/voc/ Vocaroo bread

And after all why not ?

Give something to read in your language,
Read others propositions,
Have fun!

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Waiting for Nigel


Very good pronounciation. Keked at the content

pls no bully

Pump up the volume please.

Volume sounds fine in the actual recording, the embed seems to mess it up. It's probably some volume equalisation stuff to do with me being too close to the mic and blowing into it.

If someone's interested in recording German sentences

Kein Licht, dein Schatten scheint noch da,
Die Wärme kann ich spür'n.
Schon ewig fern und doch so nah.
Verwelkte Rosen blüh'n
in Gedanken noch mal auf,
schweben zu Dir hinauf.

Ich weiß nicht wie es weitergeht,
wohin es geht, warum es geht.
Doch geht es leider
wo ich steh, wohin ich seh,
Bist einfach Du und es geht leider weiter.
Immer weiter, ohne Dich.



Random page from Scots wiki:
Baith player begins the gemme wi 16 pieces: ane keeng, ane queen, twa ruiks, twa knights, twa bishops, an aicht pawns. Ilkane o the sax piece types muives different. Pieces is uised tae attack an captur the opponent's pieces, wi the objective tae 'checkmate' the opponent's keeng bi placin it unner an inescapable threat o captur. In addeetion tae checkmate, the gemme can be wan bi the voluntary resignation o the opponent, that typically occurs whan ower muckle hantle material is lost, or gif checkmate appears unavoidable. A gemme mey result in a draw in several wyes, whaur neither player wins. The coorse o the gemme is dividit intae three phases: openin, middlegame, an endgemme.

to make amends for last nights that I said I took requests and I didn't do shit in the end, have some botched up crap I concocted two minutes ago
I'm still not in a right state of mind and I cut my guitar nails for some reason

V njedrah tundry vydry v gjetrah tyrjat v vjodra jadra kjedraf
Bydra -- smjesj babra i vydry -- bodra tyrit jadra kjedra
v njedrah tundry v vjodrah, padla
Vydrav s vydry v tundrje gjetry, vytru vydraj jadra kjedra,
vytru gjetraj vydrje mordu -- vydru v tundru jadra v vjodra.
Bobr Pjotr vydram bjodra vytjer, vjodra vydral, jadra vybral.
Sdali vydry gjetry Gret'hen. Grjeh u Gret'hen gjetry tyritj!
V tundrje vydram vtorjat urki. Tyrjat urki v tundrje vtulki.
Vparjat vtulki urki turkam. Vstavjat turki vtulki v kurtki.
Vorat kurtki -- morda vydry. Modna vydra v njedrah tundry!

Posting the same thing I posted yesterday, because I posted it when the thread was already semi-dead

that was Russian right? I'll try


Sample of the correct pronounciation


did this before listening to your sample

Not bad actually, almost completely intelligible, 7/10, tho at the end it was most likely a 6/10


I was going to read something from a book I found, but processing Cyrilic and trying to speak it at the same time didn't work too well.

Thread's still dead
Give it a couple hours
I just woke up

Almost perfect, but the o in кoнфeткy is pronounced like "shva", i.e. it's like an "a", but a bit different. Like in bulgarian Бълкapcки (the ъ sound), en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwa

You can pronounce it like an "a" tho, probably noone will notice the difference

thanks, few more if you can bear me:


Not дoбpы, but дoбpый*
Not cпaщибo, but cпacибo
Пoжaлyйcтa was ok
Здpacт(?)yй was a bit strange too

You're completely intelligible, but you do have some kind of a foreign accent, and I think it's normal for a non-native.


cheers. I don't speak much Russian, mostly what I learned as kid from my neighbour who was a Russian evacue from Karelia.

You did a good job
You did a very good job


Did you translate the text?

No need, I understood what's written.

Yes, your German pronounciation is outstanding






Thanks! I think the french accent is still leaking, but much less than when I speak english.



how can i help?


post song requests

Read this or not.

Enhver har ret til undervisning. Undervisningen skal være gratis, i det mindste på de elementære og grundlæggende trin. Elementær undervisning skal være obligatorisk. Teknisk og faglig uddannelse skal gores almindelig tilgængelig for alle, og på grundlag af evner skal der være lige adgang for alle til hojere undervisning.

>Bhí fear fadó ann. Agus phós sé. Agus ní rabh aige ach triúr clainne. Agus cailleadh é. Agus (bhog an faoistean) sa teach. Agus maraíodh cráin mhór mhuice dhon sagart. Agus nuair a bhí sé ag tabhairt faoistean dhon chéad mhac d'fhiafraigh sé dhó cén t-ainm a bhí ar a athair.

You sound like a gaybo from Blackrock sorry lad.

It's kinda loud


Я aж кoнчил!..

I got most of it but it sounds like you have no idea what you are saying.

>like you have no idea what you are saying
That would be correct

Need this read in a Jamaican accent:

Woman hold her head and cry
Cause her son had been shot down in the street and died


you sound like a bender in fairness

It can't be helped. Even without the lisp I still wouldn't like my voice, being so high-pitched and nasal-sounding.

have you considered not being a fucking quare?

I butchered it


What do you think about the names Hans-Georg, Karola and Christa?

it'll be grand

alri swooce

who the fuck is swooce


Herr von Ribbeck auf Ribbeck im Havelland,
Ein Birnbaum in seinem Garten stand,
Und kam die goldene Herbsteszeit

Und die Birnen leuchteten weit und breit,
Da stopfte, wenn's Mittag vom Turme scholl,
Der von Ribbeck sich beide Taschen voll,
Und kam in Pantinen ein Junge daher,
So rief er: »Junge, wiste 'ne Beer?«
Und kam ein Mädel, so rief er: »Lütt Dirn,
Kumm man röwer, ick hebb 'ne Birn.«

So ging es viel Jahre, bis lobesam
Der von Ribbeck auf Ribbeck zu sterben kam.

Er fühlte sein Ende. 's war Herbsteszeit,
Wieder lachten die Birnen weit und breit;
Da sagte von Ribbeck: »Ich scheide nun ab.
Legt mir eine Birne mit ins Grab.«
Und drei Tage drauf, aus dem Doppeldachhaus,
Trugen von Ribbeck sie hinaus,
Alle Bauern und Büdner mit Feiergesicht
Sangen »Jesus meine Zuversicht«,
Und die Kinder klagten, das Herze schwer:
»He is dod nu. Wer giwt uns nu 'ne Beer?«

So klagten die Kinder. Das war nicht recht -
Ach, sie kannten den alten Ribbeck schlecht;
Der neue freilich, der knausert und spart,
Hält Park und Birnbaum strenge verwahrt.
Aber der alte, vorahnend schon
Und voll Mißtraun gegen den eigenen Sohn,
Der wußte genau, was damals er tat,
Als um eine Birn' ins Grab er bat,
Und im dritten Jahr aus dem stillen Haus
Ein Birnbaumsprößling sproßt heraus.

Und die Jahre gingen wohl auf und ab,
Längst wölbt sich ein Birnbaum über dem Grab,
Und in der goldenen Herbsteszeit
Leuchtet's wieder weit und breit.
Und kommt ein Jung' übern Kirchhof her,
So flüstert's im Baume: »Wiste 'ne Beer?«
Und kommt ein Mädel, so flüstert's: »Lütt Dirn,
Kumm man röwer, ick gew' di 'ne Birn.«

So spendet Segen noch immer die Hand
Des von Ribbeck auf Ribbeck im Havelland.

Same as the other guy.

Nice name, trad is best (assuming it's trad)

Not my favourite but that's because it reminds me of the name "Carol" which I dislike not because the name itself is bad


I like this name

Why are you asking me about names, m8?


That was terrible. The noise in the background is my dog licking his paws.



You sound like you're being forced at gunpoint to read the text
Take a deep breath mate

you know why
i like you though.

n-nein.. Ich habe eigentlich keine Ahnung was du damit meinst

El parangaricutirimicuaro se parangaricutirimizó, y el que lo logre desparangaricutirimizar será un buen parangaricutirimizador.

this is my first attempt at speaking German after relistening this part on youtube for probably fifty times. So could i pass as a local in you country?

Do you guys like Cologne?

he misses u becca and of course he will raise ur child

Dem Bayerischen heere

It's nice enough but not my favourite spot. Not many outdoorsy things to do in general in NRW

steady boy

Probably wouldn't pass as a local, but you can do Milchschnitte commercials.


Yes Nigel

Fuck you

Begorra, you're but an Anglo-Saxon sucking of Celtic Irish land after all

Oops, forgot this was a Vocaroo thread, here you go, Sassanach

someone read this please

My relationship towards tulips is inherently Lynchian. I think they are disgusting. Just imagine. Aren't these some kind of, how do you call it, vagina dentata, dental vaginas threatening to swallow you? I think that flowers are something inherently disgusting. I mean, are people aware what a horrible thing these flowers are? I mean, basically it's an open invitation to all insects and bees, "Come and screw me," you know? I think that flowers should be forbidden to children.

any chance of some French tonight?

Just as much of a chance as getting a scot in here
aka, no

Can you give me something very american to read? I love america's culture and the people there. Every time I talk to an american, it's like talking to a movie character.

>Just as much of a chance as getting a scot in here

He was here all along, you just never realised

Father and I went down to camp
Along with Captain Gooding
And there we saw the men and boys
As thick as hasty pudding.

Yankee doodle, keep it up
Yankee doodle dandy
Mind the music and the step
And with the girls be handy.

There was Captain Washington
Upon a slapping stallion
A-giving orders to his men
I guess there was a million.

And then the feathers on his hat
They looked so’ tarnal fin-a
I wanted pockily to get
To give to my Jemima.

And then we saw a swamping gun
Large as a log of maple
Upon a deuced little cart
A load for father’s cattle.


try this

Hey dude wanna go down to yer locale Mac-Doughnalds afta we hit up Bud's gun fur that beauty of ah Ayy-Kay-Em I saw onna muh pee-see?


god bless you


dog bles amercia

holy fuck that's a perfect spurdo voice, great job

absolutely wheezing

Today I learned that Ukrainian accents sound very much like Nigerian ones

top kek

what's so funny about spurdo accent? And how do I force myself to speak like a cowboy?

You pronounce the drawn out slang words in a way that sounds very formal, for one, and you had small pauses in between words which fits well with your accent for a spurdo impersonation

just speak like him. this is what american english sounds like to non-native english speakers


after many failed attempts
it must take years to achieve such a perfect accent impersonation

That sounds like a normal american accent, kek

Caso contigo, Carmela
Caso cumpras condição
Cobrarei casa, comida,
Cama, cavalo, canção
Carinho, cobres, cachaça,
Carnaval camaradão
Cassino (com conta certa)
Cerveja, coleira e cão,
Chevrolet cinco cilindros
Canja e consideração,
Calista, cabelereiro
Cinema, calefação,
Chá, café, confeitaria,
Chocolate, chimarrão
Casemira – cinco cortes
Cada compra, comissão,
Conforto, comodidades,
Cachimbo, calma,… caixão,
Convem-te, cara Carmela?
(caso contrário, cabaças!
Casarei com Conceição.)
Caso contigo, Carmela,
Correndo com coração!…

>it must take years to achieve such a perfect accent impersonation

Be thankful you're going for a yank accent. By all accounts I hear it's far easier to immitate the majority of yank accents as opposed to bong