I'm trying to learn Spanish, so let's play a fun game: post a sentence in Spanish and I will do my best to translate it

I'm trying to learn Spanish, so let's play a fun game: post a sentence in Spanish and I will do my best to translate it.

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ay caramba chupa mi verga brazuka de mierda! boludo macaquito

el chicano es un animal conflictivo, heredero de un mestizaje maligno

Comiendo chango es una delicadeza

Vente a hispachan para practicar espanol. Alli ellos son muy groseros a gringos pero tienen buenos memes.

guiso de mono, una delicia

Necesito pedirles una cosa muy obvia - ¿es el op aquí una merryposa?

Pito de burro

Los Brasileños son simios primitivos

(Idk if I said that right plz no bully))


Usted está jodido porque usted no tiene un destornillador para destornillar ese tornillo

Habla mierda - de mexico
Odia mojados - deportar los
Quiere guerra - entrale cabron
Ya hay soldados metidos en cada pinche rincon!

Saselandia puto calvo de mierda

La otra vez llamé a uno de esos macumberos peruanos que aparecen en las páginas amarillas de Popular para preguntarle sí sabía hacer ayahuasca.

El de Dinamarca buen porro se marca.

Aca te va un simson polako

Oops, sorry for the late response, got sidetrack


oh no, sucks my cock you brazilian shit.?? Don't know those other words

the girl is a trouble animal, inheritor of an evil race mixing sex?

eating monkey is a delicacy

come to spain for practicing spanich. There, they are very rude to gringos but they have good memes

stew from monkey is a delicacy

uyyy carnal esa morrilla remerece un buen raspado de anis

I need to ask them something very obvious - is OP a faggot? (I think this is what you're trying to say? I assume merry-go-round is slang for faggot?)

whistle of the donkey

The Brazilains are primitive apes

You fucker why you do not have ascrewdriver for unscrewing that screw?

speaks shit - of mexico
hates wet - deport (?)
wants war - come in dumbass
There are already soldiers stuffed in each (?) corner

don't know. something about pissing off clean shit?

The other time I called to one of those macumberos (?) Peruvian what they appear in the yellow pages of popular for asking him yes I knew (??)

Those joints in Denmark are of good brands

Mi papá se comio una papa junto al Papa

Have many months have you been studying Spanish btw?

hispachan as in the website. It's a good place to speak spanish.

No idea what you're trying to say here....Something about a dad eating with another dad?

very loosely for a month. I don't really understand syntax I just know some words and try to piece them together

Awesome result, dude

>the girl

>whistle of the donkey
>You fucker
wrong, it's "you are fucked because"
>deport (?)
"them" but you could have guessed "it" or "him"
>stuffed in each (?) corner

>Something about a dad eating with another dad?

Donkey dick?

Alasca é o melhor estado dos Estados Unidos.

Is "My dad ate a potato with the Pope"

Soy un Americano orgulloso, luchando por los derechos de todos.

I dont understand when "e" means "is" or "and". I also don't get when "o" means "or" or "the".

I am a proud American, fighting for the rights of everyone

Si estudias la historia de la revolucion rusa, aprenderas que los causantes de la revolucion y los responsables por la muerte de millones de Rusos, fue causado por Judios, hambrientos de veganza, al ser rechazado por los Rusos oligarcas despues de que intentaran tomar control de la economia.

of courshe!

>when "e" means "is" / when "o" means "the".
when the person is speaking portuguese
in other words you're being trolled by the macacos

Once you study the history of the russian revolution, you'll learn that the causes of the revolution and those responisble for the murder of millions of russians, was caused by the jews, hungry from veganism (?, I think you meant revenge?), rejected by the russian oligarchs after from their attemp to take control of the economy

>learning the language of the defeated and divided

ojtia xabal komo mola mogoyon k no hemtiendam huna wea kuamdo avlo komoh retrasau xdxdxd

>learning the language of the pure white 100% germanic argentinian people
I'd learn that language.

what language is this

basque ;¬)

Deja a los chavalotes, Pablo, déjalos que caminen como ellos camelen; si los chavales camelan pegándole un poco a la lejía, o camelan pegándole a la mandanga, ¡Pues déjalos!

It isn't bad at all for just a month. I mean, it's still shit, but for a month it's actually pretty good.

But does it have POWER??

Estoy hambriento para muchos penes

Los memes de hispachan son solo memes robados y mal traducidos de Sup Forums.

Tambien, hispachan es basicamente /lat/ hecho tablon de imagenes. Sin mencionar que tambien esta infestado de argentinos y chilenos. Es como si fuera otro taringa pero mas mongolico.

Eso que choca con tu cola, son mis bolas, son mis bolas.

deporté de la USA back to México. illegal immigrianto haha

Los usanos son el mayor estado criminal en nuestra historia reciente.

Translate It m8

>post a sentence in Spanish and I will do my best to translate it.

Ningún país de habla hispana es primer mundista


I am hungry for a lot of penises.

The memes of hispanachan are (solo? dont understand the purpose of this word here) memes stolen and wrongly translated from Sup Forums

Also, hispanachan is basically /lat/ fact board of images. Not to mention that also it's infested by argentina and chilie. It's as if outside other taringa (?) but more mongolian

that what shocks with your tail/ass, are my balls, are my balls

deport from the USA back to mexico

the Usanos are the higher criminal state in our recent history

any country that speaks spanish is first world?