The only gay Seinfeld character?

The only gay Seinfeld character?

not that there's anything wrong with that

shit i knew thered be at least one more


What about these fags?


No lesbian actress?

Are you fucking retarded?

susan was a lesbian

jerry wasn't gay, just flamboyant

>"One Way Do Not Enter" framed perfectly between two faggots

What did he mean by this?

watch your language please

it's unchristian


but i guess her girlfriend was

not that there's anything wrong with that

Why are you obsessed with faggots? Don't you get enough in modern media?

>Larry David wrote them as gay because "only a gay man would steal an armoire"

the black guy that worked at the diner was gay
and so was the black guy that worked a the photo lab

prove it

go watch the Outing and the Package

>Master of the house, doller of the charm


did you wash this pear?