
*ice barrages u*

Other urls found in this thread:


*spears you into multi *
*niggers with ancient maces run out to get u*

calle tercio

The best decade for film was 1974 to 1984

we're all in here

frequency modulation synthesis

So all my videos are removed and I can't even appeal it.

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You mirin'?


this is the original voice of noodle btw



fuck off ryan

i'm more of a granular man

The worst decade of film was 2007 to 2017


Were they of a political bent lad? Did they give any reason?


he called the king a bender

no, they were just random bollocks. One of them was just Tyrone reading something.


White supremacy

The best quadrennium of film was 2016 - 2020


finally the police are catching up to the nonce

strangely soothing

*looks closer*
Uh not sure if she's white

Would have thought it would have been more to do with jewtube policy than Thai govt. though I know their treason laws are pretty strict I.e. go to prison for standing on the kings face on a bank note.
Is it autistic that I never travel anywhere without this beauty in my suitcase lads?

the gf (13 years of age)

Very cute.

good post

She's going to look 40 by the time she's 20.


yes that's fucking autistic

Who is this?

Lads I have

What's the most embarrassing part of a fantasy hospital?

Weird shit man. No explanation?

your gf?

No the orc ward

nope.. I suspect it's just mass flagging.

Good to know, thanks Jamal. Would people get uppity if I hung it out my window?


now this is a tune

Forgetting you can afford it? haha
That's a fantasy for us

who's going to be the first western nation to ban islam

the secondary gfs (sadly not children)

land of the free

Max par

Any strabane lad in?

Should I marathon The Fast and the Furious franchise?


No, it's slow and sedate


yeah and follow it up with Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer marathon

Goodnight, Alt Right


Haha, funny joke.


just bashed a fash

Just marathoned half of '6 days'



Jej that video is great. Seen loads of them flying plus loads of rainbow flags so I guess by her logic this is the country of spics and homos? Anyhoo I do actually like how there are so many stars and stripes flying around here (the front of 80% of houses) considering back in blighty you get some sideways looks for putting up a st George's cross or a Jack in your garden.

Twitter is so repulsive
What do regular people without thousands of followers even do with it,
Just tweet into the void?

In March 2017, moderators of the /r/Anarchism subreddit received requests to take action against users using the phrase “bash the fash,” saying that it violates Reddit’s anti-violence rules.[5] Redditor Marusama[6] responded in the subreddit, saying that they would not be taking action against these users (posts shown below, left and right, respectively). Their account has since been suspended, as of July 2017.[7]

cute spanish girl on my course seems to like m

>now that you're miiiiiiiine
>we'll find a way
>of chasing the suuuun

love thailads long light brown hair
so fucking fit

does Fargo season 3 live up to the first two?

greenpill: both the left and right are memes that got out of control
there isn't anybody behind it, only victims

Post pictures and talk to their friends on it I guess.
I don't have a twitter but I do know a guy from instagram (from outside of instagram) who just screenshots twitter and posts it on instagram and gets an average of 4 likes per post.
He's not as autistic as his instagram is though which is strange.

Just WATCH it mate

if thailad was a prostitute he'd be thaislag

>falling for an assassin
lol idiot


Would lick their fingers

401 alright calm down rorke jesus

>there isn't anybody behind it, only victims

good rorke lad

The photoshopped skin texture on this picture is really jarring.

jolly tune

Ironpill is the one true pill.

has tim been crying or what

>Counterprotesters rout neo-Nazi rally in Berlin

good lads
fascists NOT welcome

why do i keep seeing americans complaining about 2 parties and acting like it hasn't happened in most other countries as well

might be schizophrenic

nazis are not fascists

the so-called "g"f

yes they are

real fascism has never been tried

not sure what you mean

Get a real "g"f

My mates are depressed drunk now. They've started to talk about how bad their lives are. I just wanna talk about history and films again ;_;

one of the laws of averages or something in stats regarding league tables, there will always be a few teams that claim most support with the rest picking up the scraps. something like that anyway.

Say homophobic thing in Jamaica: DATS RIGHT BRUDDAH DEM BATTY BOY NO GOOD
Say homophobic thing in Britain: OI BRUV UR UNDER ARREST

I forgot what the word "airbrushed" was for a moment.
It's blurring their noses too much


love authoritarianism
don't care if it's fascism or communism
simple as

if you like jamaica so much why don't you move there

haha mad ting innit bruv

>when the "g"f has a bigger cock than you

great post

>recently roused from reddit, it's the return of the rorke calling runts!

Absolutely sniggering here lads