Thor: "Global Warming Karma?"‘global-warming-karma’-for-trump-pulling-out-of-paris-deal/ar-AAsdr0T?li=BBnba9I

What did he mean by this?

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I don't know, but global warming is real. People who say otherwise are being willfully ignorant.

True. Was also true before the combustible engine was invented.

>american sports

i still cant believe >we traded Syndergaard for fucking RA Dickey

yeah, thanks for that by the way. i never thought i'd see the mets win a world series game ever again.

Cancer existed before cigarettes too, smoking just makes your chance of contracting it greater

Someone please tell me the owners of the factories that poluted the world and ended the ice age 20000 years ago

so what about the Caribbean what did they do to deserve it?

Fool has never heard of HAARP.
Don't fall for the climate change meme. Just another way to grab your sheckels

cut down their trees and make hotels

This swarthy fellow is right.

The existence of change of climate change isn't a debate. It's whether or not it's influenced by mankind, which all credible evidence thus far says yes.

how oddly fitting

Too much sexy girls

why are people so hesitant to believe scientists when its their job to do the research?

People trust mechanics to fix their car because its their job.
People trust dentists to fix their teeth because its their job.
But they can't trust scientist's conclusions even though performing the research is their job?

good point

better point

tits are for kids, ass for men: the webm

>It's whether or not it's influenced by mankind, which all credible evidence thus far says yes.
So that's not really a debate either. It's just one side using data to back up their claims and the other side blindly clinging to dogma. Sounds familiar desu.

average layman can watch a mechanic fix his car and get a basic understanding of what he's doing. average layman listens to a scientist talk, and he can barely differentiate it from a foreign language.

Have you seen mechanic's bills? You're average layman is lucky if he understands have the shit he's being charged for. The actual analogy is half the people think the mechanic is scamming him, while the other half trust the mechanic knows what he's doing.

it's so real that every prediction has been wrong!

I get that science is hard to understand, but what the fuck so scientists stand to gain from lying about all this?

the government cuts their funding if they say global warming isn't real

I'm in science, that's not how funding works you dumbass.


that's what it should be. The problem is: the morons who oppose drastic changes to protect the climate are even doubting climate change itself.
Even if you could just read the weather reports of the last 100 years and come to the simple conclusion that it really got warmer

Government funding. How much money do you think a scientist is gonna get if he says, "Yeah, there's nothing particularly troublesome going, hold on to your money."

It's the same reason the military issues a report every time they're asked stating "We're not not prepared for the challenges ahead. We need more funding."

Scientific research is business, not a public service.

ok then what?
usa has bases all over the world
invade us so we stop poluting or shut the fuck
acording to your scientists we would already be underwater

>Even if you could just read the weather reports of the last 100 years and come to the simple conclusion that it really got warmer

Problem is that a 50,000 year steady trend, not 100, yet we are told we need to completely roll back industry itself to reverse 50,000 trend that's part a several million year cycle because reasons.

it's all a ruse to make co2 taxes finance the UN to get more money for globalist policies
do we really want to give money to the people of "with 200 milions on the run, migration is necesary and desirable"?

>there's nothing particularly troublesome going
Well when you have trillion ton icebergs breaking off the poles, it's hard to say nothing is happening

As far as earth's history goes, that would count as nothing, seeing as how it's happened countless times before and will happen again. When a planet cools and warms on a regular basis, it shouldn't be news that icebergs are breaking apart.

Stop watching movies

Start reading news.

What news? The ones that said that sea levels woud've 2 meters higher by 2000?

>When a planet cools and warms on a regular basis, it shouldn't be news that icebergs are breaking apart.
What should be news? I think these are pretty worthwhile indicators that should be reported.

>harvey decimates carribean countries while it makes a miraculous weakening and change of direction right before it hits florida which causes far less than expected damage
>all while trump doesnt actually pull out of the paris agreement (
>people STILL try to blame trump
literally mentally ill

Perhaps trump shoud stop promising shit he won't deliver?

The White House said from the moment that they pulled out that they wanted to renegotiate on more favourable terms. They also confirmed that absolutely nothing had changed since the day that they pulled out. This whole story about the reentry was literally fake news. Nothing new had happened, and yet the media spun it like a major breakthrough.

tell me she has porn

One amateur self finger masturbation video

well nigga

Great. So we can control the climate by paying higher taxes. Just like taxing cigarettes fights cancer.
Tale as old as civilization.

Science itself demands repeatable testing. Climate alarmists keep getting caught fudging data. Co-founder of The Weather Channel thinks man made climate change is BS. Vice president of Green Peace (can't get much more liberal than that) also denies Climate change.

There was never a debate. Only politicization and condemnation of opponents. Science is not consensus. It is repeatable testing by piers.

>blue board

Da hurr hurr i'm fuckyfucky global warming goon