Why are there no portal movies??

why are there no portal movies??

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Cern is just doing incredibly boring theoretical physics.

There is literally nothing to worry about goy.


Why is there no flat earth movie?

Because the Flat Earth theory is 100% correct but we don't want to alert the sheep.

>Because the Flat Earth theory is 100% correct
post proof or not true



If it's true then why hasn't anyone gone to the edge?

it is our programming


Redpilling rounders.

Seen a lot of portals lately user? Yeh me ethier



>tfw I can't refute this yet tell myself that it is wrong anyway

I just can't handle the final redpill

>people believe the Earth is flat in 2017 and that NASA spends so many hours making CGI movies of a round earth to show the public

really makes you wonder why they overwrote the original moon landing footage

Top kek

>the goyijm know


Can we please make this a new meme?

The monn landings were faked and filmed by Kubrik. However, Kubrik was such a perfectionist he demanded they shoot on location on the moon.


Did you not watch Thor Dark World?

Because Jerry Bruckheimer hasn't made the RIFTS movie yet

I want a Diablo movie/series


>I want more things that I've already seen because im a manchild
Go fuck yourself. Its people like you that are the reason everything is a remake.

Diablo severely fucking sucks anyway, I mean really senpai

I don't remember where I heard it from but I did hear that portals were so hot right now.

not a flat earther but ive read some about it

some think they have gone to the edge. the ice/snow wasteland goes on indefinitely/forever. who knows if there are any other continents outside the known world.

some think the government(s) is hiding God beyond the ice wall

spooky shit