Things about countries that ruined them for you

Japan: Found out cheating is very acceptable there, gave me the impression Japanese are very disloyal and spineless people. 2 nukes weren't enough

The Japanese allow a lot of rotten behavior as long as nobody calls attention to it. Read up on tatemae and honne.

>tatemae and honne
That's not that unique to Japan though. For example in Germany everyone pretends to be a moderate refugee loving person, while Germans are actually Nazi.

There was a business conference in Slough I had to go to, and someone stole all of my shit from my hotel room. I am still mad about it six years later.

This has nothing to do with the Japs being spineless, in the whole Asia they still have the idea of marriage being done for the family and not for love. No shit they end up cheating.

That would be me


Finland is an EXTREMELY boring place to live

Used to think England was this really posh country but it turns out it's full of poverty and failure.




this FUCK g*rmany

>full of extremism

traveling the ME is one of my dreams, but they're making it hard allahdamnit.

No one gives a fuck about cheating.

you don't give a fuck until you have to pay money for the raising of Tyrone's kid

>For example in Germany everyone pretends to be a moderate refugee loving person, while Germans are actually Nazi.
100% true

Why is no one voting for afd or npd then?

Face it we have millions of refugee welcome retards here that really mean it.

Guess my Japanese cartoons lied to me yet again.

>one of the most peaceful and functional societies in the world

If you're a man you should be alright.

Croatia is half empty

al tam dolazim ljetovat sta ti pricas rvacka je super

Ethinic S*edes are spineless pussies who can't raise their kids