Is this the best Jim Carrey kino?

Is this the best Jim Carrey kino?

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i think this is.

Fucking plebs

I had a similar girlfriend who left me 6 months before watching this, It helped

I enjoyed the movie, but every documentary i've seen on Kaufman seems to say he was a complete Sam Hyde -tier, unfunny, meme'ing asshole who noone could stand working with

Can you even imagine how awful is would be to work with Jim Carey on set? Just imagine: You're trying to get the final scene for the day, you're all tired and hot, but Jim's found a pineapple with a long leaf and he's running around like a hyperactive autistic child mimiking something he saw on Youtube once. "Oh hey there, Mr Long Leaf, what are you doing today?" Then he mimics the pineapple speaking "WELL JIM BOY, I'M GOING FOR A HAIRCUT AND A MA-SAAAAGE. tHEN i MIGHT GO FOR A PIZZA!?"

And Jim does the Jim Carey laugh, and everyone on set has to laugh too, or he'll carry on until everyone's laughing. So the director calls for the next take, but now he's moving around the set with the pineapple, talking to each person individually. "Boom operator? Ha, do they let you even go on planes any more?!" "Gaffer? You look far too young for that!" Then he notices you, which you've been dreading since the start of filming. "Best boy? Woah, my momma told me I was the best boy! What do you say to that?" But he actually seems to be looking for an answer, and he actually looks angry. "I-it's just the job title, Mr Carey" but his mood's fucking turned. He turns back to the set, and everyone's looking at you like you've done something wrong and you vow to never, ever be in a Jim Carey film again.

>Best boy? Woah, my momma told me I was the best boy! What do you say to that?" But he actually seems to be looking for an answer, and he actually looks angry.

you really have to stop working with jim, dude. he seems to annoy you a lot. i still hope you can work out your relationship and become best friends again. you made such a good team back then. send him my regards if you talk too him. you too seem very close and apparently there are only a few people who know him as close as you do.

Dumb and Dumber, Truman Show or Liar Lair

>Me and my wife's sons


Good effort but needs better jokes and a cleaning up of the writing.

>Liking Liar Lair, a shameless flick that tries to destroy the american family with the "this white dad is the bad guy" trope
Good goy

The best Jim Carrey movie is the one with the literal BLACKED plot?
White people are doomed.

>not Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls

Cable Guy

After that movie Jim Carrey stopped trying to be funny forever. Worst movie ever in my list just because he ruined Jim.

>Not ace ventura 2
The car crash scene still makes me laugh

Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls is actually Ace Ventura 2 you stupid motherfucker

My personal fave is Dumb and Dumber (muh childhood) but this one is solid as well.

-excellent big beat track which perfectly encapsulates The Snap
-the humorous milleu of a tall white guy in a position of power being cuckolded by a very short black man
-the humorous milleu of the bastard issue who look like the Fat Boys
-the cow scene
-when he falls down the hill, out of frame, and bounces back up into frame for just a moment

>Truman Show
>Ace Ventura 1 and 2
>Eternal Sunshine
>Man on the Moon
>The Mask

These are the best Jim Carrey movies and no one can dispute it

>>The Mask

Have you thought about my cock today?

objectively wrong

>Ace Ventura 1 and 2
>Me, Myself and Irene
>Dumb and Dumber
>Truman Show

The Mask as nostalgia factor because it's not that good and Eternal Sunshine it's not a comedy so totally different Carrey

The Cable Guy, Bruce Almighty and Liar Liar are also enjoyable but they're not best

i literally couldn't what this thru.

what a boring piece of shit that somewhat got called a movie

Someone post it already


I'm glad I lived during the era of Jim Carrey

me too user tb.h

Jim Carrey and his weird hippy vagina paintings

anyone got a gif or webm of him sucking on that woman's tit?

nope but I got a webm of me sucking your moms ass

>it's in the bone

Pure Kino

I remember reading some actor from that movie complaining that Jim had a stinky ass and had to endure the disgusting smell while he did those ass talking scenes. I think he even farted once.

Liar, Liar
Bruce Almighty
Number 23

lol he has the exact same face as tom brady

so was einhorn taping his balls and dick under his scrotum?

also ace ventura was absolute kino