Post an image that sums up your countries relationship with Russia

Post an image that sums up your countries relationship with Russia

Better post what comes after :^)


:) good business with them

Do people at least poison it first?


Why is Putin's glass shaped like that?



Never, die hard cunt.


Russian relationship with world.



We are the only country with the Chinese that will come along with Russia? Sometimes it looks like it


>come along

Yes. Is my engrish bad something?

wtf i love finland now


His security guard brought it, they're afraid Finnish glasses contain cyanide

i think you mean get along

come along implies russia is going somewhere, and you are going with them


Thanks. My bad

come across

>some perverted virgin put my waifu in AA2


Our king gets along then their king died and now we wish our king died.

Not Japan


Powerfully shit thread