Do you know that Russia actually produces a lot of shit apart from oil. But it's only popular on internal market

Do you know that Russia actually produces a lot of shit apart from oil. But it's only popular on internal market.
For example most popular vans and light trucks in Russia are Russian GAZ.

Other urls found in this thread:

There are Russian high-end microphones
And guitar/stage amplifiers and equipment

>That high center of gravity
I somehow don't feel safe in that

that shit breaks more than a 15 y.o. japanese car, no wonder it is not popular outside of the local market and exists only because it's protected vs importing used cars from the aforementioned japan with customs fees

We started to grow a lot of black angus beef
They even import cowboys

It's cheap and servicable. Cheap to repair.

Russian motocycles only popular abroad among people who like classic motocycles with sidecars. It's one of few manufacturers who still make it

Russia is one of few countries who still make vacuum tubes. If you use tube amp most likely you have Russian tubes inside even if they labeled as some fender or marshal. They all are made on svetlana factory.

russia(rosatom) also has most orders to build npps all over the world
if russia's elite would have cared more for their ecnomic diversity and wouldnt be utterly corrupt, russia would have been italian tier when it comes to living standards, salary etc
this quartal economy grew by 2.5% compare to the Q2/2016

It's fine.
You're supposed to put weight in vans anyway. Also, most weight is down low as a van is basically just a giant empty box.

>It's cheap and servicable. Cheap to repair.
But the rest of the world doesn't care for that. We want something that just works. I drive a van, it's at 150k km right now, it had no breakdowns and I expect it to have none. If something goes wrong we just tow it to the shop, we're not doing anything ourself (except in case of a flat tire)

We also have aviation industry. Good transport planes.
And some interesting ones like

Israel-Italian fight-trainer is based on Yak-130 design

Very interesting designs

mind if I borrow them to take a look???

WTF i hate China now

interesting thread

Whatever is produced in Russia except for food is of shitty quality

And even then you would import vegetables from the Netherlands

You're sanctioned by them.
So we buy EU food, change the labels to sell it as Belarusian food, and then sell it to Russia
We've been belarusing them this way since 2014

Noice, you're doing gods work, White Russia.
The sanctions suck balls, we're supposed to get the profit, not you guys.

thank you for your service ( ̄ー ̄)ゞ

I've never seen anything that was made in Netherlands or Belarus (except for Krinica beer).
The groceries in the local stores all made in Russia, China, Poland and Serbia.

We used to export peaches to Russia, we currently have cheap as fuck peaches, as we can't sell them to you guys any more.
And probably also a lot more vegetables, as we are big in that. Everywhere abroad I've went I've seen Dutch paprika's.

>For example most popular vans and light trucks in Russia are Russian GAZ.

It's because government taxed normal vans.

When you start producing luxury items for your own upper class, that is when you wont need the rest of the world. You walk on territory bigger than any other country on the planet, in different time zones on tons upon tons upon tons of resources under your feet.
Thats the reason everyone hates you, they want the land.
i think i saw a show about it, the cowboys and the cossacks ride together and have fun.

>For example most popular vans and light trucks in Russia are Russian GAZ.
They're here too. They representest the "budget tight as a german virgin" segment.
Not as popular as anything made in the west but I've seen few dozens of Gazelas.

>The groceries in the local stores all made in Russia, China, Poland and Serbia.
Still? I thought Polish produce dissapeared from Russian market after sanctions were imposed.

Remember that kukuruz in the future

Lada Niva is popular with some hunters and forest workers here because it can drive in any terrain and under all conditions.

Pretty good.

>Not as popular as anything made in the west but I've seen few dozens of Gazelas.
Not as popular because in the same price range you can get a Honker Cargo/Lublin which has immensely more value and overall better specs.

If those are 4wd they would be successful here. We had lada in the 90s and they were very popular. The niva model in particular

Some of these russian motorcycles and outdoor cars look nice. I feel like they can do well here in America given our big outdoorsy market.

>actually produces a lot of shit
>still 60 roubles for $
Nobody cares.

That's because you ban foreign imports these days.

Russians keep getting caught smuggling Oltermanni cheese to Russia.

Speaking about classic Ural 2x3 motorcycle (not modern export models) - it's ugly, have low engine power when using a lot of fuel, have no ideas about pollution restrictions, and in addition requires constant repairs.
Same shit with UAZ jeeps, even modern ones.

because they were cheaper due to EU subsidies. EU feed Russians before sanctions

Nobody cares when the quality is shit.

This company belongs to relatives of Medvedev (Russia prime minister), in fact to himself. It gets huge subsidies. Pure coincidence.

95% of locally produced food is inedible crap that even a pig would refuse to eat

this. all that russian garbage has such a shit quality that most developed countries will refuse to use it even if russia gives them that for free

Bravo, Russia!

+0.05$ amerikansky

you forgot to call them fashisty for good measure.

>Straight up says "Wrangler" on that guys arm.

>I will NEVER own a UAZ

Feels bad

I wish I could buy stuff from Russia, only because I know it would be cheaper.
EXCEPT for AK's.
You assholes charge way too much to the most common gun in the world.

isn't this because of your gun import laws?

Do you really think that most AKs are Russian or even come from Russia? The vast majority of Russian AKs we're shipped over as parts kits and assembled in the US in the 90s. You can't directly buy an AK from Russia.

Fucking gun laws.


>Russia actually produces a lot of shit

I agree. Unfortunately, this shit sometimes spreads outside your borders and stinks very much.

Literally a Land Rover Defender with shittiest parts.

I was in a Gaz today and I'm still alive

Russian food is garbage, especially meat.

new one

Are Ladas good?


They are mostly licensed Renault or Fiat copies.

I had a Russian amp made in the 90s, it was a RedBear mk120. It was one of the greatest amps I ever had, I wish I had kept it.

Lada Granta and Lada Vesta are actually pretty damn good cars.

They were
now ladas are designed by french but not renaults except largus and granta

Yerasov is breddy good, wanted to start selling them here

only the dead can know the peace from this evil
the only good thing about this car is that once it breaks (happens all the time) you need 3 wrenches to dissasemble the whole thing
10, 13 and 16 mm iirc.

Lada Granta looks a lot like Dacia Logan, both perfect cars for poorer East Europe countries I guess

>Literally a Land Rover Defender with shittiest parts.
Land rovers are already shit quality
Russia can't even make them worse

Both Dacia Logan and Lada granta are rebranded Renault Thalia.

Dacia is actually owned by Renault and Lada's been licensing other cars for quite a while.

I want a Mercedes GD 240
Amazing car in the right hands

Communism ruined Russia's food culture, I've been told.

>You can't directly buy an AK from Russia

At least now nowadays since Putin banned arms exports to the US (in the halcyon 90s, _everything_ was for sale)

I would buy one of these if they were sold here. It's surely better than the Chinese junk that we have here.