Free Spotify stopped working. What are some alternatives...

Free Spotify stopped working. What are some alternatives? I'm mainly using soulseek and transfer all the songs over to my phone, and only use Spotify if I forgot to transfer a song or an album.
>No YouTube

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It didn't stop working you downer

It certainly did for me.

There is a working apk made by alphagsmers, you can google it and is probably the first result you get. The problem is if you got the email from spotify or the "incorrect user/password" error, you'll have to create a new account

Hahaha now you gonna have to PAY like the rest of us, you leech. :)

I'm using a web version and log in once every 2 weeks from proxy. I'm from Russia. Everything works fine.

I stopped using Spotify since the ads are no longer automatically blocked by my adblocker. 3 songs followed by 90 seconds of ads, piss off.

For the PC I'm using the official free app and an ad blocker. It's called EZ Blocker.
Last time I checked the web version + ublock also worked well

www115. *cough cough*

>What are some alternatives?

We meant for the smart people to use.

>using (((spotify)))

This actually works btw

This really worked! Thanks!

>pic related


>Not digitially owning 100gbs+ of music

Get a job at Starbucks you nut.

people always bash on spotify in these threads but rarely mention a good fucking alternative.
I'm genuinely interested.

This is OP

what is downloading music

Enjoy your virus, idiot.

the absolute state of poorfags

Download your own music.

Digital Copies>Streaming>CDs>Cassette>Vinyls

soulseek and a portable flac player with external storage

>streaming music
retards itt

Google Play Music