What's the best CC song?

What's the best CC song?
I think it's Suffocation

I Cum Blood or Edible Autopsy

Rape Me

Celestica or Doe Deer


Fuck, beat me to it by mere seconds

why did she drink so much lads?

crimewave or magic spells

Doe Deer
Untrust Us
Black Panther
Year of Silence

I haven't listened to CC in like half a decade, they were my favourite band growing up though

It's evisceration plague

probably knights, celestica or that one

That's objectively incorrect

Cause she's cool and cute and she knows it.



God, they were a big deal in 10 years ago.

The fuck is that supposed to mean, cunt? You wanna say something to me?

Wuv me guise!


Kill or Become

Black Panther no doubt