Album samples rain

>album samples rain

>album samples pain

>album samples Bane

>album samples tayne

>album samples Lain

>album samples Caine

>album samples vinyl crackle


>pepe.jpg doesn't follow the thread, ruining it
Every time

>album samples train

>album samples tribal cattle

>album samples Michael Caine

>album samples parking lane

>samples lines from classic cinema

>indochinese cartoondrawing girl poster only makes things worse

>mentally unstable children's drawing poster moves damage further along with other posters who did the same as pepe.jpg user
>the thread can no longer recover, but other anons still try

>album samples stain

Giles Corey

>song with "rain" in the title
>samples sounds of rain

>Frog poster expresses something of substance regarding music sampling
>Cartoon girl poster doesn't realize that BANE? actually derailed the thread.

dumb frogposter

It was a shit thread anyway, nothing of value was lost.

why can I tell this is porn?

album samples crane