.


nos chamamos gringos só aos anglos

Eu tb entendi. Acho que essas pessoas se encontraram com brasileiros de classe média e classe média-alta que reclamam de tudo, são patriotas, extremamente arrogantes com desconhecidos e para eles tudo tem defeito, nada é bom. Até no Brasil eles são odiados pelo restante da população. Tb nao suporto muito esse povo.

Of course, those gringos probably met upper-middle class white brazilians. Everybody hates them, they treat everyone who is not like them like shit.

They are called coxinhas too

Dont take it serious, coxinhas are now an minority since 2010, nothing more 48% of Brazils population and going down. They just know how to be annoying every time.

Even here in Sup Forums we can notice on Brazils flags who is coxinha and who is hue. Coxinhas are always arrogant or naive or fools, they always make threads like "the coolest sport of your country", "Pontevendra is awesome", "Portugal is awesome", "I broked my Iphone", " Catalonia is Spain", "Lets help Venezuela" and other shit. We hue are always funny and intereting, we always make threads about memes.

Who cares dude lmao

I already saw rich brazilians threads of the best sport of your country, (insert Portugal city here) is awesome and Lets invade Venezuela to help them kkkk

Some gringos still answer them, people have shit in their brains to give attention to coxinhas type of threads.

Not true, they are not fools like you are talking of them. Upper and middle class do everything in this country, Brazil is the upper-middle clas. Brazil is not your people.

Lol, you are defensive just because you are probably one of them. We can notice even because of what you wrote.

I want gringos to go fuck themselves. Brazil above everything. And yes American and European food is shit.

You coxinhas are the most hated people on the earth. Nobody can support you, even gringos think you are arrogant and annoying.

>THey say extremely dure things like Americans are fat, American middle class is dumb, Mexicans are not beautiful, Europeans are smelly dirty.
But all those are truth.

mas que merda é essa? como um gringo identifica um coxinha e um não coxinha de qualquer jeito?

Typical white brazilian behavior. Likes to look down on others and dont respect foreigner people and their culture.

Hues are always awesome guys, rich brazilians are naive kids that likes to be annoying with people.

They also call you negros often enough in here

But its not correct to tell it to people like coxinhas do.

>rich brazilians/coxinhas
autismO Autismo aUtismo auTismo autIsmo autiSmo autisMo makes no sense
se ta falando de brasileiro pobre que é "incrível"
olha portugal que pega brs pobres e vê se eles não são odiados lá hueheuheu

Stupid hues just how to make memes about Brazil, they are also violent, dance idiot songs, likes american shit culture, make slums and speak about their idiot memes.

Coxinha go make your idiot threads like lets help Venezuela blabla

The true brazilians are us. Not you hues vagabundos that just know how to listen 50cent and other shits. Your people dont matter to Brazil.

Vcs parecem q se orgulho de se comportarem como malandros, bandidoes... Por isso q estao nessa situação de merda e ainda nos culpam. Até parece q nós brasileiros verdadeiros ligamos se gringo acha a gente arrogante kkk

True brazilians? Your stupid people is not majority since 2010, you are only 98 milion people and we are 110 milion asshole.

Coxinhas are also annoying because they like to go out to streets in group of 100.000 people with brazilian flags and sing the national anthem for no reason. They also ask impeachment for no reason and believe in the army/bolsonaro.

They reached 2 milion people in Paulista Avenue last year to sing the anthem too. It seems they like to show random patriotism. Its strange how they are by far more patriotic than rest of the population.

Because they have poop in their brains. They love things like Air Force and Military Dictatorship.

We just have an super good education and want the best things for Brazil.

No, your people thinks they owner the country and the rest of brazilians are here to work for them.

>those two monkeys calling each other "coxinha" or "hue" in a broken english by totally retards reasons
I'm not sure if this is ironic, one person roleplaying the two, or what the fuck is going on.

Won't even sage to bump this shit.

I felt very ofended how people see us too

I did not imagined they think we are so bad. But I remember in the World Cup 2014 and Olympic Games, the foreigner media was attacking our part of brazilians because we went to watch the games the other part of brazilians not. They said extremely rude things about us like we were oppressing the people and the other brazilians were good happy persons and we were the worst people on earth.

Its interesting why when foreigners come to Brazil, they prefer to talk and have friendship with poor brazilians, they also like to go to favelas. The Opening Ceremony of events in Brazil never show us too, just the other brazilism. Its a little bit sad.

Fio de cornos

Its because your people avoid gringos, you dont treat them well, your people dont walk in the streets, live only in cars, gated communities that are almost cities that you call condominio fechado. Your subjets never changes too, its always the same thing about Lula, Moro or Bolsonaro. You are all boring.

They also have an paranoic behavior of thinking Amazonia will be invaded

We are still a lot. mongol

Brazil is along with us and the usa the best country in the world you stupid self hating monkey

Seems like an autist samefagging t.b.h


No way, euro brazilians ruined this country with their prejudice and arrogance against other peoples. An country where half of the population treat the others and even foreigners with no respect is not a good place.

Mimi blabla sou uma vítima kd o lula?

É realmente uma pena ver que alguns brasileiros dão essa imagem do país, enquanto a maioria é muito amigável, mas eu acho que todo país tem isso, pega o pessoal dos USA, nem todo mundo é um gordo ignorante, mas mesmo assim tem aqueles que são autistas pra caralho, eles são a imagem dos states no resto do mundo.

>brazilians dont like those latino indio people
woah mind blown

Brasileiros ricos são chatos pra krl msm. Pena dos gringos q encontram com eles.