Pendulum swinging back

>pendulum swinging back
>pretty soon we're going to have to pretend to be secular liberals again for the sake of contrarianism
Fuck, bros. I'm going to miss the feelings of pride and passion that come with pretending to be a right-wing nationalist.

Kill yourself.

Fuck off

Shit thread. Saged.

nope not happening 0/10 shilling

top post


Desu I like the idea of the EU. They just executed it badly
NEW TRY when?

I am a secular liberal you fucking idiot, our opposition is progressives who are controlled by corporations to want to drink Muslim semen and destroy the underclasses.

>tfw you were only being a Nazi ironically but ended up enjoying it

No, we will just swing back to be faggy non-HHH libertarians.

>Just a prank bro
>You have to oppose immigration and forced faggotry and Islam in silence out of fear you'll be murdered by some leftwing nutjob who only craves white genocide

This. Tbqfhfamfam

N-no! I really believe monarchy is the optimal form of government and that Eastern Europe is "based"!

D-deus vult!

He is right tho... or believed he was


Yeah but Hitler was a progressive and National Socialism is a left-wing ideology.

We have a ways to swing before that happens m8

>f-fifth reich when, g-guys?

>the cuckservative argument - b-but hitler was leftist!
Do you also think dems are the real racists?


Wait till Russia, EU, America and China collide. Then we'll remember what happens when the pendulum swings to far towards nationalism.

We can only hope so, user

Racism is on both sides but there is literally nothing wrong with racism.

What are the significant differences between Hitler and America's Progressive era politicians?


Well, considering they hate whites and still want to keep blacks enslaved, yeah.