The killer was actually just a fat redneck who fucks his sister LOL!

>the killer was actually just a fat redneck who fucks his sister LOL!
The fuck was the point of all the eery Lovecraftian shit then

So you honestly wanted a tentacle monster to be the killer

some people unironically did, yeah. the same people who will say that the portal rust saw was totally real

there was no point

basically S1 worked in spite of the plot because of the acting and especially the directing

It's kind of an inversion of the usual path of a "conspiracy" show. The usual direction is to begin with a small incident and have it snowball into a massive conspiracy/plot/cabal.

In this version, all the mysticism and dark allusions and rumors of a bigger plot collapse into a degenerated shell of whatever they once might have been.

I liked the antagonist. He was this ultra-smart, talented, inbred hick who knew his place - as a facilitator of the perverse and destructive for the rich and powerful, and more importantly, as a fall guy. He understood every single bit of it, but was still more than happy to play that role, since he got everything he wanted out of it.

I was hoping for some creepy occult cult.

Did you miss the part about him being a pawn in a vast cabal of ritual murder?

i'll regret the question but what show?


True detective series 1

How new are you?

Kys you fucking faggot

Well there was a creepy occult cult. Remember the tapes with the masked men


That's the point of the show, lure you into believing it would be a massive occult sect doing ritual killings with the support of the authorities and local government.

People forget that rust and the rednecks where all completely drug fucked.

Not that new to Sup Forums but i just don't recognise that scene or actor. probably because i'm usually high when watching shows. I forgot most of SOA which in retrospective isn't that sucked.

>I'm high when watching shows

Stopped reading. Drugfags need the noose.

clearly he did

just like how 95% of people missed that the killers from both seasons were part of the same cult.


I don't even remember who the killer was in S2

the anacondashark?

I was all of the episodes of the first season in one day when I started to quit smoking. It was fucking torture because Rust was downing packs of cigarettes every interview scene

>tfw can run farther now
>tfw went back to playing sports
>tfw lift regularly now

we're all gonna make it brahs

how did you know i was into autoerotic asphyxiation?

I would rather they didn't imply any shit like that to begin with

the bro and sis? explain

they didn't at all. they referenced a book a few times that kind of sort of inspired hp lovecraft in his writing and lonely neckbeards around the world training for the olympics in mental gymnastics started filling up the internet with insane theories about shoggoths, fishmen and cthulhu cults. it made being a fan of the show kind of embarrassing


what a retarded logical jump. do you have down syndrome?

thats because there is nothing in the show to support that assumption


The mundanity of it was the point.

Define "Lovecraftian"


>implying it stops with him

It infers that:
1- there's a whole family tree of cultists and a network of killers
2- at least some of them believe or are in contact with some sort of Lovecraftian force

They even talk about how futile it almost seems to take out just one most insignificant murderer when there's a whole network of them untouched by any of it. But then it ends on a hopeful note when Cole looks at the infinite blackness/evil of space but says "looks like the light is winning" when he references the small but significant starlight/good.

Hell, they even set up Reggie laDou as being a "monster" and hype him up as the source of all evil to the two guys questioning them, only to very quickly reveal that he was just a meth dealer and kidnapper that wasn't responsible for the murders at all.

That's what the Lovecraftian shit meant; there's an infinite, incomprehensible evil out there, and there's no stopping or understanding it.


Shouldn't have made it all like somethimg out of an Eli Roth flick then.

>he got everything he wanted out of it.
which is?


Dicking his sister

He wasn't so ugly that this was the best way to get a shag, desu.

He was just the loosest thread from a huge ball of yarn.
They spent half their lives trying to catch them and they could only find the crazy retard.


Yes, user..?


Fuck off.

But that's what you got you retard.
The point is that they're untouchable so all they can do is catch the retard at the bottom of the barrel.


Probably browsed too many Sup Forums cunny threads

I quit during a binge of Mad Men, so I know the pain. Been 4 years as at the 8th of Jan.Never felt better. About to pick up boxing and have dropped 25kgs

Never give up, user.


This is my favorite TV show. I wish people didn't try to analyze it past "the nature of man confounds religion and philosophy both." There is no reason in us. That is the message.

>S1 rich and powerful Jews with masks
>S2 rich and powerful California Jews

none of them were jews, the fuck you talkin about

This is false, Pizza fucked up big time with s2 and season 2 fucking sucked. Deal with it

Caspere knew this

it's always jews m8

Do people just forget that it was heavily implied that he's just part of a much larger cult of powerful people?

He's a redneck guy.

I felt that was fucking obvious but this thread proves that wrong.

The whole "time is a flat circle" memes were a HUGE foreshadowing of that, they would only catch another low rung member of the group and the truth would forever elude them.

Positon spike on forehead and swing hammer hammer towards it.

it's fucking obvious that they will never discover the full extent of this and that they will only find some low level chump in the swamp
and they have to make their peace with that
dumbasses I swear

what a retarded ass ending
>hurr durr the rich fat jews kill keep kidnapping and raping little girls but look at the stars WE'RE TOTALLY WINNING MARTY

You'll get shit for asking that (you already did) but you're not missing out. It's pretentious bullshit. The intro song is nice tho.

wtf is that picture

which is really sad, the show really catched the atmosphere of chamber's work, but retards think everything "lovecraftian" has to have literal monsters and tentacles

Shit. He had all possible trust, he had pretty good cast and hype.
How could he even think that shitty script would be fine this time? Where is Pizza now? I hope he's a basement driller who never sees the light of a day.

You know, HPL isn't just tentacles and cosmic horrors. There are cultist and shit as well.

Well, yes. They actually managed to punch devil in his balls, it wasn't much, but it was a good thing.

>a massive occult sect doing ritual killings with the support of the authorities and local government.
This was actually the case though; image in op's post is of the deranged fall guy who did most of the heavy lifting. Working class pervert goes down leaving a vast conspiracy of occult pedophiles in the upper echelons of society still in operation. There were no inter-dimensional beings or demons or whatever - but the child trafficking network was/is real. The meaning behind the ending is essentially that these two middle class detectives cannot hope to take the network itself down; they can only passively hope that there is more light than dark out there and that their actions have gone some small way towards helping the light.

I'm pretty sure they made him rewrite the script in a pinch since they didn't like some part of it, I read it a while ago so I forget what the reason was.

The show scared the living fuck out of me because it reminded me that child trafficking cults are very much a real thing that will never be stopped.

No they killed the retard that no one cared about.
The fat cats will pick another one and the rape will go on.
Stuff like this is the reason infiltrated cops wait until they can knock off the whole organization in one clean sweep instead of turning in the first shitter they find out.