This is so fucking true

This is so fucking true.

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Too bad we aren't animals

a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding. The species is the principal natural taxonomic unit, ranking below a genus and denoted by a Latin binomial, e.g., Homo sapiens.
synonyms: type, kind, sort; More
Why do republicans hate science?

>muh 6000 year old earth!

I fucking love freckles

we are

unless you are a plant?

or a squid

gadzooks Sup Forums the hillbillies done been gone riled up on accounta who they done got made prez-e-dent


>tips fedora

I like how two attractive women were chosen for this. They are really toeing that "what kind of troll is this" line. Creates a surprise attack because you can change your response to how people react to the image in the first place.

If something can breed with something they are not different species you idiot

Mules exist. Ligers are biologically possible.

Unless of course when it comes time to defend the fetishist known as homosexuals

yeah but ligers are sterile, retard

>Ligers are biologically possible.
Not only possible. Fertile too.

Well actually only if they produce biologically viable offspring.

...because they're an offspring of two different species.

sort of. their offspring are weak

Intrigued. In what way?

Mulattos are not sterile you dumbfuck.

If they were Tiger Woods would not have been born.

How so? Don't they grow huge but just infertile?

4/10 i replied twice

Humanity as a whole is more comparable to Canis Lupus

The difference between a Negro and a Caucasian is like the difference between a terrier and a chihuahua. The terrier and the chihuahua are VERY different from each other, but they are the same species - canis lupus.

The same is for homo sapiens.

What I mean by this is their offspring can reproduce easily and their offspring as well and so on.

ligers can breed with lions but the "liligers" they birth are sickly and dont live long. idk i read it on wikipedia

this, its about the viability of the offspring, not the visual differences
