America are you ok?

America are you ok?
Whats going on in your country?

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No. The joint CHI-Black uprising will begin soon. Then we can commit wh*te genocide.

IDK, I just go to work, do my job and go home.

Whites are starting to take their first steps in becoming human by becoming aware of the racism that still goes on in this country.

Nazis and Nazi sympathizers, of course, want to maintain their white privilege.

Trump's digging himself a hole by pretending some people protesting the monument weren't Nazis and everyone else is pretending Antifa and anarcho-socialists are violent thugs who act just like the fascist they criticize.

>everyone else is pretending Antifa and anarcho-socialists are violent thugs who act just like the fascist they criticize.
Only Sup Forums and /r/the_donald/ think that.

>are violent thugs who act just like the fascist they criticize.
Shit I meant aren't. Seriously though if the normal left things those assholes are good allies it's going to blow up in their face.

God damn it.
You're all wrong.

I dunno, I know lots of people irl, who think Trump's "many/both sides" thing was appropriate, because they see BLM/antifa coalition to be a "left-wing" equivalent to the KKK.

They see him as a peacemaker for opposing "all violence".

>Only Sup Forums and /r/the_donald/ think that.
What are you talking about they come with weapons and break shit. Sometimes they burn shit and throw molotovs like in Berkeley. Face it they're a bunch of dick bags too.

My impression (as a non-american) is that there is a group of people in america who feel left behind by globalization and who gravitate towards right-wing.
But it doesn't seem to me like the main-stream media takes them seriously, instead calling them nazis, which may or may not become a self-fullfilling prophecy

I don't really see BLM like that but yeah Antifa acts like a bunch of asses and they were literally formed to engage Nazis in fighting circa 1932 and they haven't changed much.

lots of bad stuff desu

hopefully someone plows a truck through a nazi rally next time

Thankfully we're finally approaching balakanization.

that's part of it yes, many are legitimate Nazi's though. Just because they haven't killed a jew or a POC themselves doesn't make them a non-Nazi. The Nazi's were Nazi's before they took power, remember. You also have the KKK joining forces with them who have a bloody, violent history.

We're just moving past the "He'll change and become more presidential with time" stage. Some people were on the fence and had hope, but the presser where he basically disavowed his previously forced statement killed it. People said he went rogue, against the advice of McMaster etc. He's uncontrollable.

I'm waffling between the "very fine people" line being pandering to an obscure segment of his base, or what he actually thinks.

I agree, the nazis are a small minority. But if media potrays every person on the right as a nazi, then normal right wing people might feel alienated and excluded, and eventually, they could become nazis for real.
I mean, as far as i can tell, there is no dialogue going on between left- and right wing in america

The problem is the media lumps in more moderate right with these full blown Nazis. And it's like no, someone questioning affirmative action, claims that all whites are responsible for slavery and white privilege are not the same as Nazis.

Seeing 's used to show plural is a trend all over the Internet that's been really triggering me lately.

Bear in mind, we don't have much of a real left in America, it's mostly radical social liberals who don't care very much about economics besides a surface-level admiration of communism.

>Whats going on in your country?


>But if media potrays every person on the right as a nazi, then normal right wing people might feel alienated and excluded, and eventually, they could become nazis for real.
Similar thing happened with Germans interned in WW2. Most weren't Nazis but after being literally locked up with Nazis (a bunch on Eli's Island) and treated like criminals, they started believing the Nazis b.s.

Fags, women, and the media have taken over. I hate this country and want it nuked to end my suffering.

Some nazis are a small problem compared to crumbling and outdated infrastructure, horrible education and corrupt and retarded legal system.

As far as i am aware, American left only cares about identity politics, and not about social welfare, which seems rather stranger for an european.

Whites are about at the early stages of separating

If you don't see BLM as violent hypocrites then you aren't paying attention. You feel some sort of psychological obligation to excuse them, for whatever reason.

Our country might as well an hero for the rest of the world and save it from the future it s heading down. Launch the nukes, and with any luck hope for the extinction of humanity.

Our nation fell for the "white man's burden" meme and we've been regretting it ever since.

And then you have the ones that actually believe it and flog themselves daily to repent for shit that happened years ago

In my experience, a lot of them advocate some form of "anarchy" or "socialism" or "communism" but they only have a very basic understanding of these concepts, and mostly support them for aesthetic reasons (e.g. LARPing as Che Guevara). If you're not aware, we actually had a social democrat run in the 2016 election, but he received a lot of criticism for not focusing enough on identity politics.

By the time Trump is done with his presidency, I wouldn't be surprised if the U.S. starts to look like another central or south american country.

His job is to unite Americans, not push them to the extremes more (left or right). This only causes more conflict which makes the country less stable and people don't exactly buy or trust currencies from unstable countries.

I'd hate to say this but I feel a lot native and immigrant Americans put up with American laws and institutions because the dollar is a powerful and stable hard currency trusted worldwide.

expect to see more violence if the dollar ceases to be a hard currency.

Yeah, I am quiet sad that Bernie lost. I don't know if he would be able to implement his ideas, but in my opinion, it was exactly what america needs.
It feels to me like the US elites only care about wall street, multinational corporations and playing world police, and the common man pays the prize, for example through bad school system or undepayed police force that shoots people

Hard to do that when the media is constantly talking shit.

Harder to do when the general populace eats said shit up.

>all this Sup Forumstards

>they were literally formed to engage Nazis in fighting circa 1932 and they haven't changed much.
well for one they changed the definition of nazi to the point where anyone who doesn't want historical monuments destroyed qualify and should be stabbed

Inbreeding and degeneracy. Truly a pathethic nation, it's depressing how they're allowed to have nukes.

I think you are largely correct.
Race and religion also play a role in keeping the common man voting against his interests (and for those of the elite).
I am curious how somebody like Bernie who was slightly more conservative on social issues would fare.

Trump = Milosevic
White males = Serbs
Feminists = Croats
Blacks = Bosniaks
Asians = Slovenes
Gays = FYROMans
Hispanics = Albanians

Does it fit?

>Race and religion also play a role in keeping the common man voting against his interests
I agree, typical divide and conquer, focusing on non-issues like abortion or gay marriage.
My only hope is that after Trump, the political elites will see that they can't afford to ignore the troubles of common people

>protesting police brutality and the growing police state is bad
>wanting to create a white sharia state is good

Literally "my ancestor :)" wearing swastikas vs college kids unironically wearing hammer and sickles.

The American Left is attempting a hard take over of the country. They began by assuming control of the media, with many television shows and news networks demonstrating a clear left-wing bias in an attempt to indoctrinate the American public. Now they are becoming more brazen. Viscous attacks and invective are being directed towards all right-wingers, from traditional conservatives to far-right neo-Nazis. While attacking the hard-right is well and good, the nefarious treatment of the centre-right and the right-wing is causing the adherents of moderate right-wing views to shift further along the spectrum in order to invalidate their views and make them appear less agreeable to the public. It also encourages people to commit violent attacks, like we saw with the Dodge Charger in Charlottesville. This allows the leftist to relentlessly play the victim, claiming that they are being murdered, injured and targeted at the hands of the right-wing, despite the fact they are often committing violent acts themselves and are actively trying to provoke and anger their opponents. Then, of course, there's the historical revisionism; from portraying historical European figures as Africans in television and film to outright desecrating or even destroying statues and monuments of right-wing figures. The left in America claim they are opposing fascism; in reality, they are practising their own version of it.

I would urge all of my American friends to stand up to the left-wing evil that is currently besieging their country. Do not be afraid of these cretinous fools. If you speak out they will turn their attention to you, they will target you, but as the old saying goes, better to die on your feet than live on your knees. Stand up to these wicked psychopaths before it's too late.

S'all good here, man. Then again, I'm not poor, so I think that's to be expected.

>I know lots of people irl, who think Trump's "many/both sides" thing was appropriate, because they see BLM/antifa coalition to be a "left-wing" equivalent to the KKK.
This, and I live in Vermont.