Remember when football used to be right wing Americana...

Remember when football used to be right wing Americana, and would never support liberal virtue signalling and identity politics?

When the hell happened?

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drumpfkins vote against their own economic interests


remember when it was legal to burn leafs

national anthem shouldn't be played at games in the first place, glad this dumb tradition is getting blown up

You're all fuckin idiots if you think this thing is actually a big deal

It is kind of pointlessly patriotic to play the anthem for domestic games.

Hockey is next,leaf. Better prepare your anus.

But the economy and stock market have skyrocketed since he got elected, you leftist retard.

I thought this was a tan line picture, I am now very disappointed

the owners are hoping the players will stop

but its only gotten worse

my high school did it, so did others.. so did my college.

and I am sure all the poor rural voters will see no benefit from that

>yes, get rid of all your traditions
>nationalism is bad, globalism is good
>be a good goy
If every single one of you was dragged into the street and savagely beaten to death the world would be a much better place

my high school did but before the players came out

So Drumpf is taking credit for Obama's economy? That's fucking rich coming from nazis lol

Yes they will you leftist retard. You can invest in the stock market and not live in a progressive urban utopia.

Blind nationalism is fascism, achmed

flag ceremonies and air force fly overs are very new things funded by special interests, not "traditions"

>50% of hillary voters were non white
>non whites have lowest incomes
>he thinks hillary voters earned more than trump voters
cmon man

Its been a fucking year, and the stock market rally started right after he was elected after months of idling. Wall Street analysts universally raised their guidence for the S&P 500 once Trump won.

How long will you SJWs pretend that the current economic growth is somehow caused by Obama?

Aw how cute, the underager from an irrelevant country chimes in.

What significant legislation has Trump passed that made him have a roaring economy? He haven't passed any bills and said there was 30 percent national unemployment before he took office but nothing much has change , he's still riding on obama economy

A huge percentage of Trump voters said they voted for him because of the economy, and specifically because they felt they were forgotten by the government.

AKA poor fucks whose work became outdated due to technology growth or cheaper labor overseas. And now these people want the government to help, ie pick the winners and losers, which is supposed to be the devil for the very party they support. Hilarious.

It’s called Replacement Theory: the NFL literally can’t figure out who their audience is with all the noise going on and they think they base is the people kneeling

Fat chance there's like 5 black players and kneeling on a bench makes you look stupid.

much of the economic growth is market confidence by investors, who believe Trump's policies will have a positive impact. What you think is causing the impact doesn't matter, as the user you replied to mentioned it's what Wall Street thinks that matters.

>white people are an oppressed group

Don't you go talking shit about fly overs now.

but in reality trump voters out earned hillary voters

feel free to look it up

the pundits told us trump would crash the markets, same with brexit

seems they were wrong

They just need one and it'll make national news.

>Implying they aren't oppressed in a society that rewards you for having colored skin.

they're better when done by old collectors in wwII planes

>no porn actresses with that body

Why even live, bros?

Right wingers used to be bro-tier and voted for people like W. Now they're beta bitch boys who whine about girls playing vidya and comic books with minorities. Why would an alpha football player want to be associated with the right in 2017?

>porn actresses

What difference does it make? It's not like you're the one feeling her up.

>confusing berniebros for right wingers

Blind nationalism isn't the same thing as patriotism.
>flag ceremonies
Is a very old tradition, but being froma country which is a fucking fetus in comparison to Europe I wouldn't expect you to understand
Yeah, because a country which only has 9 million people living in it has only came up a bunch of the biggest companies in the world like IKEA, H&M, Spotify, Skype, Electrolux and Volvo. And from a population of 9 million Sweden have produced many of the top songwriters and artists in this century. What about sports you say? Sweden is 7th place in Olympic medals total while being 89th in total population.

You can take that irrelevant country comment and shove it up your fat fucking ass.

This. No reason to play anthems unless it's Olympics, World Cup, etc.

>Confusing Chad's with internet dorks

Very sad!

I know, turns out pundits wanted to believe Wall Street would validate their predictions. I lost a bit of money selling some stock off hoping to buy in at a lower price but it just went up.

No reason to watch sports either, now that you have broadband internet and nothing on your computer blocking gay porn websites.


Far right wingers were cool back in the 90's when they were basically heavily armed libertarians looking to get revenge for shit like Waco and Ruby Ridge. Bootlickers were a mistake.

>t. José Luis Garcia
You have to go back

Showing this type of shit on TV as opposed to just quickly running through the anthem while the athletes are in the locker room absolutely is a new practice done for marketing purposes. J

>right wingers
>voted for W
In 2000 I voted for Buchanan after Trump dropped out. In 2004 I voted for Peroutka.

You jackoffs calling this "virtue-signaling" probably would've said the exact same thing about MLK.
>stfu darkies reeeeeeee

The sport was invented by Ivy League college students, so no I can't say I do.

Sweden isn't a country, it's a fraternity. Your time in the barrel is coming, but until then STFU.

I never write that tax funded marketing contracts is a good idea. But standing up for your flag and national anthem should be a fucking requirement if you're a professional athlete. I was pissed when the Swedish hockey league removed the national anthem during regular season games back in 2012. That's just one more tool to remove national pride. It begins with the removal of national anthems at sports, then it finishes with the removal of them altogether.

if your pride is so fragile that it shatters without hearing the anthem daily, maybe it wasn't there to begin with.

I won't argue with a straw man

I heard the anthem or said the pledge every day from age 5 to age 18.

They were all Republicans back then.

>What the hell happened?
The league turned 75% black and the ownership turned kosher

patriotism is for retards. that's probably why it's not popular among jews.

Back when Republicans were considered Democrats and Democrats considered Republican?

>right wing...would never support virtue signalling and identity politics
As if standing and having a stadium-sized hands-free orgasm to the flag isn't virtue signaling and identity politics

But it's the good kind of "virtue signaling"; the one aimed at me.

it hasnt translated to any significant gains for the average trump voter so why do you care? of course investors will respond positively to anti-regulation/tax zealots, but short term confidence doesnt tranlate to long term economic health. actual economists (i.e. people who analyze markets for a living and arent just trying to get rich) dont support many elements of trump's agenda.

>the american flag is political

I'm not disagreeing with that, just saying that this guy was missing the point.

and actually I do disagree with some of it. The average trump voter made significant capital gains if he has an average amount of stocks.

paul krugman told me markets would never recover from trump

>Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.

many economists have been exposed as leftists hacks

when you see chinese kids doing it you call it crazy brainwashing

when you blah blah you call it blah blah

Fuck you leaf I'm on nofap

>But it's the good kind of "virtue signaling"; the one aimed at me.
Exactly. The most egregious, outrageous kinds of bullshit suddenly become just fine when they're the kind somebody likes.

If the after the flag and military worship the players *also* had to stand for a salute to the LGBT flag the right would have an aneurism out their ass.

"U-S-Gay! U-S-Gay!"

The owners are greedy pieces of shit who finally decided they had enough of the orange idiot in the White House when he targeted their bottom line.

This entire weekend was a publicity stunt meant to say "Fuck ME? No, fuck YOU." to Drumpf. If the owners of these teams gave a shit about blacks being gunned down by cops they wouldn't be blackballing Kaepernick.

if we did this they would do that

Leftists infecting everything so it caters to their 'needs', even if they don't partake in it.

Vidya, comic books, sports, movies, all have been pushed to the left thanks to those fags.

god i would let her turn my mouth into her personal pussy washing machine

No it fucking hasn't shit's worse than ever

good reply, you'd make a president

It seems like this protest is now creating a sentiment that people want to abandon the national anthem before games all together.

Wow it's like once an institution becomes majority black it goes to shit. Nobody could've seen this coming.

>Being this retarded
Even I know the stock market is at the highest it's ever been due to speculation over Trumps economic policy.
At least fucking google it before you post ffs

> this protest is now creating a sentiment that people want to abandon the national anthem before games all together
Which is actually the fault of the US government and military themselves.

About 10 years ago the Pentagon started paying the NFL millions to act as recruiters for the military, by using the opening ceremonies to associate the players and teams with "the troops." This was then expanded to all notions of government force - including cops.

And it was that association that then gave Kaep the possibility of kneeling in protest. Had football's opening ceremonies stayed the anthem and flag, as they'd been since the beginning, everything would have been simple and fine.

So the military have been hoist on their own petard, by secretly trying to get Americans to associate sports with the military.

The stock market being "good" means nothing for working people, wages are still way down, poverty is still way up, and with any kind of infrastructure getting torn down because of muh budget muh big government it's going to get far worse.

Right they are a paying sponsor of the NFL, it's not like the NFL gives the military free air time.


''working people'' are the ones that bumped it up.
They invested in the stock market.
Also I'm pretty sure one of Trumps policies was to eliminate tax for the poorest people and lower it for small businesses.
>muh budget, muh big government
It's the same everywhere and has been for decades.

To say that Trump has detrimented your economy is downright bollocks, if anything the opposite is true and muh poor people are worse off isn't an argument, it's happening everywhere due to inflation

Thats the opposite of true tho?

do you even know when airplanes were invented you fucking ass? What is old to you? Just shut up because you don't know anything

Republicans have more money than libbies tho so im not shre what youre driving at

There's literally an article about Joel Ward, the blackest hockey player, saying he might kneel

Wrong, all of the following are Trump policies that benefit the economic interests of every American citizen:
>deport illegals who illegally work for less than minimum wage which Americans literally can't compete with, and who then take advantage of taxpayer-funded government services because they can't live off their wages alone
>secure the border to block more illegals from doing the same thing
>punish outsourcing
>negotiate with companies to keep jobs here
>reduce H1-Bs to reduce competition for jobs
>create energy jobs
>rescind DACA to reduce competition for jobs
>lower taxes for everyone

Best President in decades if you actually look at his policies and his actions to enact those policies, instead of believing the lies spewed by a media owned by the globalists who Trump's policies hurt.

The military buy airtime, but what other sponsors don't get is all the in-game hero worship.

That association, between the sports that every boy in America grows up playing and loving and hoping to do, and joining the military to be cannon fodder, is exactly what the Pentagon wanted with their secret arrangement.

This is very, very different than just advertising a product during football games. It's more akin to product placement in movies - the same way millions of Americans were hooked on cigarettes because tobacco companies paid movie studios to have characters in movies shown smoking. And that then lead to billions in profits for the tobacco companies, and hundreds of billions in health care costs pushed onto the public, and millions of painful deaths - pretty much how it works with the cannon fodder and the military.

Sweden NO

Remember when we used to lynch blacks, beat wives and kill homos?

Them was good times.

Seek help

NFL is fucking gay and always has been

You can't be this fucking stupid. The stock market is NOT indicative of the economy as a whole and it doesn't affect the vast majority or Americans day-to-day.

The realm of art has always been liberal you absolute dunce.

No, what the fuck are you on about
If you mean handegg though then yes

Trump voters have a higher average income than Hillary voters, you retarded leftist.

No wonder your party lost it all.

>The stock market is NOT indicative of the economy
Yes it is you absolute faggot.

The stock market performance is dependent on the earnings of actual major businesses, and their earnings are directly a result of a good economy.

And lets not even get into the increased GDP forcasts, you stupid leftist moron.

>You can't be this fucking stupid
Don't issue them that kind of challenge.