What are the most memorable NOPE moments in cinema?

What are the most memorable NOPE moments in cinema?

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>white male


There's a scene in Tampopo where they casually cut a turtle in half

I literally got triggered, god damn

Bravo being a faggot and not mentioning the movie

>not immediately knowing that movie

You need to fuck off lad.

You're madder than a cut snake. Yeah bet you'd like a go, fucken doodle diddler. Your mum was a pretty good root, bro. You've got about as much agency as a boong has brain cells. Don't be dog, bro. Oi some cunt came up to me the other day asking for two dollars so he could get the train to centerlink, I told the cunt to fuck off. Could you just take one second out of your day to stop buggering blokes, you fucking bum burglar? Mate could you stop being a fucken faggot for like one second please? Hang on just need to pop on down to the servo to pick up some durries... Alright I'm back now. Oi I bet you don't even know which time preference is the good one. How many Weet-Bix do you do, mate? Any less than ten and you're a soft cunt. I bet your mum didn't even let you watch Cheez TV before school. You are LITERALLY a jew. Cunt's fucked. Tie me kangaroo down, sport. top kek. Just kidding mate. HAHAHA! HE'S NEVER EVEN HAD A LAMINGTON! You're so cheap you wouldn't shout if a shark bit you. Make a sentence out of "fucked" and "get", mate.
>Actually supporting Trump.

Why do you even need a car, just use public transport.

Fucking houso faggots. What do you even need a gun for? We have police for a reason. Haha, what the fuck did you just say to me, you little poof?

watch more good films, idiot



Vamanoos children!

I saw Zodiace when it came out in theaters you stupid faggots. Most of you were probably not even born. Doesn't excuse stupid subhuman faggots for not even mentioning what they are talking about.

>I saw Zodiance

It's not really a big deal in retrospect but in the narrative of the film up to that point, the "Hell" scenes in Event Horizon are jarring enough to be pretty "Nope!".

>I need everything spelled out for me

You must be a Whedon fan.

>he can't even copy/paste
You're both retarded




Good god damn, that was a fuckery. Awesome movie.

My wrist had this kind of tingling ache in it for the next 10 minutes after this scene. And not in the good way like you want.


what movie?

this scene always gave me a boner..

Obligatory Lynch #1


Obligatory Lynch #2

in Kill List when they go out into the forest and then later down in the sewer. scary as fuck

Obligatory Lynch #3

that was bad but I nearly shit my pants when that dude got his stomach slit open

I'm not a fan of Kill List but the suspense in those final ten minutes was unbearable.

Obligatory Lynch #4
(personal favourite)

Also didn't recognise it, and i've seen zodiac.

this piece of crap was easily the worst movie of 2016

Your epic my dude.

Bone Tomahawk

Will a single person even know this one?

>that harsh noise when he cuts the nerve
nope. fuck that

I'm guessing you haven't seen many bad movies then, or movies in general

That fucking sound though.

That scene from Pet Semetary where the the dead kid slashes that old man's ankle/achilles tendon.

That movie is like a few years old.

what is reading file names

Conspiracy spooed me a little

This will always have to be at the top of any cinematic nope list for me. I honestly thought I was going to faint in the cinema by the time the looping, droning, stroboscopic journey through the S&M club ended with THIS fucking scene.

I'd seen I Stand Alone before, but still wasn't quite ready for Gaspar in full force, with a fire extinguisher.

oh god, that scene was horrifying

there's another one in that movie

Poor Herman Munster. I felt sorry for him.

rip david bowie

>GOTF when narrator says she didnt wake up
>funny games where they reverse time
>jaws where they start sinking
just listing a few im looking at on my shelf

Four words: King Kong's bug pit.


ITT: reddit.

similar homosexuals


Reddit damage control.

comparable fairies

>oh noez, that flick literally shook me
>omg that flick fucked me up when I was a 7 year old

identical poofters

>posts a fake gore scene that "shook him up"
>whines when being called a reddit

Is Misery your best horror movie ever too, fucking faggot?

akin gays

who are you quoting?


this scene did it for me

Why are you so mad?


Also obviously the birthday party from Signs.


Why are redditors so moved/fucked up by fiction?