What are some good movies about cops of the future?

What are some good movies about cops of the future?



Why would you let a 90 pound person be a cop?

demolition man

Don't be weightist.

The television series or the video game?


How do I watch SpaceCop for free? Fuck Mike and Jay.

Answer this.

>Q: How do I watch SpaceCop for free.
>A: Fuck Mike and Jay.


sexy girls are my criptonight


1. water up ass.
2. blow hot air up ass.
3. flush


Better yet, anyone know where to download the commentary track? I hear that audio alone is much more entertaining than the film itself.

i dont know

who's this jam clam and what's the show she's in?

Where did this meme come from?


She was his daughter, right?

Answer this.

fuckiswrong with those teeth