Opinions? I think it's one of the best films iv'e ever seen yet nobody i know has seen it or talked about it

Opinions? I think it's one of the best films iv'e ever seen yet nobody i know has seen it or talked about it.

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It's a classic

Great cinematography and that's it.






Great poster too bee qwyte onist

overacting and pointless plot

No Country for Old men was superior film


It was alright. No Country for Old Men was better though.


>nobody i know has seen it or talked about it.

Maybe you should get non-pleb friends.

Fuck that, the main character dies off screen. I hated that shit.


Cohen films are good but feel kind of soulless and samey

Why compare it to no country for old men? I don't see any similarities.

I see worst in people, Henry

It's amazing on so many levels yet I think it's less than the sum of it's parts. PTA is trying so overtly to make a masterpiece here that the movie never really gets a chance to breath and develop naturally. The period recreation and cinematography are so amazing though, it's a film that I want to live in and never leave while watching it

I also think all the personal male relationships in the film (father-son, brothers, rivals) are much more compelling than the pretty shallow statement about capitalism consuming religion, or their equal hypocrisy. It's an agreeeable big statement but not much of a discussion on those themes.

Both were the oscar frontrunners for 2007, both set or at least shot in rural Texas, both about men corrupted by greed and immorality

Favorite scene from any movie desu


How was the main character from no country for old men immoral? He just wanted the moni, for that matter why didn't he just get on a plane and leave with his wife and the money the minute he found it? That annoys me so fucking much.

I meant more Anton. Immoral was the wrong word


This really drinks my milkshake

It's actually a perfect film, and the layman hasn't seen it because they lack the mental capacity to even begin to understand what's really going on.

The main character doesn't die.

The movie is just an old-fashion character study to determine how much of a soul one man has, or if he ever had a soul to begin with.

I can see why that wouldn't interest some people, but I fucking love it.

Does he actually have any love for his son (or as close to love as he can have) or was the boy always a prop to him and nothing more.

Would he have actually found some microcosm of happiness if his real brother had actually found him, instead of the imposter whose fraud most likely shattered the last of his humanity?

Want does he even want in life? He claims to humanity and society, so he lies, steals and even murders his way through life to amass a fortune so he could live in opulence secluded from all others, and yet even once he accomplishes his goal he still spends his days miserable, drinking his life away destroying the wealth he worked so hard to obtain.

Every time I watch the movie I come away with different answers to those questions and more, which is I guess why it resonates with me personally.

Timeless classic thanks to Paul Dano


really it didn't also have great acting?

>TWBB 10/10
>The Master 10/10
>Inherent Vice 8/10

Is there anything this young man can't do?

i had to hear my faggot friend say "I drink your milkshake I drink it up!" for a year after this shit movie

I guess if you view the protag as anton than sure but that's debatable.

Because he put everyone he knew in danger and got muh childreen killed for money he could have just left.

Nobody except for that dying mexican knew he was at the scene of the massacre and he was smart enough to know that taking the money would have consequences.

I took the moral of the story to be that sometimes good men do stupid, immoral things and are plunged into a world of immorality.

No it's not. The entire thing is literally about him.

TWBB is a film that plebeians flock to in awe, because they are nearly completely underexposed to cinema.

It is a film which exposes the tasteless, time after time.

Well he couldn't have picked a better line

They were also both shot on adjacent soundstages. No Country production had to be stopped for a few days due to fumes from the burning oil on the TWBB set passing over No Country's

Thanks for the insight, reddit

What's a better movie with similar themes?

>mfw my plebe friends started using "DRAAAAAINAGE" as a real life meme after I forced them to watch this movie

Also a less known anecdote: one day Paul Dano was walking through a town in costume after a day of filming and accidentally made his way into a panning shot in No Country. I can't remember exactly which one but they didn't realize until the film was released.


bullshit, post screenshot

unironically this. It's a pretend epic. I'm not memeing, I was really enjoying it until some point around 90 minutes in. Then it just went to complete shit, like nobody had any idea what was going on. By the ending scene I was literally laughing at how ridiculous it was, especially seeing how there was basically no character development.

I can still somewhat see the appeal, but for me it was dissapointing

>Does he actually have any love for his son (or as close to love as he can have) or was the boy always a prop to him and nothing more.
>Would he have actually found some microcosm of happiness if his real brother had actually found him, instead of the imposter whose fraud most likely shattered the last of his humanity?

I think it's obviously a yes to both. You can see how deeply hurt he is after his "brother" betrays him and after HW says he's striking out on his own. I think the most interesting thing in the film is the way Daniel cannot over HW's disability and connect with him the way they used to. Any other person would become more loving to a child struck with deafness like that, but not Daniel. He either doesn't have the capacity for empathy needed, or sees the deafness as a betrayal too, his son and protege can never really take his place.

Daniel sees the world only as something to use and conquer. If HW can no longer take after him and do that, what is he, in Daniels eyes? His closest family and friend became just as alien to him as any other person

Am I the only one really annoyed by the fact they used the same actor for both Paul and Eli, and made no real effort to differentiate the two?

I wasn't sure if it was just a nom-de-plum related to selling his father's land, or a personality disorder.

The least they could do is show both brothers at the same time. They could have easily pulled a Shanaynay.

Brilliant film, the coens at their finest. Javier Bardem truly brought the Chigurh character to life.
10/10, pure kino.

Yeah it was fucking stupid, don't really know what PTA was thinking not making it more obvious. I was baffled when Eli first showed up

When I first watched it I thought that Paul and Eli were the same person trying to fuck over Daniel Plainview with a sophisticated good cop/bad cop routine.

I kinda liked it but it didn't do anything to me, in no way would I call it a masterpiece as many people do. Same goes for The Master. I suspect inherent vice will do the same but I want to watch anyway sometime. I guess PTA is not for me.
I liked Magnolia a lot better though it felt "forced" , trying hard to seem spectacular or something

>I liked Magnolia a lot better though it felt "forced" , trying hard to seem spectacular or something
I don't like Magnolia at all. It's so self-indulgent

PTA was given a blank check after Boogie Night, and also right after his father died, so he made a 3 hour video to Everybody Hurts with 90% of the cast of Boogie Nights returning in a hugely bloated screenplay, and a score that doesn't stop playing for until 40 minutes into the film. There is just so much hubris on screen and I don't think any of it is as profound as PTA did. I understand the motivation but I think he needed some time to process his grief before trying to make such a big statement on it that amounts to very little

Probably the best movie of the millenium so far

Daniel Day Lewis doesn't let you forget that he is ACTING at every single moment. Overrated.

Litterally the most talked about movie for 5 years after it came out

10/10 might be my favorite film