Why didnt obi wan get serious friction burns from the thin wire rope?


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force cocoon gloves

Forcegloves. That Forceforcefieldfield is also why they never got cut while crashing windows and shit.


It's the absolute truth I

opps, I gave myself away, didn't I?

I went and pulled a
>Fire Lo

when he started his descend, he obviously had the high ground, and we all know how powerful that is

Why didn't Obi Wan just use Force Speed to save Qui Gon?

Gong wasn't a good enough friend.

Why didn't Sheev just use the force to stop Mace Windu's heart from beating?

when did keira knightley let her beard grow out?

Why didn't Vader just use the force to make Luke's proton torpedoes miss the exhaust port on the Death Star?

what makes you think that those ropes would hurt him?
they are not from the same material as ours


Jedi protect their bodies with their own force powers

strong hands
didnt want to hurt his son
force doesnt work that way

Because he was sliding down the rope he would always have the high ground relative to the rope about to touch his hands. Thus, he was able to avoid any harm.

His arm would had been cut off from the force of falling and having such thin strong wire around his arm.

When obi wan was taking care of padme and got luke to watch over could you say he was taking care of his wife's son?


Why didn't Kylo Ren use Force Freeze on Rey and Boyega?

why didn't OP make a decent thread?

why did you post in a thread that (you) decided wasn't decent?

to get dubs

Sheev was behind it all.

because he's a bitch

Why didn't Darth Metallus use Force Guitar Solo on the rebels?

some people might've been missing fingers.

why was "revenge of the sith" the worst prequel ?

because it was written on the cover. one of the words was an anagram for the true meaning of the title.



he was using light side buffs
a legit question given how often he used it in the movie. I would have liked to see him try and fail.
I would say it was beyond his skill but I recall them using it when fighting droids
too hard. better question is why did not he force crush his ship
>force doesnt work that way
yeah it does. it just can't be done mid battle
no. obi stayed dry

>tfw the tv prom said: Sith Happens

Pure Pun Kino.

Yes they are.
The rope factory is just behind my house, and starwars spaceships come all the time to buy ropes there and re-sell them later all over the starwars galaxy.

Heroes' fight event.
This safe, reverent warthogs.

buy a twilek for me

Which color?

he was, they were actually going super fast but the movie was slowed down for the audience


That blade not coming out of the handle properly is disrupting my autism


he was out of force potions

why are obi wan's hands burn resistant, but dooku burns his shoulder


Water cooling.


Luke was already using the force to guide them in


patrician choice

There's probably a wookiepedia page about it OP


force skinhands

this fight is shit