Good, bitch. Your fictional magic is no match for meme magic. Now YOU'RE the fucking Muggle. I will never forgive you for being a shill.

Other urls found in this thread:


this is my favourite brexit post all day

>I wish I had magic so I could control people
What is wrong with her? This isn't a decision made by one person, this is 52% of your country

>Now YOU'RE the fucking Muggle.

fuck i love this board

lol I never thought I'd see muggle tossed around as a true insult

All the hateful racists, Xenophobes, and shitty old people you mean. They deserved to be gassed ect.

I wish magic was real too. Deatheater death squads on these muggle faggots.

>Now YOU'RE the fucking Muggle

Meme magic is real, Rowling.

I voted Leave just because of black Hermione

she is a petulant child
she needs to grow the fuck up and donate all her money to cancer research

>>I will never forgive you for being a shill.

A what? What happened?

there's no greater magic than meme magic, and kek is on our side, you cunt

She is 100% a NWO shill. Harry Potter is conditioning. The english language is a shitter form of magic (labels etc) SHE CAN NOT STOP THE FROG GOD.

Why does she even care? She was dumpster diving for food till her stories caught on. What possible tie could she have to the EU?

Wasnt it two fourths?

Half of Britain doesnt even give a shit

How is she so stupid?

>I wish I had magic so I could control people

Sounds like something a dark wizard would say, considering one of the unforgivable curses literally lets you control a person. Rowling confirmed for death eater.


Hermione is white m8.

Remainerus Repellus

Nothing worse than a 'political' celebrity. Completely out of touch with the common people. Bitch has no right to tell us how to vote. Get recked you ugly cunt.

Even from beyond the grave he's blowing this talentless bitch the fuck out

there was a play where they cast a black hermione


that's very racist of you to imply that

there is no escape now, mudblood

never let a nigger get ahold of an invisibility cloak

Yes, yes, well done, JK Rowling. Well done, JK Rowling


In a slightly off course alternate reality, the entire universe is exactly like ours. Except Harry Potter is never published. JK Rowling is on all fours in an alley in Luton Town letting a Syrian refugee bugger her so she has money to buy a McDonald Cheeseburger

Bitch totally betrayed half my childhood by throwing her own race under the bus. I'm so glad to watch her lose her shit, virtue-signalling snob.

How was this not the first post?


I'm a moron, what exactly are the benefits to leaving the EU, and why are liberals against it?

Thank you.

Don't forget her virtue signaling over it

>tee hee I never said what color she was

He would definitely have voted to leave.


Everyone knows Xenophobia is when you are scared of Xenomorphs.

someone post this to her twitter

let's be real for a second. there is a time and place for anything but I swear, fantasy novel authors shouldn't even try to get political.

and if she finally took a single redpill she would not say any of this.

I mean christ, she had dozens of niggers getting angry at her for writing about a fantasy race based on native americans. so what gives? she is on the wrong side and too deluded to realise it.

Technically, 'white' there could just mean drained of color in the metaphoric sense. Funny, though.


According to Brexiters (real ones not memers) it's because immigration from East EU "who abuse the system and don't want to work", so they either wanted a special treatment in EU or an exit...

IMO they deserve a special treatment since they are the only Ango cunt in EU... they attract why more immigrants...

Is that accidental racism or is he legit?

Eh, still stroke my wanker at her taking the BBC.

EU decides how many refugees an EU country has to take and not the country itself. this is bad because there is no sovereignity. It's like being a bitch who has to spread her ass for Jamal and can't say no to that by law.

I think the better evidence is the fact that she was white on the official covers and white I n the official movies. She's white in the movies there's no retconning that shit.

>let's be real for a second. there is a time and place for anything but I swear, fantasy novel authors shouldn't even try to get political.

Honestly, I feel like all non-national socialists should be arrested.

lol imperio

I dunno seen it posted on the buthurt thread. I think he means it though.


That wasn't the reason, if you read news anywhere outside of Sup Forums...

libtards will never live down the moment they sided with multinational corporations over their own soverignty.

I certainly hope there exists a least a few savvy pols that understand this blatant double standard.

She is woefully misguided, as are roughly 50% of the UK's population. It is our job to turn them towards the light of the truth.

We must remind them at every turn that the globalist bankers stabbing Britain in the back for daring to stand up, are not our friends. They are the enemy.

If your childhood was Harry Potter I feel sorry for you.


Dubs checking dubs.

she was also white in the concept art drawn by jk herself

I can guarantee you that if Tolkien was alive today he would be for Brexit.

Glad I grew up on his stuff and not Miss Muggle's.

$50 says kazam goes kablam in response

He was a bit of a jewcuck, though, I have a generally negative opinion of Tolkien for this reason.

Believe me, you're not as sorry about it as I am.

Bet she would want some of tgat meme magic now huh?

No deal. Can you afford to lose £6gorillian

>grown up people cares about what a shit-tier children's book author says


TFW actual wizards beat fake wizards


I feel bad a bunch of edgy kids on Sup Forums now hate some kind woman just for her tweets.

When will you grow up lads? I thought you edgy fucks were all about 'teaching the woman'?

Why can't this bitch keep her mouth shut? She thinks her opinion matters because she wrote a popular children's book? You dont see Akira Toriyama calling for Japan to remilitarize to counter a rising Japan.

Can someone PLEASE make a thread about Remain butthurt? I want a convenient place to drink it all in and I'm too drunk to browse every thread

Too bad the remain side didn't have a bunch of fat NEETs praising an Egyptian frog/chaos god

If you read the books as an adolescent and held even a vague positive opinion of them, it's slightly disturbing. Like finding out that your dad used to mix his cum into the pancakes he made for you when he cooked breakfast.

She was in fact using a spell to hide her true skin color, due to the hateful overtaking of hogwarts but cis-white males. Now that its 2016 she can be loud and proud



She only seems nice to you because she shares your political views. Obviously, you don't think old ladies who are voting for Trump are nice.

In short, you're dumb.

Well done, Rowling, well done.


I'm glad he died long ago. I couldn't handle him going turbo PC over shit like mass immigration in today's world.

>mfw liberals endorse literal fascism


>tfw no muggle pretending to be a wizard in wizard world, but uses SCIENCE and guns to bfto wizards

>two fourths
You know that's the same as one half right? See also: three sixths, four eighths, sixty-nine one-hundred-thirty-eights. Etc.


With digits like that I guess I have to

Is this some sort of quote from the books? Because I managed to never read that shit and avoided the movies.

>Nation-wrecking, outed hypocrite, who says anything she thinks people want to hear, at the expense of race relations to line her pockets and feed her ego.
>Nice lady.

Don't be so fucking gullible. She's about as genuine as Hillary Clinton.

Authoritarianism isn't synonymous with fascism. Go read a book, and make sure it's not Harry Pottberg.

I'm now Dumbledore missile

She doesn't share my views actually, I can just respect disagreeing views, especially things spouted on twitter since that place makes everyone dumb.

In short, you played yourself.

What did she mean by that


wait what
My favorite porn actress


straight to Sup Forums with this pls, someone with a dynamic ip, i don't want to get baned

>Now YOU'RE the fucking Muggle

>Now YOU'RE the fucking Muggle.

bants that give you boners

>I'm so edgy that I hold no views and everyone with opinions is wrong, be reasonable, be reasonable guys!

In short, you're fucking retarded. Literally everyone, even pseudo-fencist narcissists playing politics for the cummies they get when they get to feel superior, has a moral compass that designates people with views as variably tasteful or distasteful.

You don't have a positive opinion of an old lady who holds national socialist, pro-hitler views. You're just fucking retarded. Go watch your Sargon of Cuckkad videos and feel superior - and be superior - to nobody, you stupid fucking embarrassment. Never post again until you learn to actually have real opinions, and don't even post then, because I guarantee they will be fucking retarded.



I can't wait for the headline

>Mexican Intellectual

Looney Tunes white bitch wishing for "magic."

Ball of feelings where a brain should be. Fuck you & your shitty books.