If German people are so logical why does their language have no logic when it comes to genders which complicates their...

If German people are so logical why does their language have no logic when it comes to genders which complicates their case system that depends on it. Basically you have to memorize all the genders for each noun. They also have many ways of doing plural. Their language is a mess.

When they speak our language they fuck up all the articles even though it's the easiest thing on earth (basically nouns ending in -a are feminine nouns ending in -o are masculine with some exceptions) and it's funny

Fuck the german language.

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why do you even care
no one is forcing you to speak it

Why do you care? You're not even German and your language is simpler than German.

>Basically you have to memorize all the genders for each noun.

not really. after some time you will get a feeling for this shit and you will be able to guess the correct gender based on the sound of a word

perhaps a language is not a reflection of the people speaking it
perhaps the language (like all languages) developed organicly
perhaps germans being logical is simply a meme

>no one is forcing you to speak it

Not yet

I know all of that. No one is forcing me but I want to learn it. I'm just ranting a little bit.

because it makes things complicated for foreigners only but not for us

Don't worry, greater men than you have had these moments.

if ik speek lijk dis, deyll denk det ik speek nederlands

i dont get why they combine their nouns. its fucking confusing

You mean like "Geschaftsreiser" or "Herzschmerz"? I don't get how you don't get it since English does the same.

people will refuse understanding something that looks like they won't understand it, no matter how easy it actually is

This thread is relevant to me. I'm trying to learn German. So if any Germans want to post some sentences, so I can try to translate them, that would be good practice I feel like

but in English "business trip" is two separate words, as are "heart pain". If you're just learning German you may not realize that "Herzschmerz" is two separate words, "herz" and "schmerz"

It is logical. It's completely and entirely logical. However, it is also needlessly complex and convoluted.

The worst thing is when germans become software devs. Look at lennart poettering.

Can someone explain how "je nach" means "depending on" when "je" mean "ever" and "nach" means "after"

If it eases your pain, compound words are in decline due to americanisation
because in that way "je" is short for "jeweils" which means "respectively" and "nach" can mean "after" but also "according to" so it would be "according to x, respectively"

also OP germans being logical is a meme pushed by anglos to dehumanize us as robot people who can be killed without mercy, in reality germans have always been romantics. what anglos and others see as autism is really dedication.

Words like "alright" and "fortnight" were made like that, you don't find it bizarre cause you're used to it

>start online relationship with a german
>have to learn your shitty language
you win again, hans



Klingt komisch, is aber so...

Die deutsche Sprache hat im Vergleich mit anderen germanischen Sprachen ein reiches System von Wortformen (Flexion) bewahrt, in einem Ausmaß wie sonst nur das Isländische. Deutsch unterscheidet drei Genera (grammatische Geschlechter) bei Substantiven, mit denen die Formen der begleitenden Artikel und Adjektive übereinstimmen müssen, ferner an allen drei Wortarten vier Kasus und zwei Numeri (Einzahl und Mehrzahl). Ungewöhnlich ist die zusätzliche „stark/schwach“-Flexion der Adjektive, die anzeigt, welche Art von Artikel vorausgeht. Deutsch markiert Formen für Tempus, Person und Modus am Verb und nutzt Hilfsverben zum Ausdruck weiterer grammatischer Kategorien. Verben erscheinen mit einem reichen System an Präfixen, Partikeln und anderen Elementen, die zusammengesetzte Verben ergeben. Typisch für das Deutsche ist auch eine hohe Anzahl von Präpositionen und ein reiches Inventar an Abtönungspartikeln (halt, eben, eh).

american men male in comparison to the big german cock
>tfw he's not even german, he's turkish-german
>tfw you're not even american, you're chinese american

So what is so difficult about this? As a native English speaker the major differences are

- Nouns (always capitalized) have 1 of 3 genders and their articles need to match the specific gender. There are certain patterns that can be learned, though...
- Adjectives need to match the gender of the targeted noun
- Nouns and adjectives have 1 of 4 cases, depending on their role of the sentence (plus singular/plural, where plural is simple AF)
- Only 6 tenses and no progressive ones (Plusquamperfekt (rarely used), Perfekt, Präteritum, Präsens, Futur 1, Futur 2 (rarely used))
- Simple verb conjugations (1st, 2nd, 3rd person in both singular and plural)
- Verb modi are a bit more retarded as English, but it's not as difficult as it seems
- Split verbs, based on common prefixes
- Adverbs are basically the same as adjectives
- No spelling/pronunciation bullshit
- Non-ridiculous Nomenklatur (eg. Speiseröhre ("food tube"): esophagus, or Handschuh (hand shoe): glove)



>also OP germans being logical is a meme pushed by anglos to dehumanize us as robot people who can be killed without mercy, in reality germans have always been romantics. what anglos and others see as autism is really dedication.

THAT's what confuses you about German?
There are a lot of unnecessary complicate things in German, but compound words are not one of them. A tea cup is one single thing, so it also has to be combined to one single word a "teacup".

English has compound words too, like dishwasher or waterslide. The difference to German is here that in English it's random words with no rule to it.