/balk/ - Balkan Thread

Cool pictures edition


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1st for me

good morning

foiled again by the eternal seajew




help I am being bullied by greeks on the internet

Ok help is arriving, Olteanca is coming to hug you

Same thing literally happened to me,some Albanians were bullying me and I cried.

>20 cm. dick

>no sex in more than 5 years now

>what do ?

start using that boipucci


bully them back

Is it weird to be 20+ years and a virgin?

>implying half the cunts on Sup Forums arent actually underage

>tfw I can't wait for the 2nd American Civil War

I need happenings to fuel my sad existence

Ye hello can you help me?
I was having a normal conversation regarding the female characters with large breasts in Japanese animated shows, when from nowhere this guy with Austrian flag started calling me Jebem ti siptar and then started calling me a sheepshagger. What do I do? I just wanted to have a nice conversation regarding my virtual significant other.

it feels good to see te Great Satan slowly die and it gives me hope

Anyone ever attended Paneurythmia? I kind of want to go this year but the hordes of selyaks from Sofia is discouraging me desu



Fun fact: Peter Dunov and Georgi Dimitrov were living together and had been close friends.
And I just found this:
>"Eднo вpeмe, кaзвa тoй, и мъжeтe, и жeнитe paждaли, нo oтceтнe мъжът изгyбил cпocoбнocттa cи дa paждa и ocтaнaлa caмo жeнaтa дa въpши тoвa. Библиятa кaзвa: Aвpaaм poди Иcaaк,a нe кaзвa, чe Capa poди. Дoкoгaтo мъжeтe paждaли, cвeтът бил в oтличнo пoлoжeниe, нo кoгaтo тe пpecтaнaли дa paждaт, cвeтът ce paзвaлил" (Учитeл, cтp. 10).
This guy was a living meme.

Typical balkan behaviour caused by balkan tribe mentality
This wouldn't happen in Transylvania

are gypsies that tolerant?

You should know, you are part of their community
Also Transylvanians are Germanic

It is time boys

You do realize by the very same image Greeks are also Germanic right? Please stop

No they aren't

Gruss Gott mein volksgenosse!

So, Celto-Germanic?

Proud of my Celtic heritage

You do realize most of Germanics are not colored the same tone of red as the people from Transylvania right? and neither are Austrians.
In fact the Northern most part of Transylvania still has thracian DNA apparently.
This map proves Transylvanians are more Italian/Balkan then anything.

t. Transylvanian/Romanian

No, it proves Transylvania's deep European roots as most Transylvanians have Latin, Celtic and Germanic heritage

Also, being born to moldovan parents in Kronstadt doesn't make you Transylvanian

I'm Transylvanian by my fathers side, pale skin, blue eyes, and probably way more white then you.

Most autistic posters I found are dark as fuck and are deeply complexed about what they are.

>No, it proves Transylvania's deep European roots as most Transylvanians have Latin, Celtic and Germanic heritage
Are you are ignoring Tracian proto-indo european balkanic DNA in the north? Or is this just a matter of your convenience?

>I'm Transylvanian by my fathers side
So you really are moldovan, I knew it

Also Dacians and Thracians were different people

>Also Dacians and Thracians were different people
Genetics prove you wrong. Dacians like Tracians are described as red-heads. Read the accounts of Tacitus.

>So you really are moldovan
Partially yes. In mentality and look I'm Transylvanian.

No one in this country is "pure" anything. And especially in Transylvania. Gypo

>wasting time to argue with a retard

I'm hoping he will quit. Hes becoming more insufferable then the "I'm a greek guy".
But you are right..I have better shit to do.

The Dacians lived within the Carpathian Basin and were latinized
The Getae, which are Thracians, lived outside of the Carpathians and were never latinized
Simple as

Transylvania is not Balkan but Eastern European. Transylvania, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus. All the same.


Bugari = tatari
Ellada = limunada

srbe = vrbe

Slavi = jebem

>anatolian education



Hrvat = tat


>asking a bunch of 16-19 year olds

why are g*mmunists such subhumans lads

dass good, it means we're next, but our g*mmunists are insufferable cunts

>send monicCca macCcovei 2 give us justice advices
>g*mmunists send shill selyak woman to attack her during her speech

the eternal g*mmunist oligarch never changes

Ι love communism

me too


slava cCcP

Boyko called and apologized to the r*sshit who posted a comment that his head was gonna roll soon.

Fucking embarrassing, Boyko.

That is cCcorrect


that guy looks like a typical /balk/ poster

he looks like bubbles from trailer park boys, except bubbles is an actual decent human being

>cdna(litex) fan
what a subhuman

Fuck litex lovech

>had to analyze his tastes to figure that out
>couldn't tell from looking at his face

i know plenty of smart people that are ugly as sin. im not prejudiced when it comes to looks

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

i'm depressed
cheer me up

Watch Rick and Morty

whats up lad




Are you xpozed?

>replying to the guy who wants easy you's

speaking of which, when are we gonna go to other generals and compete in who's gonna get the most you's


Give me your sister and I'll make her queen

if we ever compete i'll just post my boipucci and get all the yous

what happened?

Democracy is the greek way, only barbarians engage in despotism.

Зa дa cтe чecтни, тpябвa дa имaтe мнoгo виcoк кoeфициeнт нa интeлигeнтнocт, зa дa paзбepeтe Pик и Mopти. Хyмopът e изключитeлнo изтънчeн и бeз coлиднo cхвaщaнe нa тeopeтичнaтa физикa пoвeчeтo oт шeгитe щe пpeминaт пpeз типичнaтa зpитeлcкa глaвa. Cъщo тaкa имa нихилиcтичнo изpaжeниe нa Pик, кoeтo e вплeтeнo в нeгoвaтa хapaктepиcтикa - личнaтa мy филocoфия нaпpимep ce чepпи oт литepaтypaтa нa Hopoдинaя Boля. Фeнoвeтe paзбиpaт тeзи нeщa; Te имaт интeлeктyaлнaтa cпocoбнocт дa oцeнят иcтинcки дълбoчинитe нa тeзи вицoвe, дa ocъзнaят, чe тe нe ca пpocтo cмeшни - тe кaзвaт нeщo дълбoкo зa LIFE. B peзyлтaт нa тoвa хopaтa, кoитo нe хapecвaт Pик и Mopти, нaиcтинa ca идиoти - paзбиpa ce, тe нe бихa oцeнили нaпpимep хyмopa в cъщecтвyвaщaтa pиcкa нa Pик "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub", кoятo caмa пo ceбe cи e зaгaдъчнa пpeпpaткa към pycкитe eпични бaщи и cинoвe нa Typгeнeв Ceгa ce ycмихвaм, caмo cи пpeдcтaвям, чe eдин oт oнeзи пpилeпнaти пpocтици, кoитo пoчecaхa глaвитe cи, ce oбъpкaхa, дoкaтo гeният нa Дaн Хapмън ce paзгpъщa нa тeлeвизиoннитe cи eкpaни. Кaкви глyпaци ... кaк ги cъжaлявaм.

i just realized I'm a unsuccessful faggot in his 30's that achieved nothing

man obsessedlad you really are obsessed


Make another kid xpozed, tonight I am getting wasted on vinjak, i'll share my emotions with you babycake.

Sure, tell her I'll democratically give her 1453m^2 in Thessaloniki if she will marry me

you will kill yourself soon and your depression will end

decent translation actually

that's 90% of Sup Forums

>90% of Sup Forums

>unsuccessful faggots

>in their 30's

well close to their 30's at least


Give me your secret gyro recipe and we have a deal.

>close to 30



Heh kid, I thought you'd know already ... Greeks and Macedonians are tied historically. But her it is:

Gyro preparation is a holy procedure... Much like Holy Communion. Everytime you put a layer of meat, it represents a deceased Turk soldier. Everytime you open the gas grill and light it, it represents a burned Turkish city and the charcoal the burned turks

As you cut the gyro, you wish God will also allow you to cut as easily through the masses of incompetent turkshit soldiers with swords and bayonettes, when the Time comes

And as you serve it, you wish the pleasure of the taste of the person eating would only be surpassed by the destruction of Turkey and the Holy Reclamation of Constantinople.

This is it.


why is her voice so good, /balk/

desu i think he finally broke
he doesn't even read remember the context before replying