I have a challenge for you TV. I was watching The revenant, and I noticed that, in many movies...

I have a challenge for you TV. I was watching The revenant, and I noticed that, in many movies, the plot and central conflict kick in because a character does something that is obviously irrational. The example in the revenant is when captain trusts fitzgerald to watch after glass (obviously stupid move as fitzgerald expressed desire to kill glass, would've been better to leave him with two boys then a guy who actively killed him)

Another would be in No Country For Old Men, when, as the meme here says, Moss comes back six hours later with a gallon of water instead, of, i dont know, calling an ambulance or just not going to the site of a guy who was bleeding out six hours later..

Both of these films wouldn't have their central conflict without these irrational decisions made by the characters. My challenge for you guys is this, find me a good film where the central conflict ISNT a direct result of a stupid decision made by a character

Batman v Superman


City of god and I'm not even memeing

This is a weird question, there's like an infinite amount of movies where the conflict isn't drawn by an irrational decision

Captain America: Civil War

Real people are rarely "rational" in the way that you mean. Hack writers write perfect characters

This is retarded, batman makes the irrational choice of thinking superman is an enemy (also i said GOOD film)

possibly, but is there really a conflict here?havent seen it, cant comment


People act irrationally under stressing or unusual circumstances. If you had a character act exactly as you, the viewer isolated at home with perfect hindsight, would then they would no longer be humans dealing with events that happen to them. They would be robots.

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

This is the most retarded thread I've ever seen. Die Hard?

He bashes a security guard in like the first five minutes.

And that wasn't a stupid decision...


there was a tracking device hidden in the money. the fact that he went back to give the guy water was ultimately meaningless to the central conflict.

they wouldnt have known moss was still there, and moss wouldve had time to look through the money and leave home in peace instead of being chased by sugarman

how about dirty harry? he's already wild and irrational, but then the bad guy uses that to his advantage


So you want movie were a character DOESNT make ANY irrational action during the ENTIRE film ?

Hitting in the head a security guard who is about to arrest a criminal phsyco is pretty them logical.

To the mind of the one doing said action.

t. Zack Snyder

Die Hard.

From this year, Green Room.

These are good action thrillers because they put their characters in difficult situations and then the characters make decisions on how to deal with them in a way most average people would also deal with them. Rather than having them act in completely idiotic ways.

Also your question seems backwards. Most films don't have irrational decisions that cause the conflict. A better question would be examples of irrational decisions that start a conflict that aren't justified by the theme or character (i.e., the character is retarded, or the point is the show them making mistakes).

John Wick

that's just because the motivation for anything they do doesn't exist at all

>Green Room
The skinheads could've just come in and killed them all SO easily, at pretty much any point in the movie. As soon as the band lost the handgun and killed the fat guy, there was no reason why the skinheads couldn't just break the door down and slaughter them.

>There's no reason you can't just murder people in an easily identifiable manner


>wanting complete flawless Aristotelian plot
>going to films
Oedipus the King is what you're searching for senpai
Back in the days of honest playmaking

Im not trying to offend you in any way but you either didnt think this through very much or just dont watch many movies. This is such a base level topic for scriptwriting and just general storytelling and there are countless films that fit. Because it's the first thing I could think of though I'd say 'Strangers on a Train'.

>base level topic
>can only think of one example
>many movies and stories still suffer from this
You can't even write a short Sup Forums post without logical holes. How do you expect us to believe you understand storytelling?

true, perfect movie plot-wise

>he thinks the Greeks didn't fucking INVENT character flaws

Forrest Gump

true, most of the films mentioned here i have not seen, but other posters seem to be noting that this is consistent across the films being mentioned so, I think at least its not a horrible post

I literally said its the first thing I thought of. Why go to the effort to formulate a complete rebuttal when half the time the OP leaves and doesnt come back, is baiting or is just (like now) generally lacking in knowledge of what hes talking about.

And please dont get me started. If I know anything at all, its the ins and outs of effective storytelling.

>asked to post a movie without any irrational character choices
>lists movie about a retard

have you written any effective stories?

But all of his decisions are rational.

Yes I apologize for lack of clarity. Im not trying to say "omg op ur a fucking retard!!!!". It is an overwhelmingly common flaw but there are so many films in existence and so many of those are entirely free from that kind of error in plot.

You used the word "challenge" though which made it sound like you'd look far and wide and never seen a movie without that flaw.

Fight Club

FYI: at the end of the book the sheriff confesses to his uncle that he left his injured comrades to die in WW2 in order to save his life, but came back a decorated hero because his superiors wanted to use him for propaganda

kinda parallels lewellen (however you spell it)

also there was a tracking device with the money so they would have caught up to him eventually anyways

Retard pleb
Character flaws =/= plot holes
Oedipus made bad choices out of ignorance not stupidity. He didn't know it was his father he killed, or his mother he married.
Better stick to motion flicktures friend. Literature is out of your league.

>let go of the wheel

Except loving JENNAY

this is the most obvious, the main character is irrational from the get go because he has dissociative identity disorder, literally nothing he does is reasonable save for shooting himself in the end

Not going to lie, you really got me there. I havent. Ive just taken a lot of university courses on writing, drama, film criticism and the like. Stories are really my passion and Im an academic type so I've been studying them and their mechanics for quite awhile.

you wanna write a screenplay together?

All movies with love are irrational then

I'd actually love to, user.

this went full homo extremely fast

>2 long posts
>still nothing of substance
>"don't get me started" "trust me I know this guys"
We don't want to wait for your redditier video essay m8. We got nerdwriter and Tony for that.

alright, got any ideas? my one friend had this idea about a future society where robot assistants using AI have become so common that there is a special court where they can attempt to prove that they are conscious and human to gain freedom, and one day a sociopathic human gets accused of being a robot so he has to prove to the court that hes human, its a real ex machina meets the stranger whaddya think

"Still nothing of substance". Why are you egging me on? I dont think Ive been asked to do anything. Do you want a list of films lacking in the plot hole OP mentioned or do you just want to keep antagonizing me?

This involves too much brain power, OP. Please learn to shitpost better.

With some tweaks that seems really compelling actually. I like the elements from "The Stranger". Do you write?

how about a screenplay about an autistic savant who shitposts all day on Sup Forums and even starts conversations with himself about writing a screenplay. He doesn't act irrational even once in the movie, because, wait for it, he never leaves his room and pisses into cola bottles, his mom wants to throw him out but needs him for more welfare money.

That movie has been made. It's called iRobot

why would my mom need me for welfare money? you even know how welfare works, also if i was a savant would i have some remarkable skill and not shitpost all day? your post has too many plotholes, not effective storytelling sorry 2/10

Jackie Brown

Unless you want to argue that working for a gunrunner is on its face an irrational thing to do which it is). But that's established before the events of the film.

If you're ready to pay royalties to half this board, you and me included sure

Star Trek IV

wheres the sociopath on trial though?i dabble

But Zé was a fucking mess, user

how about a screenplay about an schizophrenic autistic savant who shitposts all day on Sup Forums and even calls himself out about calling himself out starting conversations with himself about writing a screenplay. He doesn't act irrational even once in the movie, because, wait for it, he never leaves his room and pisses into cola bottles, his mom wants to throw him out but needs him for more welfare money.

not really enough paranoid delusion in that to call it schizo, sounds more like dissociative actually, also isnt never leaving your room and peeing in bottles irrational, also i didnt write this original post, so either youre a different guy from the original poster of this insult, or youre the original poster and you think you dont exist

>where's the sociopath on trial?
Will Smith became a cold, detached sociopath after he failed to save the girl from drowning, and losing his arm. The whole movie is just his physical and spiritual "trial" to find out who's the more human one, him or his I, Robot.
Le who's more human, the machine or the person stories have been made to death. Not saying yours won't be good but you won't be able to claim it'll be original.

the problem with iRobot is it's kind of a superficial statement on what "Humanity is", especially with the "Can a robot write a symphony line" and will smiths humanity is never really put on trial, we know hes a human from the start because he feels like shit over himself not saving the girl and he has rage at machines for saving him instead. I think the originallity in my friends idea comes from the court room setting but youre right about the question of "Can humans be less human than machines can?" being done to death

Well if you're serious I'd be interested. I can help you edit and I'm a *nationally recognized* writer (nonsense stuff im not proud of but eyy) so I can help. Wanna drop your email?

[email protected]

Any film where fate is involved.

Are you kidding?


Vengeance is irrational

Fitz appeared to have some leadership duty in the group, since he was barking orders for how to bundle muh pelts, and also seemed to have a long history of trapping and being a good trapper. I assume that young captain didn't have too many options, and letting fitz stay back probably didn't seem that risky.

Try those new Star wars movies

>i've got a great film idea. I've put a lot of work into it, and truly believe that it would make a great picture.

>contact info nutsforbutts123

That's our world, folks. Love it, bask in it.

>cap america's side is the only side that makes sense
>literally everyone is against him because fuck you I guess that's just the way it is
>they fight
Yep, totally rational

Actually, I think there were irrational decisions made in that movie, but they were motivated by that fact that one of the main characters is a fucking lunatic

Night of the Living Dead
Dawn of the Dead
The Silence of the Lambs


Fuck, go watch The Martian I guess.

But that's the point, user.