Whats Sup Forums's opinion on Mr.Oizo? i personally love him

whats Sup Forums's opinion on Mr.Oizo? i personally love him

On a Dose of Buckley video. Flat as hell.

Patrician house

hell yeah I love 31 minutos

Shitposter incarnate, yet still makes enjoyable music

any more examples of similar artists?

i like his music, he doesn't get talked about enough on here.

agreed, its p original and amazing for dropping late in the night

Best album?
my vote goes to lambs anger

i prefer his singles and remix, theres a good youtube mix with a bunch of deep tracks

Toss up between Stade 2 and The Church

analog worms attack

Analog gets down to how good he can scratch, he's og

actually all the scratching was done by Feadz
but the scratching is really fucking tight

analog worms attack is a wonderful album

His music is terrifying. Love it.

smoking tape is best track

The Church is the most consistent in my opinion, but I also really love Moustache because of how crazy it is.

I wish he was talked about more here, I really like his stuff, even if he does a lot of stupid shit

I tried to dance to Moustache Half a Scissor but ended up breaking every bone in my body

what does everyone thinm of ed banger?

They're OK.
