Movies better than the books

Movies better than the books.

>Pic related

Fuck that stupid alien that some psychic bitch paints. So god damn retarded. Hack Snyder actually did a better job. Also casting was top tier except for ozymandias

hi fat amerifuck who can't read

i'm Peruvian you shithead

get out of my dota

I love this film
But if you unironically think that movie better than comic, you don't understand anything

Is that ass photoshopped a bit? It looks too good to be true

My big issue was how Snyder gave them all super strength. Able to punch large men across the room and bend steel bars/smash through concrete.

>Movies better than the books.
If you just quickly glanced at the pictures of the graphic novel, sure.

And even then.

Thought this was good on first viewing, great even, but I tried to watch it again and its sooooo fucking slow and Rorschach is a literal edgelord meme. Couldnt finish it.

Movie needs to be rewatchable to have any merit for me. 5/10.


dont get mad, try reading the Hobbit book today. it really is for 5 year olds.

the extended movie gives so much more. the extended Gandalf Galdriel Elrond scenes are pure kino.

>Rorschach is a literal edgelord meme
that was the point, he was Alan Moore's criticism of overly zealous black and white morality type heroes

some are just incapable, user.

>no refrigerator ambush
>watered down axe scene
>rorschach blood splatter

The extended edition is much better than the original but seriously there are so many scenes that are JUST, especially Legolas ones(why the fuck is he even there?).

I think that the thing can be best summed by the Smaug CGI in the 2nd part. Some of this shit is super high quality, some was so shit that they've tried(and failed) to hide it with blur.

What am I supposed to be noticing?

I haven't read it but I hear the other adaptation which is faithful is total dogshit, so I reckon Kubrick's Shining is also better than the book

hi fat peruvian who can't read

>so I reckon Kubrick's Shining is also better than the book
It is. The movie uses the basic plot to tell a much more compelling story. The book is alright but it's got a lot of corny elements, like killer garden hoses and hedge sculptures.

I loved the comic book, never liked the ending as a whole (Except for the rorshach revenge from the tomb part in the very last panel)

The effect is kinda lost, but that whole chapter is titled "fearful symmetries" and it was designed to read as a mirror. First page (Rorschach walking up to Moloch's apartment) echoes the last (Rorschach captured right outside Moloch's apartment), second page echoes the second to last, and so on, with the mirror colliding at the center with that double-page spread.

Fight Club

It is unfathomable to me how anyone liked the TRILOGY of hobbit movies more than the book.

Pretty much any ass that isn't 30 pounds of cellulite looks good in hi-gloss latex