Can we create an Anglo Union now? Only WASPs will be allowed

Can we create an Anglo Union now? Only WASPs will be allowed

Other urls found in this thread:


>United Spics of America


Union with Australia and New Zealand when?

I would if we were just white countries but just as you wouldn't want our chinks being able to freely move through your country we don't want pakis or niggers.

I'm not going to sit here and pretend to respect some Canadian's opinion on what America should do.

So without America?

not even 10% are WASP

I'm sorry, what was that Sadiq?

I couldn't hear you over the Call to Prayer

Go away Germany. Anglo thread. Germanic language doesn't count.


You mean the western island?

Americans and Canadians aren't welcome.

>Actual rich first world countries backing out of their responsibility
>We are left to deal with all the shit again
>Once we try you just know they'll firebomb us again


M80 there's already free movement. I've entered Britain with nothing but my passport

I'm thinking more like an empire

Remove scotland and nthn ireland and you have a deal


>New Singaporeland

I'm sorry, you were saying...?

>it's our responsibility to clean up your mess

Yeah, nah. You're on your own, bernd.

You deserve it Germany

Look jiggaboo we have just began the uncuckening and we don't need chimps or spics in our anglo union, now GTFO of this anglo thread Jose

Cry about it

Get fucked, nigger.

No. The British have to stay on their containment island.

They chose their fate. They chose this.

>President Trump elected
>Minorities purged
>Glorious union formed

Erm yo no hablo espaƱol - now you understand? FUCK OFF

I'm American you fucktard.

Born in Indiana

Australia now needs a referendum to decide whether they should become a republic, the brits decision are now affecting our own markets. Euro cucks never learn.


so proud of you all over in Britannia cucking over Europe

Today, on Delusional Things Koalas Believe...

The fire rises

not online you're not. online, you're a kraut. Go away.

ive never seen a white new zealander

I'm actually a kiwi, but I still have more respect for Aussie over Burgerland.

Go fuck yourself.

None of you countries are Anglo anymore.

I'm 22 y/o and never met a dindu or Muslim. I would like to keep it that way.

The second free movement opens up between us and Anglo countries, is the second that changes.


Quiet Sanchez.

Only if we remove Quebec

>anglo thread
>all the anglo countries start attacking each other

kek every.time.

>muh epic online Roleplaying

It was called the British Empire you fucking cuck, what the fuck.

He's right. As far as we know you're German.

You've never seen a New Zealander then.

Will Normans be allowed in ?

eternal anglo cucking cuckmany once again

To do list:

We're half way there guys

>that fucking Maori chin tat

This, no burgers allowed.

>cecil rhodes' dream will be accomplished
>america will be part of the empire again

sorry im used to all the fat fucken manly brown women with 10 kids in vans that seem to just fucking flood out of your country

People forget that scots and french were both gaulish - celts.

Get fucked. The last thing we need is fucking America in this union if it happened. Remember when you cunts left the commonwealth? That is kind of a permanent thing.

Canada is allg, come on over. US: get fucked with your medieval, cringy shitlord politicians and toxic populace.

No, Bretons will though.

Underappreciated post, upboated

Why the fuck is that even there? It's like giving Australia a mutilated abo penis.

What about South Africa?

Fuck Anglos.

Bretons aren't germanic, Normans are.

Britain is now great again and with the help of Her Majesty the Queen, old Blighty will take backer her once colonies, but only the good ones so USA, Canada and India are out.

They just left a union full of niggers

>t. Mr. Chang

South Africans have a seething hatred for Anglos





w-wow, d-do you really mean it?


There might be some awkward history but we shouldn't desert the Boer. Really need the Dutch in as well. Shit... they speak better English than us anyway.

Picture very related to my asian origins.

Suck it, Quckbec

fuck off. We have close ties to England because of trade and language. By all rights and forms we have more in common with France. We're like bizarro-france

c-can Scotland join?

>what about south africa
>south africa

You fuck off

>Getting cucked by frogs since forever
>Pushed the multicult meme on you
>Sent you Trudeau as PM

Being an Anglo in Canada is sure fun, isn't it?

shut up australia

>By all rights and forms we have more in common with France.
>We're like bizarro-france

>Anglo Union now

Morbidly obese mono-toothed inbreds? :^)

That's funny as fuck, since I'm lily-white.

Lonelier than a coon at a Hank Williams Sr. concert.

No canacucks, and America needs to get its shit together

It would be the most powerful entity the world has ever seen, (or will see.)

>America needs to get its shit together
Come and help us out then, we got foreigners and dead people voting, so you can vote Trump 5 or 6 times.

>It would be the most powerful entity the world has ever seen, (or will see.)

Maybe then you guys could try to take on Vietnam again and win for a change :^)

>that Kiwi

Considering germanistan is an inbred muslim shithole you would be a fit for it

>inbred muslim shithole

The Isle of Pakistan has spoken :^)


Don't be mad you are the wasteland of Europe, just keep letting your kids get buttlicked by ahmed's like you inbreds do

>kids get buttlicked by ahmed's

Indeed :^)


Yes, babe.

Also, fixed.

>only immigrants here and in aus are based Chinese who actually create jobs and are pretty much the best immigrants
>trading with the hordes of the UK and canada

You will eat those words when the Chinese cement themselves as a hostile elite then drive a knife in your back. Like they do in every asian country

It seems more realistic now.

Irish fag here

fuckin hopin we will remember our true roots and join an Anglosphere political and economic union

fuck the slavs and greasy southerners in debt in this failed union

>Irish fag



I may not have fought in the somme, or in Normandy, but I am glad I was born in time to see you deranged krauts suffer for the idk how many times

verpiss dich Deutschland, dein kaisserreich den Europa ist reicht, und deine fluchtlinge!

Sorry, I don't speak potato :^)

No, the UK is too poor now to join


Sorry, the US is spanish not WASP.

do you prefer your women getting raped by Russian soldiers or refugees?

its a tough choice I know. I'll give you a few minutes to think about it.