Your Last Five+ Ratings on RYM

ITT: Post your last 5+ ratings on RYM

Bonus: your username

Me: ~asadv

Other urls found in this thread:



haven't rated anything lately because depression



You already despise me, I know.



>Stevie being anything but a 10

"I should do this more often"

Yeah fuck you too pal.




You don't have to do it for attention, if you can see the dates, you already know who it is so anybody curious would seek you out

>giving username
Yeah no thanks bud

Peste Noire's albums arent that good, but their first one with the really long french name was a masterpiece

>one of these is not like the others

>RYM in 2K18
LUL!!!!!!!!!! XD

No 5th because it's simply an unrated addition to my wishlist

I can only imagine the replies based on this.
I went in expecting to hate it & quite liked the majority of it.


You need to be over 18 to post on this board

Technically good taste but it’s like college freshman who brags to his friends from home over thanksgiving break how much he’s changed tier


profil-e nickmgarza96

your profile - sheaun , and you correctly rated lift your skinny fists anything lower than 7/10....that album aint shit, nothing they ever did was shit...okay maybe f#a@infintitty or whatverr was decent, but yeah. Nice.

Hello, Profile - SeminoleKB. you think Laughing Stock is a 5/10, which is fine! No one has to like perfect album / song structures and male voices.

nice kid a rating...get out of that shit. I’m battling it too and am in college. Keep yourself occupied, and remember that everything you do to help yourself you will thank yourself for later. 100%.

what did you not like about another green world? For me , the old timey plain ass art rock moments are so dated it hurts...the more electronic moments are cool though.

not really

I'm 21.

Also my RYM, since I forgot to link it.
It's not that I didn't like Another Green World, I just didn't love it.
It was pleasant to listen to, but I can't really see myself coming back to it anytime soon either. & Yeah I agree, the electronics were a little more interesting than the Art Rock.
Almost agree on Kid A, In Utero is a little too low for me though.
Agree on Some Nights. I actually like the singles (first 4 tracks, if you count the intro). But the rest of the album hurts to listen to.
