Today was just a preview of November 2016

Today was just a preview of November 2016

The massive ass pain you've seen today is just a fraction of the nuclear shitstorm that would happen when Trump becomes president

Just check out the these salty fucks from leddit haha (read the comments)
leddit com/r/QuotesPorn/comments/4pmccv/the_best_argument_against_democracy_winston/
leddit com/r/nottheonion/comments/4pmumd/what_is_the_eu_trends_on_google_in_the_uk_as_the/

Other urls found in this thread:

trump won't get elected.

Brexit will never happen

I like how you link trump to the brexit. other people do to, and you know how britian will be doing in a few months? - badly.

Is that your happening prediction?

yeah dude Britain should just keep taking imf bank loans which were mainly being used to ethnically replace them, I mean 20 years of a mediocre economy and then racial suicide is better then a bad economy but a continual existence right?

kill yourself poland

just to make my point a bit more clear

trump = brexit
brexit = (probably) bad
trump = ?

people will think that way. and we can safely assume that britian won't be doing well in the upcomming months.


I never stated my opinion on the brexit, I only stated facts. learn how to read you fucking cucks.


Fuck off Mohamed

The economy was going to tank eventually, all the western banks are based on funny jew money.

Ripping the band aid off now just means that Britain wont have the money to important pakis and give them welfare.

>complaining about democracy
literal facists

It's ok, Trump will make it so you can come to U.S. to scrub toilets, LEGALLY.

k. and?

it seems like you too acknowledge that britian will face a recession / worsening in the upcoming months, and that was what I said if you read it carefully.

the brexit might have been a good decision in the long run but the election is in a few months not years.

Why are you surprised? Mao and Stalin weren't democratic

no sorry won't have time for that cuz I have a stolen from the USA job in the IT (feel good man).

You also need to remember how many british people are already unemployed and that half the country was making under 20k pounds a year.

I highly doubt after all the fear mongering the bongs will back down.

The left is in panic mode today all across the western world including Poland .
They were all so sure that the Brits would happily keep the chains on and that Big-Brother EU.S.S.R. would still call the shots .
I'm sure that within three years , other countries will start leaving the EU.S.S.R. . Probably Poland too . Things are changing .

Will Trump be Prez ??? Why not ?
Cruiser - Things Gotta Change

>I like how you link trump to the brexit. other people do to

They don't link Trump to Brexit, they are making fun of liberal retards who live in a bubble where everything that's against the globalist narrative is impossible and will never happen until it does.

Sup Forums is truly fucking delusional if they actually believe Trump will win.

badly how so? life for the average joe will be better but I know how bad a break up of the EU will be for you slav nation on EU wel fare

Sup Forums is truly fucking delusional if they actually believe brtexit will win

That argument doesn't work because the polls between Remain and Leave showed the referendum was too close to call.

Clinton is shitting on Trump in the GE and states that matter.

He's got as good a shot as any. The truly delusional ones are libshits like you who are either too afraid or too arrogant to at least entertaint the possibility of something happening that makes them feel uncomfortable. That's why you will ultimately lose. You always underestimate your opposition and you overestimate your own competence.

Hahaha what a fucking cuck you are i cant bealive it

>Liberal as long as it suits them
Who the fuck cares about these psycho-millenials. Throw them into therapy.

Actually for weeks polls showed a good 4-6% lead for remain, which was even higher earlier on. Trump is actually doing better against Clinton in polls than Leave did vs Remain at that stage of their campaign.

Its a virtual tie in most swing states GE don't fucking matter

>brexit won't make it and trump won't be elected

The polls now are better than leave was just a few weeks ago, and even then leave's turnout surpassed all expectations in nearly every single district. Polling cannot, at the end of the day, fully take turnout into account, and Trump riles people up while Clinton gets passive indifference at best.

>libshits like you

I stopped reading there. You have a source for that user? Stop acting like Tumblr

>y-you are not for sanders? you must be a fucking stupid bigoted trump supporter omg


You cop out, meme sprouting piece of shit.

source on those polls?


>ask for proof
>and suddenly the cucks callers settled down and the thread froze

makes you go like hmmmmm.....