Why are homosexuals always emphatically pro blacks?


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Both are oppressed minorities in the United States.
Also, there are a lot of gay black people. Like, more than there are gay white people (percentage-wise)

>Both are oppressed minorities in the Not so united States.

That's why LGBT needs more Muslim immigration.

Aaron loves bbc

Cuz alot of black "straight" men like to hit boipussi on the downlow so theyre just hoping to catch some of the bbc

I'm ok with making this thw game thread


American Muslims support LGBT rights more than evangelicals do

>Oppressed minorities
>Literally can get into college with lower scores than whites and Orientals because of systematic, government-supported reverse racism

First you oppress them, then you mock them for daring to rise above their oppression:

Muslims need to know who to throw off of buildings.

Source on American Muslims throwing people off buildings?

Whats always botherd me with the muh oppression stance is there is litteraly still places on earth where people are enslaved, gays thrown off buildings, ect. Country's where alot if these people compaining to be oppressed here hold their roots. But never any mentions on ending or protesting for them. Gyess they dont really care avout slavery or gay rights ir whatevee else when it doesnt benefit them.




Wait, I thought Sup Forums already debunked this to prove he was a self-hating fag? Which narrative are we running with right now?


hahahahah btfo

he didn't kneel

Pick one

>self hating fag
You the cnn narrative

That is fake news. Rodgers is a republican and didn't kneel.

>Log Cabin Republicans
For what purpose?

fags like to have their asses pounded by huge dicks, this is the only obvious answer

Why are you so eager about this?

Dude, the #1 massacre ever in US history isn't a KKK nazi or black panther.

It's a muslim in Orlando that hated faggots.

If you go to PornHub,

that gay sexion/amateur section is basically African-American guys fucking/breeding each other.

Also surveys show that black men are highest % of being homosexual. Despite what media/hollywood portray.

My ex-black gf laughed when I we talked about this issue. I said how I never met a gay black man, but then she said how most black men hide their homosexuality/stay in the closet. The rest are trans.


>#1 massacre
I think McVeigh still holds that honor.

Why does no one acknowledge how insanely lucky African-Americans are to have been born in a developed country entirely envisioned and built by White people?

Africans contributed nothing to the creation of America. Africans contributed nothing to the development of democracy, humanism, tolerance, etc. While White people were trying to figure out how to make the world a better place for everybody, Africans were still systematically cannibalizing and raping each other.

Did we treat African-Americans poorly? Of course, but treating others shitty was the fucking NORM throughout the majority of human history. It was fucking White people who put an end to that shit. We literally waged a deadly civil war to end slavery, which cost HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF WHITES THEIR LIVES

And now you have African-American athletes making millions of dollars to run around and catch balls complaining? Are you fucking serious right now?

Can we make it a requirement for every African-American to spend at least a year somewhere in Africa in order to appreciate how ridiculously lucky they got to be born in America? Please?

because they're good goys