Times youve met Baneposters IRL

>be at work (buyer for a beer shop)
>my bells beer rep stops in
>we chat for a bit
>"oh i see you got that new Deftones beer"(beer collab w/ band)
>yeah, you a Deftones guy?
>"yeah theyre pretty good"
>there is like a 5 second pause before i say in banes strange accent
>For you
>we lock eye contact while there is about 15 seconds of silence, neither of us looking away.
>"well cool man, just came to drop by, see how the Bells is doing. I'll see you..uh next week man"
>heh b..bye

That was 2 months ago and he hasnt been back since. he knew.

Other urls found in this thread:


I work in a university library's technical services department and have created a number of meme images I won't bother mentioning. One day I was walking past a co-worker's desk and he was photoshopping a dog food ad from Beneful to Baneful.

We have never spoken about this.

Deftones is a great band
>I've never met a baneposter irl

My friend worked at the local movie theater and a guy at work would always talk about the plane scene

if i ever come across a banefaggot i would beat the shit out of him

I used to work at Goodwill (Not retarded, btw. Not all Goodwills do that). On a really busy day in like mid 2013, prime baneposting time, a donor had some "heavy" boxes and warned us, but he looked at me and said "you shouldn't have a problem though, you look like a big guy" and without thinking I responded "for you". Thankfully it was raining out and I don't think he ever heard me clearly.

smells like burning hair

Your lucky. That just sounds gay

>"well cool man, just came to drop by, see how the Bells is doing. I'll see you..uh next week man"

>Why did that faggot just say "for you" in a weird voice

yeah now thinking about it i dont think he baneposts

My former co-worker wanted to get a tat of Bane, while being a big guy. I warned him about our addiction to all things masked, and that's part of the reason he was so keen to find another job.

For you

>people call me a big guy every now and again
>say 'for you' every now and again
>even do this in my mother tongue

best part of being a full stack web dev on a new project is that I can set up the initial config of the site anyway I want until the web designer comes and fixes it.

so I put a picture of bane as the front page and main product page.

>mfw all my coworkers computers had pictures of bane on the website and no one has changed it yet.

>not CIA instead


That would be extremely painful.

Ive never met another baneposter IRL but I have created 3 baneposters throughout the years.

This is an average baneposter

Are baneposters actually autistic or is it just 'muh layers upon layers of irony'


Layers upon layers of irony on top of autism

this one was worse than this one

>tfw you find out your girlfriend is a bane poster too

Why not both?

Autists have trouble with irony. It would be extremely conflicting.

>You will never be this autistic

First time I had sex with this one girl, I quoted the plane scene at her. She was only willing to say the "you're a big guy" line though because she lacks commitment.

>tfw I can only achieve orgasm when that scene is playing out
What is this fetish even called?

Being overtly ironic should be classified as some sort of personality disorder.