Why do conservatives hate psychology?

Why do conservatives hate psychology?

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this is an interesting topic i'd be interested to know more about your position OP please post links this is new information to me as far as i know you've just put some words together that make you feel good about your political positions

both the far left and the far right hate psychology. im a communist and i dont like it. you cant cure depression with drugs; the chemical imbalance thing is a lie.

>dostoyevsky hated psychology
Read a book fag got op

thats psychopharmacology you gommunist fuck

was psychology even a thing during that guy's lifetime?

It's ideology masquerading as science

Friedrich Nietzsche — 'Dostoevsky,the only psychologist from whom I've anything to learn

everything regarding psychology was figured out years ago and now people are just starting to make shit up

>One size fits all diagnosis

That would be psychoanalysis and probably evolutionary psych both pseudosciences...psychology is a category of knowledge

>being a communist

Kind of a backhanded compliment though. He was referring to what Dostoevsky taught him about the slave morality. Almost like when he said, "It is so distinguished to have one's own antipode."

Because it's pseudoscience

behaviorial psychology is great though

Why do you only post once in a thread?

True True but he does refer to food or as Asa psychologist which was my point. Imho Nietzsche was a degenerate wit and not worth the time.

Less than 40% of papers can be replicated. Intellectuals are more likely to accept scientism as truth despite real life evidence.

because its a threat to freedom. it can be hijacked by "important" people to silence the voice of dissent. it can override a majority vote because "muh science"

I wonder why its so popular in russia? really makes you think huh?

Fyodor autocorrected to food or and as a into Asa fucking joos

>Intellectuals are more likely to accept scientism as truth despite real life evidence.

>tfw every science-worshipping fedora you know is a Bachelor of Science dropout

I see it like alchemy. One day in the far future it might produce a science but right now it's a pseudo-scientific clusterfuck.

It's not though.

The science of psychology gets diluted with kikes trying to sell self-help garbage.


They do? Got any numbers to back that statement up OP?

Same thing happens with most scientific studies; most cannot be reproduced.

Therapy is one of the best things you can do in life.
Like all sciences there is lots of shit thought.

Also bear in mind that it's a relatively new science.

really glib headline...psychology is a larger category of knowledge and like all knowledge, it is not an absolute truth and anyone who claims that it should should be should be or must be in order to work or be considered valid fundamentally misunderstands how knowledge works..

Because it's in the same phase physics was in were conclusions are still based on popular opinion, what they want the results to be.

There's just still too much of a gap between psychiatry and psychology yet people treat psychology as absolute fact.

Hell the fact it supports transsexual reassignment surgery shows how bad a shape psychology is in.

We only started doing psychology relatively recently

why do liberals hate freedom?

What's wrong with reassignment surgery?

As someone who spent 3 million dollars creating an 'evidence based' psychology program for high schools to improve mental health, it definitely is pseudoscience.

I had to read 90,000 pages of studies and they were all full of confirmation bias and assumptions and statistical magic to get the results the researchers wanted.

In most cases they were based on existing diagnoses of 'mental illness' which is entirely subjective and has no scientific method behind it.

I realised it was all bullshit when I figured out one person can die from cancer or diabetes or infection, but it takes TWO people to have a mental illness.

One to engage in behaviour that is socially, morally or culturally unacceptable and another to judge that behaviour as socially, morally or culturally unacceptable.

Swearing is still an officially diagnosable mental illness - it is called 'expressive language disorder'. You can be locked in a psych ward and forced to have 'treatment' for it.

That is not illness, it's not medicine, it is not science.


Anyone would have good reason to hate psychiatry.

Especially if psychiatric practitioners learn their methods from Sigmund Freud . He was a Jewish supremacist that hated everyone who was not Jewish.


I am not even a jew hater but I hate supremacists of any kind including Jewish ones.


Why do physicists hate astronomy?



Ad hominem attacks are as scientifically valid as psychology and psychiatry.


Nobody uses Freudian psychology anymore. If they do, they are laughed at.

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who just prescribe medication. They would be the last ones to have anything to do with Freud.

>Expecting people to believe this

Science is just a method of investigation. Why the fuck are people so weird about it?

It's like telling a schizophrenic person the voice in their head is, in fact, a chaos god, and he should kill someone.

What? Philosophy and psychology go hand in hand for me.

everyone hates it.. its not real, only an excuse for lazy fucks to suck government grant money

Why do shitposters love strawmen?

>taking soft """sciences""" seriously

How so?

The law is also complicated we should just descend into global anarchy.

Some of it is real. Much of it is pseudoscience. But you can't fault psychology for that. You fault the jews who infiltrated its ranks top to bottom and turned it into a weapon for their agenda.

I love battling brainwashed SJWs who think because they are majoring in it that they actually understand it when in reality they're just narcissists covering up their own secrets with pretense.

>swearing is a diagnoseable mental illness
>expressive language disorder is just saying fuck once in a while

That question is so dumb, it's not even wrong, as Pauling would say.


It enables similar unhealthy behaviors, such as suicide.

psychology had like a 22:1 ratio of democrats vs republicans from what i remember. conservatives are actively discriminated against, so naturally they hate everyone involved with psychology.

There is limited ability to use hard science on the human mind, but due to its nature a soft science approach is most effective.

Sure sometimes we fuck up, but we've discovered some seriously meaningful, practical and profound insights into the human mind through psychology. The unconscious mind's existence changed everything alone. Nevermind behaviorism and the fact that marketing and propaganda are applied psychology.


Cuz it's gay

Which part?

If you have some medical test that can objectively diagnose a mental illness rather than a questionnaire and the judgement of a psychiatrist, please present it.

A blood test, a Brain scan... Anything.

In reality as soon as there is a physical cause for a mental illness, it can no Longer be treated as a mental illness. The mental symptoms are considered side effects of the physical illness.

This is true for brain tumours, thyroid conditions and vitamin d deficiency.

Psychiatry and psychology are not science.

Talking about your problems is helpful, but it's not science.

Why do lieberals hate logic?

Science is both the pencil and the eraser. But journalism and sensationalism ignore the eraser part.

They consider any paper that comes out as absolute fact pumping endless quantities of nonsense and misinformation to the masses.

Scientism is not science.

Schizophrenia only exists in western kiddo Christian cultures. In other cultures it is considered Devine to hear voices and people that hear them report good feelings and positive things.

Also, mri scans of schizophrenics prove they don't hear anything. The parts of the brain associated with hearing are inactive when they hear 'voices'. The parts associated with speech light up.

The only voice they hear is their own inner monologue.

>a Mexican doesn't know what peer review is

I never would have expected this.


Peer review as been hijacked by grant seeking cunts. How can you trust a monetary system to support the search for truth?

Creation science is peer reviewed.

Psychiatry is the creation science of the medical world.

>Schizophrenia only exists in western kiddo Christian cultures. In other cultures it is considered Devine to hear voices and people that hear them report good feelings and positive things.

Both are schizophrenia and brain scans prove the opposite of what you're saying. No shit they don't hear anything, it's not coming from their ears. The parts associated with listening to someone talking light up. They all report that it sounds like they are physically hearing someone talk to them, hence auditory hallucinations.

You don't know what you're talking about Ausfag.

Hearing is inactive when you're thinking, who knew. Isn't it all about a 'split mind'? Can you even prove humans have inner monologue before we tackle the issue of having more than one going at a single time and it being out of the individuals control?

I don't hate psychology, I hate the fact that the institutions that decide what is and what is not a mental illness has become politicized over the past forty years.

Identifying as something other than what you actually are is a mental illness. If, for example, I believed I was a horse trapped in a man's body, any reasonable person would be right to call me insane, because I am clearly not a horse.

What they wouldn't do is enable my delusion by first helping me put a saddle on my back, letting me sleep in stables, subsist entirely on hay and sugar cubes, or compete in the Kentucky Derby. They certainly wouldn't let me graft hooves where my feet and hands used to be.

Yet transgender people are not only encouraged to explore their delusions, which are only reinforced by everyone around them--including, but not limited to, their psychologists--they are allowed to have irreversible surgeries and hormone replacement therapies to make their delusion a reality.

Refusing to classify it as body dysmorphia or gender dysphoria is entirely political, and damaging to the patients. You only need to look at the suicide rates of post and pre operation trans people to see this.

Also faggots are insane too.

>1 post by this id

>The suicide rate meme
I was hoping you'd have something better. That's been debunked.

Expecting us to believe you are a fucking super doctor who flipped through 90000 pages of psych work. Oh and an expert on /pol is unbelievable. Do you have proof

>1 posts by this id

>muh mental illness is pseudo science

All conventional disorders can be seen under a brain scan. schizophrenics have similar patterns etc.

You don't know much at all about the field and are trying to sound like you do. as I've pointed out here and hereYou're spreading misinformation.

It is the Dogma of the 21st Century, click bait sites like i fucking love science are the new preachers and a wave of misinformed zealots will stone you for cuestioning their beliefs.

No mental disorders can be seen under a brain scan - including schizophrenia.

Most people hate psychology, modern psychology.
What should clue you in is, Freud tends to be far more accurate when dealing with things that are beyond mental illness and the like, Modern neuroscience and psychology utterly fail when they go beyond mental illness and brain study.
Its the blatant reductionism that pervades the field which people hate.
There is necessarily a non-physical aspect to people, the failures of psychology and neuroscience are just short of a mathematical proof for the existence of something like a soul.

It does increase thoughts of suicide, however you missed my point somehow. If you aren't telling Schizoids they're in their own little world then why would you tell people with Gender Dysphoria that they're okay to attempt something that's physically impossible.

one more post ausbro

In the sixties, a researcher told psychiatrists at insane asylums that he would send perfectly sane people to them, who would be misdiagnosed as insane and committed.
The psychiatrists haughtily dismissed this. Months later, they proudy announced that they had located and turned away all the fakes.
The researcher replied that he hadn't sent anyone.




More misinformation. This is general psych 101.

Psychology originally used to be "study of the soul"

But since the XIX century it changed to the study of the mind. The problem started when freud published his baseless sexual theory and that's the origin of it.


>using plural when its singular

I understand the spirit of what you are saying and I think psychiatry is horseshit. But there are legitimate psychological illnesses and crazy people. I have worked with them.

If you want to attack something attack the pharmaceutical industry.

If you follow names, at one time psychiatrists were phrenologists who jumped ship. Psychiatry was not considered to be science and was hurting for recruits when the twentieth century chemical revolution hit. They are literally big pharma sales reps. That is all psychiatrists are.

I don't think anyone's saying all modern psychology studies are wrong, so much as pointing out that glaring flaws exist in the process of creating and releasing those studies

I got my degree in neuroscience before I got my MD.

Neuroscience and psychology both claim to be "science of the brain" and lots of university intro-level classes are shared and count towards both degrees.

However, at a certain point psychology and neuroscience diverge into what are commonly known as the "evidence-based" and "science-based" camps. These same camps exists in medicine.

Chiropracty, for example, is "evidence-based" medicine. This means that you can't explain the results with science. They just are. "Evidence-based", by the way, is what they call themselves. Most people would call it "pseudoscience".

"Science-based" means someone did a microbiology study and found physical evidence for something that happened. Allopathic physicians and neuroscientists follow this.

"Evidence based" medicine, like psychology, also relies almost exclusively on surveys, which is ironically INCREDIBLY SHITTY evidence. That is, they aren't using animal models and dissecting them and looking for PHYSICAL changes. Their sending people surveys to fill out and asking what they felt like changed.

tl;dr Psychology isn't real science and is comparable to chiropracty. I respect psychologists only slightly more than I respect fortune tellers.

Wait wait wait, are we talking about "psychiatry" or "psichology"?

Why do liberals hate logic?


I ended up pushing to remove almost all psychiatry aspects and focuse only on basic interpersonal stuff after 2 years of reading through nonsense research from the APS and RANZCP.

Doing that job was what ultimately led me to Sup Forums when I realised I was being asked to lie to people with Statistics like '1 in 5 people will suffer a mental illness', and obscure research showing that psychiatry increases suicide and decreases social coesion, and that medications are just placebos.

90% of the program previously was SJW nonsense being treated as mental illness and their solution was to push more PC nonsense and government sponsored psychiatry as the solution.

Statistics were being deliberately inflated by the industry to 'grow' the industry with more govt legislation and more govt money. Governments will throw money at a 'crisis'.

The research was on par with the gender pay gap and 1 in 4 college rape stats.

I had some wins, but I have left that job now and they are trying to put back all the things I removed.

This topic is ultimately the reason I came to Sup Forums. I needed some reality when I was part of the machine brainwashing people with this bullshit.

I have a measly degree in Psychology and tend to agree.

Ausbro knows what's going on, read this fucking post.

>it's a quote

Thread theme vid:


It's ironic because conservatives also think being gay and trans is a mental issue.

It's really not. no medical observation has been linked to or proved correct the diagnostic criteria for any mental illness made up and voted into the DSM by a panel of psychiatrists.

Shilling this hard is just sad. It is no more than confirmation bias and pseudo science.

Neuroscience fag here:

Being gay and trans are definitely mental issues. Whether or not you think they're problems are subjective but they are irrefutably due to abnormalities in the brain that can occur because of genetic changes and environmental stresses.